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How to play new Levi


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So Levi has changed.  How do we play him now?  Please keep this to discussion to new tactics or old tactics that work with the new FAQ and not if the FAQ was a good or bad thing.


I will start that it seems you need to have a few stones more.  I see a turn now being, channel, shoot, focus, shoot....or focus, move shoot, stone for positive flip, shoot (if someone had cover).



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We will play him same way as before but with less positive flips than before.

As you said most of the time we will go with 2 Focused shots a turn or if we get something in the open we will have single focused shot and 2 normal ones.

Rest stays same as it was.

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Well i think scrap marker focused play making use of the upgrade that lets him summon abominations will be a bit more common. I found a lot of success using Levi this way before and it could be worth making one attack with the focus then using the other AP to produce abominations.

With only one attack gaining the Focus per turn it could be worthwhile to play slightly more aggressive and try and spawn, walk, channel, focus, single death touch in some cases.

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1 hour ago, daniello_s said:

We will play him same way as before but with less positive flips than before.

As you said most of the time we will go with 2 Focused shots a turn or if we get something in the open we will have single focused shot and 2 normal ones.

Rest stays same as it was.

I agree, the play style will be the same.

I don't know why they reduced cache too....Anyway

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11 minutes ago, lusciousmccabe said:

Because he was the strongest Master in the game but not the one with the lowest cache?

I don't think so, Colette still ridicolus strong, absolutely the strongest in the game.

Surely leveticus was on second place with some others like perdita or ophelia

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5 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:

I don't think so, Colette still ridicolus strong, absolutely the strongest in the game.

Surely leveticus was on second place with some others like perdita or ophelia

That's not the general consensus in my experience (not that there is much of one mind you).

To be fair Soulstone Cache is a bit random. Like, I don't see why Lady Justice and Lilith are on par and Ironsides gets 5 SS (which I only realised recently). Leveticus was (and is) certainly stronger than Hamelin, so at least there is that bit of parity in Outcasts now. 


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Ironsides gets 5ss probably because her playstyle requires her to spend a lot of soulstones to survive. I've never seen it as a bad thing, its one of her few strengths. Defensive masters and masters often in melee or relying on triggers need the soulstones much more than ranged or support masters.

Levi's summoner potential with "From Ash" will be hurt by not having that soulstone, as he will want them to be able to consistently get 9+:crow for Transfigure. I still believe this upgrade will be more important after the Leveticus changes and will serve as a decent use of AP after the channeled attack. Unfortunately some twisted designer from many moons ago predicted the Mechanized Porkchop and denied Levi access to gremlins. What are the best other ways to generate scrap among Constructs or Undead?

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I have used 'From Ash' maybe two or three times so far and never found it worthy of 2SS. It is competing for high :crowwith Desolate Soul and it was always better to kill something wounded or with low wounds and summon Abomination this way than wait for scrap marker, be within 6'' of this scrap marker and and summon Abomination. If you really, really want to play with 'classical' summoning in Levi's crew take 'From Aether' on Rusty. At least this doesn't require any suits to go off, she is self sufficient with generating scrap markers and more importantly it is (0)AP action. 


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I never took From Ash without also taking "From Aether" so that Rusty would produce a scrap, then Levi would turn it into an Abomination each turn plus use any other scrap that was created throughout the battle. Ideally its always better to go for desolate warping but Levi does have to randomize and often the low wounds enemy models will be low wounds because they are in a melee.

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First game with new Levi after me. 

Initial thoughts: any cover now basically reduces Levis potential in killing with Unmaking greatly. Even soft cover might be a challenge. Double focus might help here but forget about hurting Henchmen/Masters when they are in cover - they'll spent SS to put you on :-fate damage flip and you'll inflict whooping 2 maaaybe 3 damage max.

Basically even when you shoot someone in the open you'll have to do Focus+shoot twice or again you'll attack will bounce off or do average 6-7 damage in total.

More tests and comments to come ;)

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I think it just means you'll want to employ smarter targets with Levi now. Utilizing his amazing mobility, you find the path of least resistance. Maybe that means he's not a master killer anymore, but he's still damn good at finishing off those models with 1-3 wounds remaining.

Personally I still believe his ability to summon off of the death of enemy models is his highest strength and even if I spend all my AP walking and focusing to only make one attack, I feel it would be worth it if i'm able to kill one of my opponents models and summon one of my own. 

His lowered cashe I assume is due to the fact that he's a summoner (who normally get penalized with their cashe) and the fact that he's getting two free models - which no other master can boast. 

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34 minutes ago, Jordon said:Utilizing his amazing mobility, you find the path of least resistance. 

I hate to say it but good player would put enough pressure on your Waifs to make you think twice if you want to use (0) action to sacrifice your Undead model and risk not having Levi re-spawn in good place at the bottom of the turn. Seems like many people forget this 'amazing mobility' comes with price (sometimes steep). Unless of course you field A&D all the time but then the element of surprise is gone.

Anyway I really enjoyed this recent challenge. Levi still rulez :)

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  • 4 months later...

Having never played Levi as he used to be I've recently taken up him as one of my main masters because I like the idea of the waifs.


I'm seeing from the earth being one of his main things now for taking out large Wd models Ashes and Dust was really good to use but I feel he is better for scheme running when needed and will be looking to take smaller models on other schemes.

Lazarus with an abomination to ping him for 2 damage, which he can heal, to draw a card every turn while moving up behind him

My next game I'm introducing the Pariah of iron into my list as I first wanted to use him as a outcast only to get used to him and putting in some Necro punk and maybe a flesh construct to my list will make a impact on my games I hope


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A&D is traditionally used to basically say "im going to do all the schemes on this side, move your scheme runners away or die". When people discuss scheme runners they often talk about how they can engage any other scheme runners they run into, sometimes justifying a higher stone cost in exchange for this fighting power, A&D is what happens when you decide to take this theory to its logical conclusion.

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I never thought of A&D as a scheme runner, only used him twice, sent him straight into the face of whoever looked juicy, killed that, made an abomination, then got killed and reassembled A&D again, unless opponent threw a lot of attention his way.

I like the model and feel of A&D, there's something cool about a dust storm of evil. :)

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his channel was changed. originally you could take 2 damage before every shot to basically be focused now it's only at the beginning of his activation he can take 2 damage to get focused.


also his Cashe is 1 now instead of 2. I need to get a errated card for this as all I have atm is the original

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