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Ramos and Feng


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I have read a few of the noob lists / please help sections on here but I just wanted to ask a quick question for a new player that doesn't seem mentioned a lot (or I haven't read every 'please help post'). Ramos and Mei Feng mixed crews.


I am considering purchasing two crew boxes and the Arcanist variation (so hard to choose with so many models available) that I think should work would be Ramos box set and Mei Feng box set.


My reason being that both benefit well from each others models -

Rail workers are quite hardy and still count as a construct so would be good for Ramos movement/summoning shenanigans - good for tying up points.

Joss and Howard - just because - these have been gone over so many times that I don't need to mention anything here.

Kang - hardy but situational I assume (ressers/arcanist)

Essence of power rather than either provided Totem

Spiders - summoned in Ramos / Stared in Mei Feng for schemes


This should allow Ramos to move around with his magnetism as all models are constructs and Mei to jump all over the place for the same reason.


Does this seem like a good list building purchase considering I can only afford two crew boxes? (Can stretch to a box for spiders for Ramos too).


As a side mention I already own December Acolytes with a Raspy crew I already own but am not getting on with. Nothing wrong with her, just not keen on the mechanics.

Thanks in advance.



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Yes, the 2 boxes mix well and allow both masters to play.

Ramos can't use Kang, but can get some use out of the rail walkers. Mei likes more constructs. Everyone likes spiders and Howard and Joss

Everyone likes the Ramos box. As you've said if you want to play Ramos you will need to get another box of spiders (if not more). I honestly suggest pick the master you want, and the Ramos Box set (+ spiders if you want to play Ramos), and you'll do fine for starting crew choices.  


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The Ramos box is the linchpin of the faction as Howard and Joss are staple models for a lot of crews.  Rail Workers are often overlooked quality minions and again useful for many other crews (Colette and Kaeris).  The only issue with the Mei box is that because Kang can't be hired by any Arcanist other than Mei it's not as useful to play out across the whole faction.

Be aware that Essence of Power is a very weak totem, personally I wouldn't recommend taking it over either the Emberling or the Brass Arachnid.

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These boxes both add a lot of value to aspiring Arcanist players, and work well together, arguably better than any two other single box combinations in the faction.

Railworkers in particular are very good as a 1-of or 2-of to include in many Arcanist lists (Ramos' vanilla box crew is no exception) as they can happily find a use for your worst card every turn with their discard outlet and their love of Tomes for their Df trigger. They're flexible as you can choose to place either a corpse marker or scrap marker if they die, catering to your needs or countering your opponent's needs.

As for model/upgrade specific synergy, to name a few:

- 'Hard Worker' allows you to ignore Howards AoE cover while still reaping the benefits.
- Joss makes more scrap for Mei to work with as he gets stuck in and the game goes on.
- Emberling has multiple ways of creating mobile scrap markers which Large Arachnids can use. They're another great 1-of pick up, like the Railworkers, in many games.

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1-2 rail workers is a nice thing to include for anyone - a nice solid hard hitting model and resilient model (a third gets fairly card hungry).

Kang is amazing, but unfortunately just for Mei (Mei + Kang is a nice option to have around when facing Ressers). 

Mei herself I honestly consider one of the best starter masters - she's a direct, straightforward model that has some depth (which isn't too complicated to get a handle on) once you get used to her. 

Ramos' box gives lots of models that Mei gets great use out of. 

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