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Beating Teddy with Guild


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At present I'm still trying to get more out of certain models in games, especially Hopkins. I take the 'Burn Them Out' upgrade with him yet feel he hasn't really had that 'Wow! He's amazing!' game so far (this I suspect is down to my conservative use of him thus far, when from what I can gather he has really got to be getting into the thick of things and killing stuff).


As for my next purchase, I'm trying to hold back from the Ortega box set at the moment (even though it seems Francisco is a good model to include in Sonnia crews) and am looking at some Executioner's purely to have some large, stompy, intimidating models on the board (as you can see, a lot of tactical thought goes into my choices:D).

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Funny you mention the 'Ortega box' that would be my next suggestion. On top of Frank, papa loco is so much fun.

I see where your coming from though with getting things down with what you have! As for Hopkins he's alright, it's vital the stalkers give out some burning first, that extra damage is not shabby at all. 

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1 hour ago, Flynn said:

At present I'm still trying to get more out of certain models in games, especially Hopkins. I take the 'Burn Them Out' upgrade with him yet feel he hasn't really had that 'Wow! He's amazing!' game so far (this I suspect is down to my conservative use of him thus far, when from what I can gather he has really got to be getting into the thick of things and killing stuff).


As for my next purchase, I'm trying to hold back from the Ortega box set at the moment (even though it seems Francisco is a good model to include in Sonnia crews) and am looking at some Executioner's purely to have some large, stompy, intimidating models on the board (as you can see, a lot of tactical thought goes into my choices:D).

*looks at a collection of small, medium, and giant stompybots* I see no problem with this. :wub:

Samael is rather good but just too expensive. Yes my opponent who was testing out Guild on our terrain heavy boards was having a great time setting my crew on fire when they stood next to terrain, no matter about line of sight--but I was having just as much fun parking a much cheaper watcher near the rest of his crew to ignore line of sight just as efficiently. (For one turn, anyway, and then I had to throw McCabe into melee to distract my opponent from the VPs my minions were about to score as they "retreated" after being wounded.)

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I think his cost is what makes me far too cautious with him if I'm honest, at 11pts I'm loathe to throw him away with a badly thought out and executed turn. After having only played just 6 games to date I really need to throw caution to the wind and see what he can and cant do and the type of punishment he can take, Wednesday is my next game so i'll keep you all updated (sorry, I seem to have hijacked the original post slightly).

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I've dropped the upgrade on Hopkins and the Purifying Flame totem for next game, allows me to take a 3rd Stalker. Gives me a list of:




2 x Austringers

3 x Stalkers & one Handler

Cherufe's Imprint, Reincarnation & 7SS.


What my opponent brings is anyone's guess but he alluded to the fact that he is enjoying his Jacob Lynch crew so I'm expecting Round 2 of this match-up.

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Well that all ended in horrendous failure if I'm honest:(.


Quick run down of Strategy and Schemes (my VP's are the first number, my opponent's are the ones in brackets)


Strategy - Reckoning 1 (2)


Schemes - Plant Evidence 3 (3)

               Breakthrough 2 (3)


So a final score of 6 - 8 and after 5 turns I was left with just Sonnia on the tabletop, ouch!


I could moan about poor cards, luck etc but to be truthful I wasn't really at the races. Never got my Burning game going, was far to aggressive first turn which ultimately led to me being on the back foot from Turn 2 onwards. I tried going toe to toe with a lot of the Jacob Lynch crew (the Illuminated get a charge 8 and a 2" Melee range, that caught me out for my opponents 2nd Reckoning point I can tell you:D). A real 'must try and concentrate harder' stamped on my report card if I'm honest.


I do have 1 question for you guys, Austringers, at 6pts and for what they do, they're awesome. But, I'm taking 2 and mostly they just sit at the back pinging off Raptor attacks with Focus. Am I under-utilising them?



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Their (2) Deliver Orders is potentially game winning, but yeah, the ability to put a focused shot ignoring cover almost anywhere on the board is huge. Finding the right targets is key - scheme runners, totems, that sort of thing will go down in a single activation.

If you've got masks (or can't kill something normally) you can fire off unfocused attacks to aim for the discard trigger.

I only take one because I like friends.

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Well it looks like I've been playing Focus completely wrong anyway. From my understanding I get a:+fate to Attack and Damage flips when Focused, coupled with an 18" threat range from my Raptor attack.


So if I win the duel by 2 for example which would be a :-fate flip, the Focus +1 would turn this into a straight flip, am I reading this right?


Apologies for the complete noob question (to many pretty pictures to look at and fluff to read), this would suddenly explain why Austringers are held in such high esteem (and possibly a cause for friend loss:D)


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12 minutes ago, Flynn said:

Well it looks like I've been playing Focus completely wrong anyway. From my understanding I get a:+fate to Attack and Damage flips when Focused, coupled with an 18" threat range from my Raptor attack.

So if I win the duel by 2 for example which would be a :-fate flip, the Focus +1 would turn this into a straight flip, am I reading this right?

You are correct.

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