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The new gremlin in town


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Hello guys.
I'm still new to Malifaux but I can already said that I love this game. As my first starter I chose Ophelia (Ah this spicy gremlin lady) and already played two games with my friend which persuaded me to buy a game. One game i winned (against Zoraida) and second I lost (against Lilith)(people in my city mostly played with Neverborn or Ten Thunders).
Week ago to my team joined Sammy (as gift).

Now I thinking what I can buy more to my team. First choice are Slob Haulers. I already know that I will need those two guys to heal and hardcore reckless. But what next? I thinking about Gracie, Swine-Cursed or Iron Skeeter (this last for make my crew more mobily). I also thinked about Rooster Riders.
Any tips for me?

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Slop Haulers are a great choice, definitely one to pick up asap, and while they're great healers they can also pack quite a punch which is especially helpful when you are just starting out and don't have so many models, since they can fill support and offensive roles (and the fact they can drop enemies to Df4 helps out your other models a lot).

The other models you've listed are generally pretty good choices, but of everything you mentioned, only Slop Haulers and Swine Cursed are minions, everything else is an Enforcer or Henchman. That's not bad in itself, but some strategies and schemes want you to have minions and some want you to have enforcers. Bayou Gremlins and Lightning Bugs are two really good cheap minions.

Personally though if you were to want Iron skeeters, Bayou Gremlins or Lightning Bugs I would recommend buying Zipp's, Som'er's or Wong's box respectively because they each come with those minions, and you also get a Henchman/Enforcer which is quite useful as well as the master.

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 Id say from where you are my next 4 boxes would be:

Somers box, Zipp box, a box of bayou gremlin and a box of lighting bugs.

This gives you 3 Masters and great crew selection to play any of them. If you want a cheap box to expand right into first I'd go 

1) lightning bugs box

2) Bayou Gremlins box (at this point you have the models for a sold 50 ss crew)

3) Zipp box ( more options great master)

4) Somer box (the extra 3 bayou let you use Zipp and sommers summoning and Somer and his totem are amazing)

After purchase 2 you end up with a strong 50ss of

50 SS Gremlins Crew
Ophelia + 4 Pool
Young LaCroix (2)
Young LaCroix (2)
Young LaCroix (2)
Francois LaCroix (7)
 - Stilts (1)
Raphael LaCroix (7)
 - Dirty Cheater (1)
Pere Ravage (6)
Lightning Bug (5)
Lightning Bug (5)
Lightning Bug (5)
Bayou Gremlin (3)
Bayou Gremlin (3)


50 SS Gremlins Crew
Ophelia + 4 Pool
Young LaCroix (2)
Young LaCroix (2)
Young LaCroix (2)
Francois LaCroix (7)
 - Stilts (1)
Sammy LaCroix (7)
 - My Threatenin' Gun (1)
Raphael LaCroix (7)
 - Dirty Cheater (1)
Lightning Bug (5)
Lightning Bug (5)
Bayou Gremlin (3)
Bayou Gremlin (3)
Bayou Gremlin (3)

 Leaves you with some good flexibility.

Also especially for Ophelia and Zipp I recommend getting the new upgrade cards (from a friend for now if you have to) because both masters got a cool boost from the new cards.



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I agree with Dogmantra and would strongly advice against buying Lightning Bugs as their own box if there's even a slight possibility that you would buy Wong's box somewhere down the line. You can easily substitute Lightning Bugs with Slop Haulers - they aren't the same but both cost 5SS and are great and versatile Minions.

Bayou Gremlins you can buy in their own box since Somer likes to have more than he gets in his own box so they aren't "wasted" as such but using more than three Lightning Bugs is extremely rare (though I suppose you could if you really wanted to and Somer giving them all the Slow Trigger would make them annoying - I don't recommend it, though).

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Thanks guys for advices. But you know I can't buy this all at once (average salary in middle-east europe, family etc.). Now I think buy Slob Haulers and Wong box. With it I will ad to my collection nice healers (2 minions), 3 lighting bugs (3 minions). Plus new Henchman that is nice in melee. Plus new master to replace Ophelia depending on the situation with strategy and shemes.

Next boxes I will buy surely in January.

What do you think?

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I think that's a fine plan! Slop Haulers and then any one of the three boxes (Wong, Somer, Zipp) works great. You'll be able to play Ophelia and the other Master and build competitive list from that pool of models.

