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Rusty Alyce and her upgrades


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When I run Alyce with Leveticus I give her Desolate Soul so she can shoot people and generate Abominations. When I run her with Von Schill I give her From Aether because with him having Engage at Will she can summon a scrap marker and then an Abomination every turn, so long as she's close to him. She's pretty quick with Wk6 so that's usually not a problem.

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1 hour ago, daniello_s said:

I tend to give her Oathkeeper only and leave summoning Abominations by killing models for Levi only.

better 10pt models than alyce if thats all you are doing.

the 1st time you summon an abomination off either upgrade it has more than paid for its cost which is why I dont mind taking both.

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I almost always take Desolate Soul and I Pay Better. Occasionally I will take From the Aether instead of I Pay Better, but only for certain types of Schemes or Strategies.

From the Aether is a slow way to summon Abominations and isn't a guaranteed thing, therefore it requires holding cards and using stones. In most cases I'd rather save those cards and stones to kill models with Rapid Fire and summon an Abomination off of the killed model. It can be useful for scoring conditions that require board control. In those cases I will often hold Rusty back to generate Abominations. Those Abominations will hang back for board control, then Rusty will up only far enough to engage at range.

Desolate Soul generally isn't as card intensive, precisely because you would probably be burning cards to win those attach duels anyway (or cheat damage). With Rapid Fire you can generally pick which shot is going to be the kill, so you know when to stone for a crow. Additionally by summoning off a killed model you are likely positioning the Abomination by other enemy modes, or at least within 6" of them, thus making use of the Abomination's ability to tar pit the opposing crew (your enemy can't just ignore a model nearby that can strip suits, prevent 0 actions and do damage without spending a single AP).

As for I Pay Better I typically run merc heavy. My Outcasts crews usually include Johan or Taelor, a Freikorps Librarian and a Freikorps Trapper that are nearly always within 10" of Rusty. In my opinion being able to give out focus at the cost of a low card to 2-3 models per turn is way more useful than summoning scrap and Abominations, out of position where they can the most helpful. YMMV of course.

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I'm going to add Tally sheet to the options. 

She is a pretty killy henchman, so its not that uncommon for her to get a kill a turn. 


So it depends on what you want. Desolate soul and from the Aether are useful for summoning. I'm persoanlly not a fan of Desolate soul, as I find it requires more set up work, and is less consistent across a game. (The number of times I've killed something an AP early with not having the trigger, or have the trigger, and fail to kill when I spent the stone). From the Aether is not great if she is having to produce her own scrap every time, as getting abominations on turns 2 and 4 is not worth it. If I have other things about that are likely to leave scrap, or use scrap, then it is better, and with Vonschill I really like it. 

I'm a big fan of Oath Keeper, as that extra AP at the right time can change a game, but I also acknowledge its a bit of a trap. The more I rely on the upgrade, the more I get to cover the mistakes I made in the game, so don't actually stop making them. 

I pay better is very crew dependent, but if you have a very mercurial crew, then its a good choice. 

Scout the field is probably board dependant. The free walk isn't bad, and ignoring LOS can be nice, but its only for 1 action, so no use for rapid fire, 

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