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Jack Daw and upgrade


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Open question.  When I take Jack Daw I go with Writhing Torment, Twist and Turn, and all 3 curses.  I am hearing that some are finding Daw to be great with The Bigger they are upgrade (I have been putting that on Hannah with I pay better to get out some big blast).  If you have been adding the bigger they are to Jack Daw what are you dropping?




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I don't know how people run Jack with Bigger They Are upgrade. His main strength is to support his crew as a centre piece of the crew. Giving him this upgrade relegated him somehow to the role of the main beatstick which can lead to over extending him from his crew and as his Df is so poor he can be punished quite easily in short time (this is actually typical error of the new Jack's players as they depend too much on Old Magic 'protection').


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I am generally using the bigger they are on Jack to allow him to take out a key model in the enemy crew. Generally Jack will be sitting in the center of my crew handing out pushes from Writhing torment and tagging models with curses are range. However if there is an enemy model that I need to kill Jack can charge them and then use his zero to push himself back to a safe position or use the ranged attack on one of my own crew and get the place trigger off so that Jack can stay in a safe position.

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46 minutes ago, Seadhna said:

Twist and Turn should in theory work wonders with Jaakuna Ubume, giving you 4 Lures between Jack and Jaakuna on turn 2

I use this a lot if the strat or schemes allow it. Roping in a single model and removing it early usually gives a nice advantage. :)

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