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Res on a Budget


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So I don't have a job and been able to get stuff from parents but I'm not going to get into details.


Anyway I was wondering what Masters would I be able to buy of Resurrectionists that don't require a lot of buying additional models?(Nicodem is out obviously and don't suggest Seamus or Mcmourning cuz frankly they freak me out and I'm not buying Jack The Ripper or a guy with models I can't even look at) So taking out the ones I'm not going to even bother ever buying that leaves Molly, Kira, Yaan Lo, and Tara. Which of these are well suited to possibly never buying more models till you can afford em?

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Out of what you have there, Molly and Kirai are both also summoners (not as intense as Nicodem, but still up there), so you'd end up inclined to buy more models eventually. By SS count, Kirai is probably not going to be a good choice here since her box set is ITTY BITTY in terms of SS, so you'll probably end up buying a decent number of things to start filling out points. I can't comment on Yan Lo or Tara personally, but from reading their tactica on Pull My Finger, they seem less needy for other additions. 

Also, totally go read Pull My Finger's tactica pages for masters you're interested in. Most articles will talk about models that are good additions to the master and why, so you can start to reason out if you need something based on how you want to play OR just see how long the list of "you should get these too" are and compare. Link A Dink for that is here

Malifaux is also one of the few games in which you don't have to buy a lot to get started OR to play for a decently long time. If you have a local group that plays (at an LGS or otherwise), definitely talk to them about what kinds of events they're running so you can get a count of how many SS you'll need to play a game. There's a list of the max Soulstones in a box set here: Link A Dink  to help with that end of the decision. 


Edited by Talismaniical
Adding links. :)
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Well I understand Resurrectionists are mostly heavy summon happy all damn day long kinda guys/girls I was curious on opinions which masters wouldn't be immeadiate to buy models to ever work with (Nicodem is probably the only one) I plan to buy more models eventually but was curious which be cheapest to get into.

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Yeah, Yan is pretty light on summoning since he's mostly effectively returning things to play, and I play tara a lot and would say you can get by with about two expansions for her (one to cover cheap minions she can summon (guild autopsies) and one to cover expensive ones (drowned/students/punk zombies, really your choice since they're all fine until your collection gets bigger).


But, any summon-heavy force will be more expensive.

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Look up Yin and Toshiro, if you are okay with their models, Yan Lo is your man. He basically needs his 3 Ancestors (Yin, Toshiro, Izamu) and a box of Komainu. Also if it turns out you dislike the aesthetics of most Resser models, you can always play him as TT and use all those models there.

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16 minutes ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

If gross models are off the table, it might be worth sticking to Guild and Ten Thunders... would say they have the fewest horror elements in their model design.

It depends Ilike some of the models that be ungodly freaky in real life. I don't mind the undead models just ALL of Mcmourning models are an unholy amount of disturbing. (that snake corpse thing being the worst offender)

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41 minutes ago, WolfDayDream said:

It depends Ilike some of the models that be ungodly freaky in real life. I don't mind the undead models just ALL of Mcmourning models are an unholy amount of disturbing. (that snake corpse thing being the worst offender)

Out of curiousity do you know the name of the corpse-snake model? Is it Yin the Penangalan? If so then she's more of a Yan Lo model than McMourning, McMourning is mostly based on Flesh Constructs and Canine Remains as far as Undead models go. 

Edited by doombladez
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2 minutes ago, doombladez said:

Out of curiousity do you know the name of the corpse-snake model? Is it Yin the Penangalan? If so then she's more of a Yan Lo model than McMourning, McMourning is mostly based on Flesh Constructs and Canine Remains as far as Undead models go. 

I don't see it anymore on any box set but there used to be a rather gruesome undead model that was made of metal and bones with a decapitated head as the head of the thing.

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1 hour ago, doombladez said:

Out of curiousity do you know the name of the corpse-snake model? Is it Yin the Penangalan? If so then she's more of a Yan Lo model than McMourning, McMourning is mostly based on Flesh Constructs and Canine Remains as far as Undead models go. 

