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Outcast summoner master


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I'm constantly thinking about buying any summoner, but because I play outcasts mainly the idea of spending a lot of money for something without synergy with them (except bone levi) is not so appealing to me.

I would like a summoner who summons models with mercenary characteristic (since it's common for outcasts) with cost of enemy scheme markers (similar in theme with Parker) and with limited upgrades maybe summoning Bandits and... I don't know. Maybe Freikorps? Tormented? Last blossom?  

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As a new master, I think it would be a little crazy, most common characteristic in Outcast is "Mercenary" so maybe something like @Cedar said. Adding whole new theme in outcasts is crazy.

But I think that there is a really nice spot in VS crew. Not summoning, but reinforcement. It will depend on discarding cards from hand, for example if you discard 4 cards in two turns you get 2 models with 8 (or maybe 4?) wounds etc. They will spawn in table corner etc. You can only call reinforcement once per whole game.
Or something similar to previous idea but, you can only call for additional models when your models died, like message to HQ, "send us more Trappers, our ranged support died".

In both cases 1 or 2 new Freikorps models would be great, maybe some close combat fighters (shield + sword etc.)

Also had some idea with Jack Daw and tormented minions, but that will equal to rewrite his card, he would be too strong with options to give curses, summon, kill things etc.


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I thought about this master summoning pool and I found few problems:

1. If he would summon only Outcast minion Merc models, his pool seems quite low- Desperate Merc, Ronn, Freikorpsmann, Trapper and probably 1-2 more models from a book in which he would be introduced. 

2. If he would summon Outcast minion or enforcer model, it would be gamebreaking- think about all those  awesome units like Johan, Hans, Sue, Killjoy- these models would be unkillable in his crew.

3. If he would summon minion merc from ANY faction... well it could be broken for certain reasons, but i'm not sure...

4. If he would summon Outcast models with certain characteristic- for now there are two common characteristics: Freikorps and Vermin, and each of them have few problems- any Freikorps model means that master has the ability to summon Trappers, Librarians and Strongarms- very efficient models. The Verimin Characteristic suffers from having only 3 models(rats, rat kings, plagues). 

So I don't really know which option is the best for a master now. What do you think?

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I'm planning to pick up Dreamer at Black Friday, mainly because of cross-pollination with my two 'Born masters (Madnesses and Weaver for 'Dora, Stitched for Lynch) and the fact that my nephew (way back in the day when we first thought about jumping into Malifaux) loved the Kid. Ilike having two factions to cover the missing niches of each.


That said, I'm of two minds. Partofwhat I love in the Outcasts is the Badass Normal vibe.Sure, some tech or magic weapons and such, but a lot of them are fighting and winning against supernatural horrors, mad mages, and undead nightmares with just blood, balls, and bullets.  So magically calling up backup.. I'm not sure it appeals to me, pure-faction.


But there are workarounds!


Maybe a "Fixer" who can hire any Merc at cost and call in 'hidden agents' at scheme markers, a smooth operator who has laid plans down in advance (represented by summoning) and can call in Minions.. or pay a Soulstone (as we have ways to get more in-game) to hire Enforcers.


Or a crime boss able to call up flunkies and rile the public into revolt.. though that might be more Arcanist?

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The closest thing to summon worthy minions in Outcasts are Abominations, and we already have Leveticus and Rusty Alyce, (and Ashes and Dust, and Desolation Engine, and other Abominations) for that. They kind of fit the role filled by Ramos in Arcanists, although he is better at it of course.

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Summoning Mecenary-Models, could be gamebreaking if not balanced out.
I thought about summoning mercenary-models like the dreamer summons, just for cards, without the need of additional markers. BUT... after hiring them, you have to pay them at the end (or begining) of every round with an additional card to maintain their loyalty. This would balance them out.

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It depends- Minion Mercenaries are equal to other summonable minions (or sometimes worse than their counterparts), like Horrors, Spirits, Undeads. The real problem lies in "disadvantage" of summoned models (like coming only from corpses and with half of their wounds , with limited lifespan like oni or with only single wound remaining like nightmares). For instance it could be a requirement do discard a stone or several cards, even maybe coming into game paralyzed.

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33 minutes ago, Cedar said:

It depends- Minion Mercenaries are equal to other summonable minions (or sometimes worse than their counterparts), like Horrors, Spirits, Undeads. The real problem lies in "disadvantage" of summoned models (like coming only from corpses and with half of their wounds , with limited lifespan like oni or with only single wound remaining like nightmares). For instance it could be a requirement do discard a stone or several cards, even maybe coming into game paralyzed.

Or coming into play along a table edge inside the deployment zone (the cavalry is here!)

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50 SS Outcasts Crew
Leveticus + 3 Pool
 - Desolate Soul (2)
 - From Ash (2)
Hollow Waif (0)
Hollow Waif (0)
Rusty Alyce (10)
 - Desolate Soul (2)
 - From The Aether (2)
Ashes and Dust (13)
Desolation Engine (13)
Abomination (4)

 (exported from CrewFaux)

A bit silly. 

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15 hours ago, Freman said:

50 SS Outcasts Crew
Leveticus + 3 Pool
 - Desolate Soul (2)
 - From Ash (2)
Hollow Waif (0)
Hollow Waif (0)
Rusty Alyce (10)
 - Desolate Soul (2)
 - From The Aether (2)
Ashes and Dust (13)
Desolation Engine (13)
Abomination (4)

 (exported from CrewFaux)

A bit silly. 

I think A&D might not be the best choice here, can't you use Pariah to grab Toshiro, Mechanical Rider or Datsu Bae for MAXIMUM SUMMONING?

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11 minutes ago, Nukemouse said:

I think A&D might not be the best choice here, can't you use Pariah to grab Toshiro, Mechanical Rider or Datsu Bae for MAXIMUM SUMMONING?

I think Toshiro's summoning is on his upgrade, which he can't take outside Resurrectionist/Ten Thunders, Rider can summon 4 stone Arcanist Constructs as its 0, true. Datsu summons off hitting in combat, like Ashes does. Any upgrade that gives her summoning can't be taken in Outcasts.

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