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Which of our masters got the biggest boost from book 4?


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Zipp! He used to suck but now he's alright.




Wong and Zoraida are in my mind the winners. Wong got Swines and since he isn't big on synergy he can use all the other cool stuff very easily (like Skeeter + Exlposives + Pere). Even Banjonistas look like they would be very nice with him since he likes positioning quite a bit.

And Zoraida indeed got the Wisps which are huge.

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2 hours ago, EpicWaffle said:

We might say even that the skeeter can add some to a couple of crews, like for somer+poorly handled explosives, or for bringing Pieces like Ophelia/Francois/Burt around.

Just to note - can't ferry Masters so no moving Ophelia around whilst giving her Fast (which is, likely, for the best, really).

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2 hours ago, Four_N_Six said:

Gotta test it out but I think Brewmaster. People seem pretty down on him, but these new little bastards might be the help he needed to be respected as much as I respect him. 

I really hope so 'cause they look so funny and I really wanna take them! Tho I just saw something about them and I don't really know what they specifically do

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2 hours ago, Four_N_Six said:

Gotta test it out but I think Brewmaster. People seem pretty down on him, but these new little bastards might be the help he needed to be respected as much as I respect him. 

Do they look good to you? I would love to love them but they don't seem to bring much to a Gremlin Brewy? They look really squishy and the Scheme Marker thing doesn't get me all that excited due to other Gremlin options. And their melee doesn't seem too impressive. I may very well be missing something, though!

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1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Do they look good to you? I would love to love them but they don't seem to bring much to a Gremlin Brewy? They look really squishy and the Scheme Marker thing doesn't get me all that excited due to other Gremlin options. And their melee doesn't seem too impressive. I may very well be missing something, though!

The Akaname don't suffer poison damage or lose a tick of poison during upkeep. They get a boost to Ml based on their poison value, can pull poison from nearby models, and can throw their entire poison value onto other models at range. I sure hope it helps out Brewmaster, because I'm sure as hell trying it out 

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I'm thinking of a Ulix crew with Wong up front. Leave the Swine Cursed in pig form, give the Sow Glowy. I'm not terribly good with Ulix, but I like the pigs, so it's worth a shot. Just give Major his upgrade and leave Wong far enough back and it should be fine. Although with our new upgrade, throw Wong right up front with them 

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6 minutes ago, Four_N_Six said:

I'm thinking of a Ulix crew with Wong up front. Leave the Swine Cursed in pig form, give the Sow Glowy. I'm not terribly good with Ulix, but I like the pigs, so it's worth a shot. Just give Major his upgrade and leave Wong far enough back and it should be fine. Although with our new upgrade, throw Wong right up front with them 

What format is giving you two masters?

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14 hours ago, Four_N_Six said:

The Akaname don't suffer poison damage or lose a tick of poison during upkeep. They get a boost to Ml based on their poison value, can pull poison from nearby models, and can throw their entire poison value onto other models at range. I sure hope it helps out Brewmaster, because I'm sure as hell trying it out 

I know what they do but aside from throwing the Poison I don't see any of that being very useful for Gremlin Brewie. Hopefully I'm wrong but to me they look like a TT model that randomly got dual affiliation.

I suppose that it'd be possible to set something really convoluted up with Zoraida but I'm not at all convinced that it'd be worth it (stacking Poison with Nurse or Trixie onto the Voodoo Doll and therefore to the Hem target and then hoovering Doll and flinging the Poison again at the doll or another target and then a Performer... so complicated!)

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2 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

I know what they do but aside from throwing the Poison I don't see any of that being very useful for Gremlin Brewie. Hopefully I'm wrong but to me they look like a TT model that randomly got dual affiliation.

Exactly, as the Zipp's henchman.

Lost in Gremlin from Neverborn?

Bit sad :(

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For me wong got the biggest boost out of it! That new Do Over upgrade means he effectively has 4 ap a turn now (thank you stuffed piglets), iron skeeters can carry a glowy burt up field 13 inches and make him fast ready to kill anything. 

Banjo guys may be awesome in somer as all the triggers are on masks so remains to be seen, extra movement always a bonus!

Will o wisps i think are exactly what gremraida needed to be considered as well, I never seemed to have the ap to summon a doll as a grem with her.

