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Neverborn Beaters


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A pair of Stitched usually does the trick. Especially with the "obey"-masters.

Bad Juju in Swampfiend lists, or Lilith who can throw him into the midst.

McTavish is pretty good in a lot of lists, with and without Swampfiends. Isn't the best in melee, but can go toe to toe with many. Has a very impressive gun.

Teddy with Dreamer.


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If you're looking for top ss costing beat-machines, here's my go-to list.

I've been playing around with Teddy a lot with Titania. 

Really anyone who can keep him safe and provide Wp duels would be amazing with him (Pandora, Titania, Dreamer, Widow Weaver and all the other Wp tricks we have provide a lot of synergy). I've also started using Kade and a Will 'o The Wisp to push him 12" up field!

The Hooded Rider is also amazing. Give him A Thousand Faces for either Retribution's Eye or Malifaux Provides and you've got yourself a great independent beater! I took out a full health Nicodem in a single activation last game on turn 4!

I haven't tried him, but there's also the Mature. Give him A Thousand Faces and he's kinda like the Rider. 

Potentially, there's also the Doppelganger who can copy the heaviest attacks in the game.

Hope that helps!

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There's also the humble Changeling.  Yes, he only gets an attack stat of four, but a lot of big beaters have low Defense, making them easy targets.  In a straight up fight between two four point Changelings and an eleven point Teddy, I'd give good odds on the Changelings to win.  They may not be beaters per se, but they are a great equalizer with a lot of fun, weird applications.

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11 hours ago, Torsul said:

With most Masters I rarely need one of the big beaters. Illuminated do the job for collodi and Lynch while both do decent damage themself. Lilith & Pandora aren't exactly weak either and the Dreamer tends to summon his Stiched for Damage. (Through I tend to start the game with a teddy as I like the thematic of those two).

To be fair though, most masters have better things to do than get their hands dirty punching things. Even Lilith, who has a honking great sword, generally uses it when she's got literally nothing left to do. She really could use a beater, even if it's to put in your opponents face with Tangle Shadows.

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:+fate to all who mentioned Hooded Rider. I forgot about it. The Rider is a great independent model who is hard to pin down thanks to its push. The push is also great to get models out of danger if needed by after the Rider has charged into something. With Retribution's Eye it is a just a killer on later turns! 12ss+1ss upgrade gets you Nekima, but the Rider can operate with a lot less help from the crew and is always worth some consideration.

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I don't think I'd take the Queen's Champion every time I use Titania, but I tossed it onto the Rider one game I played to pretty fantastic effect.  The only problem is that he isn't incredibly hard to take down early game, so by the time he was protected enough from his ability, he was already over half dead and didn't take much more to drop.

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I use a lot of different beaters with my NB. Have tried pretty much all of our options out (except for Mature Neph as I don't own him). 
Nekima is obviously great, but she really isn't always the best choice. So Teddy comes into a lot of my Dreamer lists and occasionally with other masters. Hooded Rider is excellent, especially with Quick Murder in the pool. I also have really been enjoying the Strong Arm suit lately. He is quite tough and brings you strong combat and decent shooting. Has become a core part of my Zoraida builds lately since she really can't afford to lose her beatsticks early. Also McTavish is INCREDIBLE. Especially with Doppelganger. I'll often use those 2 and a waldgeist to go off apart from the rest of the crew and take care of an area in games like Recon/Interference where you need to spread out your crew. Also I find I don't tend to take beatsticks as much with certain masters like Collodi, where Stitched are your big hitters. 

We have loads of good options though, so just try them out and see what your personal fav is.

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Johan is also a reasonable choice, especially if you can use a Doppleganger to handle condition removal, and just let Johan go hit things.

I put Mr. Graves in almost every list - he's a good beater and a better positioner.

I'm also pretty fond of the Scion of the Black Blood, but he's not as popular.  I like his ability to do damage and also remove conditions (albeit at a high cost).


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Nekima is the poster girl of NB beaters i guess, but as stated above, it depends how much resources you're able (or can afford) to funnel into making her "pay off".  She will drain everything valuable if you let her (stones, cards, first or last activation, support actions, etc)...very thematic if you ask me. That's why other beaters like Teddy, the Rider, Juju, Killjoy and others whom i associate less with, will sometimes (often?) be more efficient depending on the situation.


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