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I didn't follow much of the beta. What did we get for wave 5 models?


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The Jury, a marshal henchman that makes it easier to get mask triggers and ramps up the fees condition

Investigator, a guardsmen minion the a lot of marker manipulation

Queller, witchhunter minion that removes suits from enemies and can gives other models a condition that makes their damage dealt unable to be reduced.

Monster hunter, a family minion with stalk that excels at taking down higher SS enemies

Domador de Cadaveres, a marshal that lets you hire an undead model with some synergies with undead models, and has attack that damages enemies and heal friendlies.

Riot breaker, construct that prevents extra AP, and in general limits what enemy models can do.

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We've got three(!) models focused on screwing with the enemy's plans without killing them, and just one (the monster hunter) who does good old-fashioned murdering. Not that the Jury doesn't hit well for her cost, but she's also got crew support.

The Jury stays in theme, the domador shatters it. The riotbreaker and monster hunter stay in theme. The queller and investigator bring disruption like we haven't had before, so I'm not sure how 'in-theme' they are (they're like journalists, which didn't get any new ones yet).

The investigator can push any model, the riotbreakers push themselves, and it's passive and off-activation both cases.


As for stompybot (*happy sigh* the art was way back in Through the Breach and it looks amazing) its super duper amazing ability stops enemies in an aura from generating extra AP on their activation. And pulses a shorter pulse of making enemies take a walk action for their first AP. It's like every way to make a model slow without explicitly making them slow. And they have a weird little gun behind their giant shield (which is SO giant there has to be a notch cut into the shield for the muzzle, and a peephole for the targeting) which makes what it hits insignificant for awhile but isn't any kind of flavored to explain that. But it's slow. It's really really REALLY slow at moving itself unless someone cooperates well enough to let it push. If it weren't for clockwork traps and Hoffman it would be the slowest model in Guild. Never ever hire it in corner deployment.

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1 hour ago, Gnomezilla said:

which makes what it hits insignificant for awhile but isn't any kind of flavored to explain that

Mmmm... I think you've missed the point. As I think riotbreaker is armed with a shotgun with rubber bullets to... you know breake riots in Malifaux. 

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14 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:

But it's slow. It's really really REALLY slow at moving itself unless someone cooperates well enough to let it push. If it weren't for clockwork traps and Hoffman it would be the slowest model in Guild. Never ever hire it in corner deployment.

It can move 12" a turn with two walks and one push which is generated by another model getting pushed, so I don' think you're losing a ton of mobility here. :)

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On 8/19/2017 at 2:26 PM, Gnomezilla said:

And they have a weird little gun behind their giant shield (which is SO giant there has to be a notch cut into the shield for the muzzle, and a peephole for the targeting) which makes what it hits insignificant for awhile but isn't any kind of flavored to explain that.

They kind of explain this in Through the Breach.  The gun is a shotgun, but they tend not to shoot it at people directly, instead aiming low and bouncing pellets off the ground to stun and disorient people with the aim of disrupting crowds.

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Good news about 5th wave- guild got no weak stuff.
All models are at least 7/10 playable and most of them are realy good in their niche.
My top of new models:
-Jury: she is just perfect- support wombo-combos, sustain, damages, neat miniature and lots of fun) 9.5/10
-Queller: well-rounded semi support model, that helps in half of the strats and buffs your non-master models, also can hit stuff and debuff. 9/10
-Monster hunter: very strong model in agressive hth lists,imo you always want pair of them rather than one, they synergies so well with each other. 8.5/10
-Domador: semi support model, that adds lure to the fraction and has pretty strong support side like aoe heals, card draw and extra actions for dying models, expencive (12ss for domador+belle) 8/10
-Riotbreaker: nice tank/disruptor, that makes models insignificant and locks enemies in a very nasty tarpit, but that's all. 7.5/10
-Investigator: kinda good schemerunner/ scheme disruptor, has some minor card draw. I know many players will disagree, but I think this model is the only model in this list, that fights for its niche. We already have cheaper scheme runner, that disrupts enemy schemes (reporter costs 2ss less and as i think brings nearly the same value) and we have doggos for 3ss. 2 Hounds brings extra activation, have about the same mobility, dishes out more damage if needed. But investigator is still a very solid model and is playable. 7+/10

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26 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

Hounds are a massive liability for both huntibg party and dig their graves.

I kinda agree, but in my city(not a proper argument, I know) I've seen about 0 times dig their graves was played with 3vp. Hunting party is ok, I agree with it.
But outside of this two schemes- dogs are a better choise imo. Activations+ ability to kill enemy schemerunners and squishes in some cases.

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19 minutes ago, FinalForm said:

I kinda agree, but in my city(not a proper argument, I know) I've seen about 0 times dig their graves was played with 3vp. Hunting party is ok, I agree with it.
But outside of this two schemes- dogs are a better choise imo. Activations+ ability to kill enemy schemerunners and squishes in some cases.

