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      Hey guys and girls, I'm going to be in a shifting loyalties campaign and I was hoping for some crew suggestions to start with I have Ramos crew, Ironsides and Raspy I was thinking of going with Snow storm, Silent one and 2x Ice gamin for week one. It seemed like a good/fun start. The next model I would get would be December Acolyte since they are too good to pass up. I know my opponents will be Outcast (Leveticus) , Outcast (Von Schill) Guild (Peridta), and maybe Ressers. I named those masters here cause the players have those crews and they are the players favorite masters right now. Any suggestions or ideas would be great.

I also had a few questions about blasts and triggers so...Snow Storm's attack Ice tornado damage is 2/3/:blast:blast/3:blast:blast:blast what is the damage of the third blast? My understanding of blast is it works downward from max to min. For example Raspy December's Curse is 2/4:blast/5:blast:blast so if you get max damage the target takes 5 and first :blast does 4 and the second :blast does 2.

My second question is about triggers. How many times can you trigger the same trigger/repeat an attack? Ive noticed on Snow storm has a trigger "Overpower :tome:maskAfter damaging, immediately take this action again against the same target. This action may not declare triggers". So here only once per action so at most twice per activation (lol I can read :P)but Raspy as "Biting Chill :tome:mask One thousand Cuts: after damaging, immediately take this action again against the same target" so since it does not have the line "This action may not declare triggers" that means you could in theory you could do it forever right? This was just and easy example Ive noticed this same sort thing on other cards guild, outcast etc and wanted a second opinion.

Thanks for the help and ideas I look forward to the responses.:)

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5 minutes ago, frostwolf428 said:

I also had a few questions about blasts and triggers so...Snow Storm's attack Ice tornado damage is 2/3/:blast:blast/3:blast:blast:blast what is the damage of the third blast?

My second question is about triggers. How many times can you trigger the same trigger/repeat an attack? Ive noticed on Snow storm has a trigger "Overpower :tome:maskAfter damaging, immediately take this action again against the same target. This action may not declare triggers". So here only once per action so at most twice per activation (lol I can read :P)but Raspy as "Biting Chill :tome:mask One thousand Cuts: after damaging, immediately take this action again against the same target" so since it does not have the line "This action may not declare triggers" that means you could in theory you could do it forever right? This was just and easy example Ive noticed this same sort thing on other cards guild, outcast etc and wanted a second opinion.

Thanks for the help and ideas I look forward to the responses.:)

1) As far as I've always understood it, the blasts all do the same damage - one less level of damage than the single target's damage.  So for SnowStorm severe, single target takes 3 and everything under the blasts take 2.

2) Yes.  If something doesn't have a "you can't declare more triggers" caveat then you can keep declaring triggers.  I've driven one friend in particular into a Rail Golem hatred after I got 6 Locomotions off with some very good luck with 4+ Tomes.

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OMG!!!!!!! me and my friend had the starting soul stone amount wrong we thought it was 25! that is such a game changer! thank you SO much for pointing that out. that makes sense with the blast damage, but in this case if he got severe it should be 3 to the target then 3 damage in the blast? since his moderate is 3 damage too, or does it always just go to the next lower damage amount. 

Also does anyone think the Arcane emissary is worth getting in a campaign?

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Every model hit by 1 or more blast markers suffer damage of 1 level lower, so on a severe Snowstorm does 3 damage to the target (severe) and to every model hit by one or more of the 3 blast markers (Moderate) (It doesn't matter how many of the blast markers hit them they will suffer not more than the 3 damage).


Emissary is a fine choice. But remember you get some mighty fine upgrades during the campaign, you might not want to waste their slot on the conflux upgrade


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So a lukewarm response to the Arcane Emissary and that's a good point Bertmac, 2 scrip for a 0 cost upgrade, I'm not crazy about that. I was considering trying out Scorpius and a performer or two, see if I could get some good poison/slow combos. I also figured an Ice Dancer and Envy could be fun too. I think before any of these I should get Joss, Howard or Ice Golem just to add a little more tank/ front line.

A great upgrade to get is Scope (ignore soft cover) on December Acolyte its so evil :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

So we started the first round of matches last night. I ran Snow storm, December Acolyte, Silent One and a last minute change of a Blessed of December(instead of 2x Ice gamins). I'm 1-1 so far with 1-2 games to go for the week. 

My first game was against Guild Fransisco, Santiago 3x pistolero and 1 watcher. I was not happy going into it I was out manned and out gunned, a lucky red joker flip on snow storms ca attack put seven damage on Fransisco and 3 on Santiago getting me some forward momentum for the rest of the match sadly my December Acolyte bit the dust here and has a injury of crippling pain -1 wk as if Arcanists are not slow enough as it is sigh.

My second match was vs Outcast Hanna, Liberian , Trapper, 2x Freikorpsmenn the match went...lukewarm sadly my Blessed had to be a scheme runner and I strategic withdraw on turn 4 I could not put out enough damage to hurt Hanna or any other model with the librarian near by. (I know I know kill her first but that can be easier said then done) but I walked away with 9-5 lose no injuries and more script so I'm not too sad. 

So on to next week I have 13 script I'm thinking I want a HEAVY melee hitter someone to make the enemy wet them selves at the sight of and my first thought was Howard 4 min damage can make soft cover and we can't forget the great nimble ability. But then I started thinking what about the Ice Golem?

It would save me a few script (cost 10ss vs 12ss) 1 more armor the frozen heart is nice and works with the Silent One Also there is Smash a 9 min damage attack :P and speaking of can you use that during a charge? He charges using 2 ap but then get to make two melee attacks +1 for melee experts so that makes 3 ap with smash needs....let me know if I'm right or wrong

Also another part that is useful is Snow Storms December's command allows me to move him 8 inches with really helps one of his biggest weaknesses slow movement and I figured Id get imbued protection on Ice Golem to make him harder to kill.

Other then that I think I want another December acolyte or silent one(0 action heal as been saving my butt BIG time) maybe bring back the ice gamin. well let me know what you guys think I love the feed back. and thanks for the help :)



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I had 1 more game vs Ressers it was Toshiro 3 punk Zombies and one Crooligan, I won 9-4 highlight was Blessed of Decmeber attacking Toshiro 4 time :)two lucky ram flips

That sucks about the charge into smash but I'm not surprised. Ive not forgotten the minus 5 too the cost, that's why I'm thinking of either Howard (7 cost ) and then December Acolyte (cost 7) or Ice Golem (cost 5) then December Acolyte (cost 7).

Part of the reason I want a really heavy hitter is vs the Outcast crew with Hanna.  Hanna has a +1 armor upgrade making her really hard to kill and the Librarian is of course going healing, healing....next turn healing healing etc :angry:. So I figure some high damage could help get around the armor and also (Howard especially) could get to the back line and threaten that annoying Librarian.

OK but lets think outside the box....I have 14 script.....I could do 2 ice Gamin 1 Acolyte (cost 10 script in total) then just keep those paired up (1 acolyte and 1 gamin) both of those would do a min 3 plus slow and discard.....That's nice very nice I could get Joss or Mechrider...Envy would be nice but...eh? Mind you I like these other models I just don't think they are whats needed right now.

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