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Returning Player Having Trouble


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So I was an avid player of ME1.5, but when 2E came out, most of my gaming group had an irrational knee-jerk reaction to it and stopped playing the game completely.  With no one to play with, I had no choice but to fall behind on everything.

Long story short, I'm trying to get back in to it now(because screw those guys), but I'm having a hell of a time finding the Wave 1 Arsenal Decks anywhere.  Does anyone know if they will be reprinting them any time soon?

I'm in Toronto, if that means anything.

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The arsenal decks are being discontinued. The word from Wyrd is that they printed the arsenal decks in order to form a bridge for players from 1.5 into 2.0, however they were never intended to be an item permanently for sale, as they sell them for very little profit, and large print runs are very expensive, for an item that over time sells less and less well. They very much understand it is not an ideal solution for players coming back after the period of the arsenal deck's sale period. Nathan mentioned they are working on something in that regards but nothing has been announced as of yet. 

Here is a quote from Nathan, somewhat out of context, from a similar thread:

It is a touch unrealistic for there to be the expectation for arsenal decks to be made available indefinitely as they are costly for large amounts of reprints (and even more so for small prints as with anything in printing, quantity is king), take up quite a bit of warehouse space, and are quite honestly after the last couple of years, very slow sellers. Any reprints that at this point that would be cost effective (as we sell them as a low price on purpose, and then of course distributor discounts one has to take into affect) would mean that we would have a significant amount of arsenal decks that we would be sitting on for another couple of years. 

I am aware that there are folks that are just now getting back into the game after a few year hiatus, and we are looking into some other options which we're hoping to roll out in October if all goes well but nothing is promised at the moment. When we get to that point we'll most certainly make an announcement.

And thanks for letting me know about the Amazon retailer trying to pass themselves off as us - we'll be sorting that - we don't sell on Amazon.


As a note, photocopies of the cards from the book are totally legal for tourney play.

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So...I'm  SOL. That's  really disappointing. Photocopies may be accepted at tournaments but they're not acceptable to me.

That's really crappy and kind of diminishes my excitement a little. I don't see why they can't do some kind of print on demand thing. Fantasy Flight Games does it all the time.

I really hope they come up with some other solution soon.

Thanks for the info anyway.




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So...I'm  SOL. That's  really disappointing. Photocopies may be accepted at tournaments but they're not acceptable to me.

That's really crappy and kind of diminishes my excitement a little. I don't see why they can't do some kind of print on demand thing. Fantasy Flight Games does it all the time.

I really hope they come up with some other solution soon.

Thanks for the info anyway.




Well it's possible (And more likely perhaps) that FFG has either, better contract deals with printers (Due to large amounts of printed materials pushed for all their games, and being able to support it), OR FFG may just have their own in-house printing available, so they can do what they need when they need.  Wyrd on the other hand is a bit smaller and providing less printed materials in general (Malifaux is certainly smaller than FFG's massive range of board games), which means they probably aren't on the same level.

There are a few decks in my local store, I don't know if they are 1st or 2nd wave, but I could look at them, and if it's the one you're looking for possibly arrange something with you.

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There are a few decks in my local store, I don't know if they are 1st or 2nd wave, but I could look at them, and if it's the one you're looking for possibly arrange something with you.

Thank you for the offer, but I found an online store from the UK that had what I was looking for.  Paid a fortune, but looks like I scrounged up what I needed.

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So I was an avid player of ME1.5, but when 2E came out, most of my gaming group had an irrational knee-jerk reaction to it and stopped playing the game completely.  With no one to play with, I had no choice but to fall behind on everything.

Long story short, I'm trying to get back in to it now(because screw those guys), but I'm having a hell of a time finding the Wave 1 Arsenal Decks anywhere.  Does anyone know if they will be reprinting them any time soon?

I'm in Toronto, if that means anything.

My local game store had a bunch of the wave 1 Arsenal decks. It is in Cleveland so shipping shouldn't cost to much or take to long. PM if interested in the contact information.

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Hey, I'm a returning player too and trying to figure out what I should buy for Gremlins so I can get back in the game. Should I get the Wave 2 Arsenal Pack and the Gremlin Arsenal Box? Or does one make the other redundant?

Also, what advantage is there in getting the Crossroads expansion?


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The Gremlin Arsenal box contains cards for all the wave 1 gremlin models. The cards are also included with the plastics or you can photocopy them from the Big Rulebook, which has stat cards + upgrades for all wave 1 models.

The Wave 2 Gremlin Arsenal box contains cards for all the wave 2 gremlin models. Same deal as before, but they're not in the Big Rulebook, they're in the Crossroads book.

The arsenal decks are good if you have old metal models and want nicely printed cards, but if you're buying plastics, the cards are included and so it's redundant.

Crossroads contains all the stats for the wave 2 models, and also more stories and a lot of interesting scenarios to try. If you only want the stats for Gremlins from crossroads, it would be cheaper to buy the wave 2 arsenal deck (which is what I did).

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When they changed edition, they didn't release all the old models in one go, they were split over 2 books (and those in the main rulebook were called wave 1 and those in Crossroads, wave 2). You may well find that your old gremlin models are all in the Wave 1 box, (I can only think of Burt, Wong, Gracie, Taxidermist and McTavish from Wave 2 that you might own already). 

If you don't have any old Gremlin models you need cards for, then you'll get the cards in the figure packs, and you'll just want to buy the General Upgrade expansion. 

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