It also gives you time to paint stuff before buying new stuff, which is always great :) 

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17 hours ago, Karevos said:

Thanks guys for advices. But you know I can't buy this all at once (average salary in middle-east europe, family etc.). Now I think buy Slob Haulers and Wong box. With it I will ad to my collection nice healers (2 minions), 3 lighting bugs (3 minions). Plus new Henchman that is nice in melee. Plus new master to replace Ophelia depending on the situation with strategy and shemes.

Next boxes I will buy surely in January.

What do you think?

Also note that lighting bugs are great healers as well given the right situation. But it's a fine plan and your getting some of the best minions in the faction. Also for Wong Swine-Cursed are great to add to the list when you get the chance. Good luck!

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  • 5 months later...

Hello again guys. I would like to ask you for advice. The traditional question - what do you advise to buy next?
For now I have: Ophelia Box, Wong box, Swine-Cursed, Sammy, Slob Haulers, Cranky. As you can see (when you look on my previous posts in this topic) only new models in my collection from Gremlins are Haulers and Cranky.
I like Wong, on local tournaments is very competetive and models from The Kin are good supplement (Francois and Raphael), but I wanna also something new or more rotation.
I thought about Brewmaster, Mah Tucker and Zipp. But mostly Brewie and Mah. I know that Somer is good and universal, but I dont like him in fluff :P.

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Brewmaster is not top tier, so you should think twice before getting him. With your current models I would advise Mah or Zipp.

Mah will give you a new playstyle (close combat with pushes) and after getting her and box of wrestlers, you can make many funny lists. Her box will give you Trixie, she is nice Hench.

Zipp box will give you Iron Skeeters (read gremlin taxi) and master who has also different playstyle than Wong or Ophelia.



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3 hours ago, Karevos said:

Hello again guys. I would like to ask you for advice. The traditional question - what do you advise to buy next?
For now I have: Ophelia Box, Wong box, Swine-Cursed, Sammy, Slob Haulers, Cranky. As you can see (when you look on my previous posts in this topic) only new models in my collection from Gremlins are Haulers and Cranky.
I like Wong, on local tournaments is very competetive and models from The Kin are good supplement (Francois and Raphael), but I wanna also something new or more rotation.
I thought about Brewmaster, Mah Tucker and Zipp. But mostly Brewie and Mah. I know that Somer is good and universal, but I dont like him in fluff :P.


Somer+Bayou Gremlins+Burt Jebsen+Merris LaCroix.
And you are ready to go.

As result you will get  very strong and novice friendly master Somer who will have lots of Bayou gremlins to summon, slops to heal, Merris to do schemes Burt/Francois/Raphael to crush faces.


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4 hours ago, Karevos said:

Hello again guys. I would like to ask you for advice. The traditional question - what do you advise to buy next?
For now I have: Ophelia Box, Wong box, Swine-Cursed, Sammy, Slob Haulers, Cranky. 

I know that Somer is good and universal, but I dont like him in fluff :P

So I feel with that setup you can make some pretty nice lists for both Ophelia and Wong.

Crewbox wise:

  • Brewmaster is very different, but imo not a very strong master. imo you really need Trixie to play him in Gremlins. His box though does come with Fingers who is a fantastic henchmen and can really ruin people's days if there is a heavy interact scheme pool. Moon Shinobi was very nice sculpts and fun models but not competitive. 
  • Mah box comes with Mah who imo is also a subpar master (imo one of the weakest in the game). Her boxes comes with Trixie who is probably one of the best henchmen in Gremlins. Cheating initiative and Gremlin lure is pretty universally useful. Bushwhackers are pretty useless but at least nice models. 
  • Zipp boxes imo is great. Zipp is a great and flexible master. Iron Skeeters are both useful taxi models and harassers (they pair well with a lot of kin models). The first mate is an amazing scheme runner though imo Trixie, Fingers and Merris can do his role 
  • Somer box: Even if you don't like Somer his box is still pretty useful. Bayou Gremlins are still cheap spammable models and Lenny does work with Kin and Gracie handing out :ram in non Somer lists (glowy Gracie + saddle + Lenny can be a very resilient killing squad)

Single boxes:

  • Burt is still a very useful model and good generalist. Cracker jack timing works well with Wong ;)
  • Whiskey Golem is useful in supply wagon and a cool model 
  • Gracie is a tank and works well with Wong's glowy (min damage 5 with :ram)
  • Merris is a fantastic scheme runner. Also killing models by burning gets around schemes like Take One For the Team
  • Survivors: At 4 pts and paired with slop haulers they are pretty durable cheap models
  • Criers: Haven't used them much, but they make Mah a playable master
  • Taxidermists: They are pretty useful killy models that can also summon stuffed pigs. If you play against Ressers can also steal their corpse markers



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