I've seen it score full points frequently. Collodi single-handedly scored it off my hounds when I went to the international team championships last time and I scored it in return against the same player. In another match against Marcus at the same tournament I had it score 3vp against me since practiced production make it ridiculously easy for any arcanist master. A lot of crews can lure in a model to where they already placed a marker and kill it there. I often score it without trying very hard with Lucius and McMourning since they both put out scheme markers while hardly trying. Any guild master with Phiona or a Witchling thrall will score it easily.

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7 hours ago, FinalForm said:

Good news about 5th wave- guild got no weak stuff.
All models are at least 7/10 playable and most of them are realy good in their niche.
My top of new models:
-Jury: she is just perfect- support wombo-combos, sustain, damages, neat miniature and lots of fun) 9.5/10
-Queller: well-rounded semi support model, that helps in half of the strats and buffs your non-master models, also can hit stuff and debuff. 9/10
-Monster hunter: very strong model in agressive hth lists,imo you always want pair of them rather than one, they synergies so well with each other. 8.5/10
-Domador: semi support model, that adds lure to the fraction and has pretty strong support side like aoe heals, card draw and extra actions for dying models, expencive (12ss for domador+belle) 8/10
-Riotbreaker: nice tank/disruptor, that makes models insignificant and locks enemies in a very nasty tarpit, but that's all. 7.5/10
-Investigator: kinda good schemerunner/ scheme disruptor, has some minor card draw. I know many players will disagree, but I think this model is the only model in this list, that fights for its niche. We already have cheaper scheme runner, that disrupts enemy schemes (reporter costs 2ss less and as i think brings nearly the same value) and we have doggos for 3ss. 2 Hounds brings extra activation, have about the same mobility, dishes out more damage if needed. But investigator is still a very solid model and is playable. 7+/10

Funnily enough, if I were to list the models that are likely to see most play in competitive games, that list would pretty much be reversed.

  1. Investigator can actually run schemes while denying opponent's schemes. Reporter isn't nearly as good at actually getting scheme markers where you want them.
  2. Jury is the third best henchman in Guild, and we all know how much play the third best is going to see. Has some crew specific uses, but I'll let you figure out those yourselves.
  3. Riotbreaker can really throw a wrench into a Gremlin players plans, but besides that is mostly a durable model that's good at holding its ground and not very unique in that sense.
  4. Domador is good because Lure is good, and that's pretty much the reason to play him.
  5. Monster Hunter has high damage, but is too card hungry for 6ss model. Only useful if the push is going to do something big.
  6. Queller is unreliable on too many levels. There is no guarantee Enchant Weapon and Area Suppresion are going to be useful against the enemy crew, and even if they are, there is no guarantee you will ever be able to pull off Area Suppression.
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1. Investigator can solo deny end game schemes. He will be priority target and he has nice stats. This certainly can be used in your favor. He seems really nice.

2. Jury has Phionas potential and they fit nicely in their niches. I dont see they will compete often - they do different things. And she is quite tanky.

3. Riotbreaker. Mainly Hoff's and Lucius Toy. And it can be really good in either. In lucius he is so mobile, its not even funny. Just shove him in a tight spot and do your thing. 

4. Domador. Nellie can cheat his damage. Go go blast heal/damage. And she will love this nice and cozy ball of death with Phiona and somebody else fetching targets by Lure. I will certainly try it.

5. Monster Hunter. Damn, they are so solid. 6 wk is a steal. Free actions, nice attack. Gimme, gimme.

6. Queller is nice utility piece. His wand is in fact really nice. Your opponent is a summoner? throw him some suppresion markers. Armor? yep. You go with Sonnia/Lucius and use your soulstones every turn? Have a free card. Arcane shield to boot. Maybe they dont have a solid role, but they have many uses and great stats. I think i will take at least one in control games.

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29 minutes ago, entropolous said:

Really looking forward to the Domador with McMourning giving him hime extra (and better) undead to command through test subjects or plastic surgery.

Most of the models you'll be hiring through those will not be undead or better than the domador's own? The rogue necro is nice but I'm betting the dom can only command minions? Nurses and Seb are very much alive.

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5 hours ago, Myyrä said:
  1. Jury is the third best henchman in Guild, and we all know how much play the third best is going to see. Has some crew specific uses, but I'll let you figure out those yourselves.

First is Franc, but who are you referring as second best henchman?

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If nothing else, at least we don't have the complaint of cookie-cutter henchmen any more. :)

Jury is going to knock Johan out of my lists, I fear, unless there's a very good reason to avoid henchmen. So it'll be nice to go back in-faction on that point. But she won't slot into a positive flipping crew which wants Queeg, nor will she be able to bodyguard anyone so she won't displace Francisco. She will get a trial alongside McMourning, because he can borrow a mask to push into base contact exactly as far away as Jury can charge for the follow-up (and hopefully card draw once he slices and dices a bit).

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