Hmm can't find it and no not her.. Musta been a 1.5 model only.. Or I'm delusional and misremembering.. I think it used to be in Mcmourning box set..

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1 hour ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

Think he means the Student of... snake tail or whatever. Viscera or Sinew, I think?

Could be, I'm not familiar enough with first edition to know if there's an older model that fits the description. Regardless I'd take a look at McMourning's M2E box @WolfDayDream, it's a lot less body-horror than it used to be. 

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I believe you are talking about the University of Transmortis box set, you should check it out to confirm. They were originally 1.5e but have since been upgraded for 2E.

That box is more for Nicodem and Horror Molly but you can play perfectly well without them (although one of the students is useful for Nicodem as an anti-armour option) and you only miss out on the Valedictorian as a flying henchmen and options vary on her usefulness anyway.

EDIT: To answer your original question - if you only had a limited budget then I would check out Yin first, if that model grosses you out then I'd pick up the Tara box set as your starting master. If she doesn't fill you with dread then go Yan Lo - on the whole his complete crew (i.e. the extras you can add) make him cheaper than Tara who will require more to be effective.


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What exactly is it that disturbs you about Seamus and McMourning (other than the "corpse snake")? I'm asking because they, along with Yan Lo, are probably the least expensive masters to run.

Seamus himself is just a well dressed (and armed) man with a slightly creepy smile and the Copycat Killer is practically cute. Madame Sybelle is a little freaky, I'll give you that, but the Belles arent too bad if you dont paint them up too bloody.  Seamus does like scary models though and I can see The Hanged and Yin creeping someone out.

McMournings current box comes with 2 hot nurses, a frankenstein style monster and two dogs that arent too damaged. The doctor himself isnt that scary, and apart from the overly large head Sebastian is OK. Again, it helps if you dont drench the models in blood splatter. The good doctor wants more dead dogs and more frankenstein monsters.

If these concepts are too scary for you, I would honestly recommend that you pick another faction. Ressuretionists and Neverborn are probaly the factions that embody the horror elements of the game the most. Gremlins are pretty cute and funny. You can run a decent list consisting of a couple of short green guys, a dog and alot of piggies :)

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Just adding up some totals:

Yan Lo would come to a total of $ 101: Crew box ($ 40), Toshiro ($ 16), Izamu ($ 16), Yin ($ 11) and Komainu ($ 18). If you do, though, you'd be completely set for Yan Lo.

Tara would be $ 87: Crew box ($ 45), Guild autopsies ($ 21) and Punk zombies ($ 21) and you'd still be lacking a bit in heavy hitting. If you get something like Izamu, the total will be around $ 103.

So getting a functioning crew would cost around $ 100 with either of the two, although Tara might make due with a bit less. Of course the actual cost will vary wildly based on the bargains, taxes and shipping costs you encounter.

On another topic, I think you might have mixed McMourning with Leveticus. Since you're sure the "corpse snake" isn't The student of viscera, the next thing that comes to mind is the snake-like abomination in the middle of this picture (Painted by ConqueringWyrm, the Toad painter. http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/115420-leveticus-friends/ Nicked from this forum post). Leveticus is quite into the body horror theme, so it's easy to see his crew making people queasy.


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On 4/11/2016 at 3:37 AM, Munindk said:

What exactly is it that disturbs you about Seamus and McMourning (other than the "corpse snake")? I'm asking because they, along with Yan Lo, are probably the least expensive masters to run.


Probably the whole "serial killer who exclusively targets prostitutes" bit.

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So we've found out that you hate abominations (and I don't blame you; they're in my Category II listing of creepy models*). Do you want to make a career out of hunting them? Maybe get a Johan ($11 mercenary model good for any crew) with the relic hammer that'll do superior damage against constructs like those. Maybe get Tara and use her upgraded sword--strike one abomination and apply that damage to every one on the field.

*Yin has Category III all to herself. Yuck. Well done, Wyrd, but yuck. :( 

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