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Gotta test it out but I think Brewmaster. People seem pretty down on him, but these new little bastards might be the help he needed to be respected as much as I respect him. 

I've got zero credentials on which to say this, but I'm really looking forward to a). learning how to play Brewmaster. then b). taking Banjonistas with him.  Their "Pluck the Strings" ability will go off insanely well against poisoned models stuck near Brewy.  Having said that though, it's not that big a deal, and it's the only obvious synergy they seem to have with him.  Little shreds of 2 damage or a discard happening to 2-3 enemy models per turn?

I also like their ability to draw cards when a non-Rooster Gremlin dies near them.  That's got me thinking about having them in a Som'er summoning crew, especially with Som'er's "Bigger Hat" and "Pluck the Strings" potentially working together.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 24/08/2016 at 3:42 AM, Four_N_Six said:

The Akaname don't suffer poison damage or lose a tick of poison during upkeep. They get a boost to Ml based on their poison value, can pull poison from nearby models, and can throw their entire poison value onto other models at range. I sure hope it helps out Brewmaster, because I'm sure as hell trying it out 

So have you had a chance to evaluate the Akaname with Gremlin Brewy yet? I've got to say, I'm of the same mind as @Math Mathonwy on this one - i just can't see their abilities being awesome awesome with Brewy. Interesting, and maybe useful, but not an auto-take.

For instance, to redistribute Poison, they first have to take it all off of one model, then they can maybe dole out 3 per attack to others. Who're not already engaged, preferably. It feels situational.

But yeah, maybe it'll work well with Trixiebelle. Use her Buy you a drink, cheat it around to get a big stack of Poison on the Akaname, then use him to seed enemy models outside the Drinking Contest so that Moon Shinobi can get to them easier, etc? That sound about right / worth 4ss??

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I'd like to see some sort of Akaname/Fermented River Monk combo where the Akaname work as sort of "batteries" to give the Fermented River Monks reactivate every turn. Almost certainly not a particularly efficient idea, and probably not even the best way to do it when you could use Trixie and/or Fingers to dish out the poison instead. Would be kind of fun though.


On the original question, I think it's difficult for Som'er to not benefit at least as much as anyone else from new models. Given most of the new models are still Gremlins or Pigs, he can give them their good triggers and avoid their bad mandatory ones, which ranges from nice but not necessary to Kind of A Big Deal (i.e. giving out fast with iron skeeters every time they pick up a buddy). He can hand out lots of :+fates with Encouragement. At the worst, nearly every new model released for Gremlins will just be another option for Som'er, and it's very rare to find one that just Doesn't Work. I think Akaname are maybe like that in this wave, but obviously they haven't been played very much (if at all) yet.

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I ran Brewmaster last night against Lady Justice with 1 Akaname.  Worked pretty well, but I didn't have Trixie to hand over a ton of poison, but it ended up at poison 5 on turn 1.  Fingers hit it once, and Brewmaster got his (0) on it for the free push and a couple extra poison.  I didn't use it to full effectiveness, as deployment proved it was on the wrong side of the board, but on turn 3 it fired 4 poison onto a Guardian, so Brewmaster was able to lock down the Guardian and Lady Justice for a short time.  All in all I think they'll be worth it.  Cheap stone cost, so tossing 1 into the crew is worth a test.  I definitely don't think it gives Brewmaster a huge boost, but enough of one to make people think twice.  Getting early poison off at a distance so Brew can move in on someone already at a -Wp is good enough for me.

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On 9/10/2016 at 9:32 AM, Dogmantra said:

On the original question, I think it's difficult for Som'er to not benefit at least as much as anyone else from new models. Given most of the new models are still Gremlins or Pigs, he can give them their good triggers and avoid their bad mandatory ones, which ranges from nice but not necessary to Kind of A Big Deal (i.e. giving out fast with iron skeeters every time they pick up a buddy).

Somer doesn't have "Ooo Glowy" to turn Swine Cursed into the OPness though and Zoraida just gained 2 AP per turn, more or less. While I agree that Somer can often make use of just about anything, Wong and Zoraida got huge "targeted" buffs.

On 8/23/2016 at 10:44 AM, Blacks85 said:

Simply Wong.

The cursed swine are just terribly op.

I do think Wong is going to be insanely strong now, and while I think Zoraida gained the most, Wong could actually be in contention for being our strongest non-interference master!

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