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Sizing issue with Mounted Guard

Absolution Black

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On 11/12/2016 at 1:33 AM, Bengt said:

It really really shouldn't be. The scale in 3D programs is arbitrary and I wouldn't be surprised if any vanity mm relations in the sculpting program is lost anyway when the file is converted to whatever format the milling machine uses. It seems like one would have to provide the scaling information independently of the 3D file, i.e. this model is x mm along this axis. The kneeling models are all instances of several models on a single frame that should have different heights, right. So either this information is provided in a way that is open to interpretation (e.g. all models is x mm from feet to head) or there has been some language or cultural barriers to getting the size information across. What I find flabbergasting is that these kinks haven't been found and ironed out after four years (or however long Wyrd has done plastics). Do they like change production partners in China every year or something?

Yeah, I'm not sure what causes the issue, but pretty universally, when it happens, it seems to happen because the off scale model is the same height as a normal guy standing flat footed.  Shorter models get scaled up to be giants and tall models get scaled down to be tiny.  The only thing I've found consistently is that when there's a problem, the problem model can be stood next to a normal human figure like say... Perdita and they'll be almost exactly the same height.

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3D printing the model before it goes out for production would probably help a lot. Not sure if this is how things are already done there, but a decent machine costs $400 to prototype a Ht 3 model. If Wyrd has in-house rendering people, or even just given the GCode file and have the printer on site, they could start printing in the morning and have an exact scale proof by the end of lunchtime. If the completed model doesn't look good in-hand, you touch it up and start again the next day. 

I don't want my rugged keepers of law and justice trotting into battle on ponies. Just my biased opinion.

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12 minutes ago, koronuslight said:

3D printing the model before it goes out for production would probably help a lot. Not sure if this is how things are already done there, but a decent machine costs $400 to prototype a Ht 3 model. If Wyrd has in-house rendering people, or even just given the GCode file and have the printer on site, they could start printing in the morning and have an exact scale proof by the end of lunchtime. If the completed model doesn't look good in-hand, you touch it up and start again the next day. 

I don't want my rugged keepers of law and justice trotting into battle on ponies. Just my biased opinion.

We know Wyrd recieves a final copy before it goes out for production. This is the case for every miniature/statue compagny who lets their models be produced in china. Just a while ago the Titania alternate version of this was available for the winner of the Facebook event thingy. 

In any case I'm almost 100% certain this just slipped trough, because of whatever reason. Without the side by side comparison it doesn't even look that odd, but it does when you do include nicely sized horse models next to it. 

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21 minutes ago, koronuslight said:

Then I am at a loss to explain it. It was just on the side of passable for Reva, but not for these guys. 

Well we are just humans after all. It's not too unlikely that someone at Wyrd though, well... this way they are cheaper and we don't expect to sell all that many...

It's a bit harsh to say it so bluntly honest but I think we can both agree that these guys are no giant spiders or emissary demi-god models in the game.

18 minutes ago, Clement said:

Is there a photo somewhere of Reva and a mounted guardsman together?  curious about the relative horse sizes.

My best guess is that it's roughly the same. Let's dive in there:

By Khaiden

By Zombie

Like Khaiden I guess we could place them all on massive rock-like formations. It's how Ressers seem to handle the model. The problem I have with this for us is that the Mounted Guard is a rather dynamic model and that on rocks often looks odd.

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Fantastic news ahead:

TLDR: Their mistake, new ones will come. As mentioned above, it was a very likely oversight, not too impossible because it is very hard to notice if you do not have Lucas McCabe or the Lone Rider next to them and as said the Pale Rider (like all Riders) is purposefully much larger as what we should expect from a regular horse.

Very happy to see this cleared up :D


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