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Arcanists vs Armor


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At the moment, models i remember:

Ramos' electrical fire and magnetism (only on constructs btw)


Oxfordian mages' attack

Gunsmith's trigger on its gun

Shastar V Guard's trigger on meele

Soulstone miner's meele

Willie's attack

Large arachnid's trigger on meele

Mobile toolkit's attack (lol)


Don't remember other models, but may be.

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Take a look at Smell Weakness on December Acolytes. There's also Metal Gamin with Magnetism. The Captain sports an interesting hammer for when you've got constructs in your face, but you can hire Johan for cheaper if that is all you need.


Then there's my favorite thing to do: play Mei Feng with Kang into it. Kang's aura is really solid against constructs and undead. Even more fun is combining his aura with some of the in-faction shooters we have. If you bring other Foundry models, then there's an upgrade to investigate called Hard Worker.


Finally, we have access to things like poison and a number of control abilities that let us neutralize them without worry about kiling them.

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12 minutes ago, Jafar said:

So more or less only Rasputina is not strong pick against Armor?

Of course some mentioned models can be taken, but Frozen Heart synergy is missing.


Decembers acolyte can make anyone ignore armour and Ice gamin increase the damage of frozen hearted models by one (which in effect cancels Armor +1) in frozen heart. 

Beasts don't have a huge amount that ignores armor. 

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Stacking burning with firestarter/kaeris or metal gamin. once you get burning above the armour value 1burning=1damage. Had 2 metal gamin charge izamu hitting him 4 times for 1 damage a time but also adding 8 burning due to being engaged with something with protection of metal once.

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My first introduction to anti-armor was actually when my opponent played Rasputina into me with 3 December Acolytes deployed as far forward as they could get and be in cover. I killed two of them (looked like easy prey, turned out I wasn't far wrong), but the third one moved nearer my already activated stuff and put up its aura. Rasputina proceeded to blast half of my force off of the table that turn.

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26 minutes ago, retnab said:

I'm especially fond of the Large Arachnid's trigger for removing Armor, since it removes it for all friendly model's attacks so he can tag it while doing something else and still be a significant reason why the Armored thing gets killed.

I love that it generates scrap and can eat scrap or scheme markers to be on positives on its flips and duels. Damage spiking and triggers become more likely.

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I typically run Mei/foundry for busting armour. More specifically the hard worker upgrade that can be taken and used by foundry models. It lets any foundry model for a (0) and a card to ignore armour and H2W. Not that every model will use it, but it's really handy when basically everything in your list has the means to ignore armour

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Oxfordian Mages do it for me. Furious Cast, Ca6, ignore armour trigger is built in if they're standing next up a friend. Which they should be. 

These guys are the first names on the team sheet for me with Ironsides, Sandeep and Kaeris because they're so versatile. Ignore armour, slow, push or burning depending on the target. 

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