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Asylum Stone


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Asylum Stone

Restriction: Leader

Cost 1ss

-> When this model is targeted by an action, it can expend a SS to increase its Df or Wp for the remainder of the duel. 0-5 is +1, 6-10 is +2, 11-14 is +3. This cannot increase the value of the stat over 8.

-> (0) This model may discard this upgrade to force a target model within LOS to make a TN12 Horror Duel


Besides obvious janky gimmicky things like Yin's Gnawing Fears or Molly's Revelations to make the opposing model fail this horror duel... what is the point of this upgrade at all? Was there a use for it in a different meta? Is there some interaction I am missing with this upgrade? I ask you, the community, as I really wanna know what this can be used for! 

Thank you for your responses in advance. 

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23 minutes ago, Fireuser said:

All of these kinds of upgrades are generally considered to be useless.

Haha of course! I just had to wonder just, why? Why even print it? Or somehow is there some future Leader who might find this marginally useful? lol. It's not even useful for the new GG2016 since the upgrade related scheme doesnt even count leader upgrades! hahahaha

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They are not worth taking because of the cost of the SS needed to power them.

I think that they are printed because they were printed.

Wyrd does not like to errata things if it can be helped.  These are certainly not game breaking, and the cards are cheap to print, so I doubt there will be any change.

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Like "bad" choices in many games, it just doesn't exist for you, or for probably anybody who posts here. But I bet there is some silent population of players who likes this now (either because they think it's good or because they like the flavor of the cycle that each faction has), and will feel smart when they figure out that it isn't very good and learn to stop taking it. Bad options are there for a good reason, and since you've figured out not to bother with this one, it's best to leave it be.

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I believe they were included as a legacy mechanic, a way for Masters to still add a flip, in a limited way, to their duel totals. The issue is, as Fireuser mentioned, the SS cost, Opportunity cost of the upgrade slot, and the SS required to use it, all for very uncertain gain, means from a generally competitive standpoint, the upgrades are nearly useless. The best use I've personally found for them is to prevent unsightly moisture rings from forming on my gaming table when I put a frosty beverage down on it. B)

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I think the reasoning behind this sort of card is that they combine two or more marginal or situational abilities that each would be fraction of a soulstone in cost--too good to be free, not quite good enough to be 1SS on their own.  If you're going to call a situational use of an ability janky, then any of those abilities are going to be janky on purpose.

I mean, if you don't like the combination of Molly and Asylum Stone, that doesn't make the combination useless, that just means that you don't like the use.

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