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Questions From an Outcast Newbie Picking Up Parker


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So, with Parker becoming available tomorrow I no longer have an excuse-I've loved a lot of the various henchmen and enforcers among the Outcasts but there was not a proper 'Old West' Master to play along with a lot of the ones I loved the look of - I do favor theme. Parker and the Barrows Gang look wonderful and Parker himself looks incredibly fun and schemey - something I've lacked in my current (Neverborn) Master pool.


So, I know that until people start getting the book tomorrow that information might be unavailable -especially where his Crew are concerned. But when that information does becomes available, I'd greatly appreciate knowing what the 'high end' 'Stone total on A Fistful of Scrip is and what more-seasoned Outcasts find the box would benefit from - not the rules cards or anything but an overview of the other Barrows Gang members and their strong suits and costs.


Sue is an auto-include for me, as I hear great reviews and being honest he's a huge part of what drew me to look into the Outcasts; I'm also strongly looking at Convict Gunslingers.


Also, I'm pondering if Ronin might have synergy? With Finish the Job and Seppuku they seem to play a bit into Parker's mechanics?


(And yes, I know that the Freikorps are highly, highly recommended. They're on the horizon)


Thank you all in advance.

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Well, Sue & Hodgepodge Emissary are both on my include list for future crews (Emissary hands out Regen to Sue, Sue draws a card a turn at the cost of one life).

Ronin, in Parker's crew or anyone's really, are solid minion choices. I've used them in my Outcast, Neverborn, and Ressers. They are just good models.

I also plan to see how the Hodgepodge Effigy works with him (Probably well I'd imagine going by his card alone) as he can allow for more soul stone gain via his condition to the leader he hands out (plus the new plastic Effigy has an outlaw look to him). It also helps that he is a 4SS, armor +1, hard to kill minion that can create soft cover, so is very useful for some moving protection and as a scheme runner with his walk of 5.

Convict Gunslingers are another potential. They are very efficient damage dealers.

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39 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

That question will be answered once we will see the cards of his crew and upgrades. 

At this moment we can just guess but I can give you a hint: always reserve a spot for Johan in Parker's crew ;) 

Johan is another one of those that I hear a lot of praise for. Does seem really great for his 'Stone cost.


(and it's not like I won't have an M&SU gateway with Miss Fire to start down another rabbit hole someday)

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13 hours ago, daniello_s said:

That question will be answered once we will see the cards of his crew and upgrades. 

At this moment we can just guess but I can give you a hint: always reserve a spot for Johan in Parker's crew ;) 

Yep! we'll see after the box and upgrades come out :D

Always reserve a spot for Johan in any crew in this game...

He's crazy underpriced - even as mercenary ! :P

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On 8/2/2016 at 10:22 AM, asrian said:

Well, Sue & Hodgepodge Emissary are both on my include list for future crews (Emissary hands out Regen to Sue, Sue draws a card a turn at the cost of one life).

She's not as potentially thematic as Sue, but I feel like Hannah gives you the same card-draw functionality for half the price of taking both of those models.  Is there more to wanting to include Sue & Hodgepodge in particular?  My downside to using the hodgepodge here is that, unless Book 4 has some Confluxes for the new Masters (which I sort of doubt), it's not as much bang-for-your-buck as it would be with the older Masters with whom it gets synergy.

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There want be, as confirmed by Nathan. that said, it gives me a model that facilitates scheme running for my own guys, hands out trinkets to help, and has a good cast attack with useful triggers along with the generic upgrade of giving :+fate to nearby minions. Sue gives yet another tool box model who I can always find a use for, and that can gain the regen trinket from the Emissary to get a free card a turn (starting turn 2) without taking damage. He can destroy corpse/scrap counters, hand out finish the job, protect nearby friendlies from cast actions, and has the same attack (though not trigger) as Parker on his gun with a built in :+fate.


That's just my idea for now though. 

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14 hours ago, Memnaelar said:

She's not as potentially thematic as Sue, but I feel like Hannah gives you the same card-draw functionality for half the price of taking both of those models.  Is there more to wanting to include Sue & Hodgepodge in particular?  My downside to using the hodgepodge here is that, unless Book 4 has some Confluxes for the new Masters (which I sort of doubt), it's not as much bang-for-your-buck as it would be with the older Masters with whom it gets synergy.

Given what tidbits generous people have leaked, I'm currently looking at going Parker's box, Sue, Johan, and Big Jake. Those three add 19ss and full-cache pre-upgrade I've been told Parker's box is 30ss. 9 Activations feels pretty decent. Probably get VS next to get a Trapper and a Librarian (and got to admit, before Parker VS and the 'Korps were where I was plotting my Outcast start.)

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9 minutes ago, SuperFly TNT said:

Yes. They're bandits as well so work with Parker's tricks. Raiders have the trigger to generate enemy scheme markers to fuel Parker's abilities so he's not obligated to use his attacks/triggers for that purpose.

They do look nice. Are they dual-faction 10T? (I don't play Thunders but I do play Lynch and the possibility is nice to have open).


Also, do they compare Stone-wise to the Bandidos?


And what about the dead outlaws? Any synergy there with Parker?

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5 hours ago, Trample said:

How do they compare to the Freikorpsmen?

They're slightly less resilient, but they're fast and they're hugely flexible.  Make sure you have a card for them (any card), and you essentially get 3.5 AP out of them each activation, not to mention some nifty scheme marker tricks befitting the Bandits.  I think they're awesome and definitely playable outside a Parker crew.

3 hours ago, Cinnamon Bear said:

Are those dead bandits tormented? What sort of stuff do they bring to the table for Parker?

They are certainly tormented and love Jack.  For Parker, they're an excellent way to make sure he almost always has enemy scheme markers to play with, including a couple of tricks to force enemies to drop them and the ability to basically pull a reverse "Finish the Job" when they go down.  Even outside these tricks, they have excellent stats for the cost.

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9 hours ago, Pryokon said:

They're slightly less resilient, but they're fast and they're hugely flexible.  Make sure you have a card for them (any card), and you essentially get 3.5 AP out of them each activation, not to mention some nifty scheme marker tricks befitting the Bandits.  I think they're awesome and definitely playable outside a Parker crew.

Sounds interesting. They sound a little like Oxfordian Mages when described that way. What sort of attack do they have? I assume it's a decent ranged attack, but with convict gunslingers and freikorps already available it will be interesting to see what role they play. 

Oh, and is it bandidos or banditos? 

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1 hour ago, Trample said:

Sounds interesting. They sound a little like Oxfordian Mages when described that way. What sort of attack do they have? I assume it's a decent ranged attack, but with convict gunslingers and freikorps already available it will be interesting to see what role they play. 

To me they are more an Outcast version of the Guild's Lone Marshall on foot. Sh attack that hits at ranged or in combat, triggers for an enemy scheme marker placement. 2 AP action that, like the Lone Marshal, but slightly shorter range, gives a push, a focused shot, and then another push for the cost of a discard.

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