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Any ideas for Toshiro conversions?

Cranky Old Man

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The tortoise is a legal stand in for Izamu, not Toshiro. You could use it as Toshiro, but you'd need your opponent's permission in friendly games (probably not that hard to get) and your T.O.'s permission for organized events (probably not difficult, but not assured). Only mention because Kenbu is not a 100% legal proxy for Toshiro.

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If you have worked with Green Stuff before, you could sculpt over the mouth-ripcage thing, make it look like cloth. Cut off the arrows and attach a different head.

You could also try to kit-bash Toshiro and the big-bellied Brother together. Take the uper body of the Brother, cut away the arms and shoulders. Take Toshiro's legs and arms + shoulders and glue them to the Brother's torso.


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I felt the same way and, knowing I would never field three samurai at once, I took one of them, swapped out his gun for a scythe made of a flagpole and nasty looking (read: Dark Eldar) sword, added added shield, and painted him like the Gundam Deathscythe.

I'm still deciding how I want to attach a flag for him to have a bit more battlefield leader look, but have held off because my current foam is not tall enough to accommodate anything taller, but I'm hoping to change that with the holidays.

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