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Railer Workers - worth getting the crew box for?


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They're solid and take more AP to kill than people might want to spend (barring strat/scheme that requires killing minions). They don't benefit from Ironsides' aura, but they can discard for the same effect as a zero action. They do benefit from Bleeding Edge Technology, as they are living construct minions. If you're looking for an anchor point around Joss, they are golden. Large arachnids are minions (and benefit from BET as well) that are M&SU, so they get a little something extra if they're damaged and near Toni.


As for the rest of the Rail Crew box:

Metal Gamin are M&SU construct minions, so they get Ironsides' aura benefits and BET benefits; they can make another non-Metal Gamin model Df 6 then hunker down on an objective with Armor +2 and double defensive. If you're using Ironsides as a black hole pulling in enemies and she's got Protection of Metal on her already, the Metal Gamin get an additional perk on their fierce headbutt (at the expense of not being defensive to the point of absurdity).

Mei Feng can never be in an Ironsides crew (nor can her totem), but she's an interesting master to build crews for out of her own, Toni's, and Ramos' boxes. Similarly, because of Kang's true loyalties, you won't be putting him on the table in Arcanists outside of a Mei Feng crew.

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There are some websites that sell individual models from box sets. Gadzooks Gaming, I think? Shipping to Aus probably kills it though, unless you wanted to a get multiple goods from them and split it to make it more worth it.

But honestly, Railworkers are well worth the effort. They get fantastic value from even your low cards and they hit far harder than any 5ss model should.

With their Df trigger and Armour, they can essentially make any incoming 4 damage attack instead become just 1 damage. Anything higher, you just take it on the chin and let it get blocked by Hard to Kill. Bleeding Edge Tech in particular is really nice here since they get to heal back above 1 wound just for activating. 

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I think Mei Feng box is worth getting eventually in full.  Mei is a fun master and Kang is great in her crew, the Rail Workers as acknowledged on this thread are very solid minions.  Additionally Mei and Ramos have great synergy in models so you'll be able to make great use of many models in either crew (Howard, Joss, Spiders, Large Arachnid, Soulstone Miner, Mech Rider, Arcane Effigy..., its a long list).  Mei gives you a nice change of pace from Ramos without having to really buy any additional models in her Arcanist build (I mean you can but don't need to).  Less so with Ironsides.

But yeah better budget and variety options for Ramos build would be Soulstone Miner, Arcane Effigy, Large Arachnids.

For Ironsides I'd instantly go out and get Johan/Johanna (also very good in Ramos list and solid in honestly any Arcanist build) its a 11/10 model for Irons.  After that M&SU mainly, I like Gunsmiths.  Large Arachnids and Soulstone Miners both are very good.

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My main master to date has been Raspy, my Ironsides hasn't even seen the table yet (though members of her crew box have)

To be honest, I purchased Ramos for Joss and Howard (though the option to run a summoner is great)

For Toni I've got a wishlist of Johan, Joss, Howard, Union Miners and Gunsmiths (so 2 outta 5 now)

My Raspy wishlist is much longer, especially with the introduction of Ice Dancers.

Now I'm branching out to "all rounder" minions that would find use with any master depending on strats and schemes, like Effigy, Raptors, Soul Stone Miners, Rail Workers.

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