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Jack and the Strong stalk?


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Hey hey

Looking to start playing good ol' Jacky jacky Jack daw and the tormented breakfast gang, quite excited to see his new model and the frankly-nuts Guilty in action soon!

I've noticed a lot of his crew damage, while not half bad, is predominantly from poking attrition. Attrition can be pretty strong stuff, but sometimes I just want something that can run up and straight-up invert something's face, ya know?

I'm not quite brave enough to try Killjoy just yet, and wanted something with a bit more ah, control to it where schemes are concerned.

How does the Freikorp Strongarm suit handle in practice? Can a 10 ss non-tormented living model have a place in a Jack crew?

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I also think options like Hannah or Taelor work pretty well. I haven't had much use with Taelor (since I don't have her model), but I hear she is a great offensive complement to Jack Daw. Hannah is superb for that extra card, survivability, utterly (positively) dumb removal abilities (void marker shenanigans), and a decent fist.

Welcome to the fold!

~Lil Kalki

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Seeing as the guilty will make him tormented sure he can! On top of him being utterly awesome. 

I was so caught up in tormenting enemies that I overlooked tormenting my own models!
Twist & turn is suddenly looking absolutely treacherous 

Taelor looks like good fun and also looks to be the ultimate anti-teddy system, but I can't quite justify getting the Victoria crew box just yet. I really should: another new player has taken to running 2 teddies, and screw those things in the face, with atomic warheads.

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Better for Jack to use "feel their torment" to copy the Guilty's ability and make Strongarm Tormented. The condition stays until the casting model uses it again, so if the Guilty makes Strongarm Tormented you won't be able to use one of its attacks against the enemy. Jack on the other hand has so many different attacks (including the Tormented Strongarm's) that he is unlikely to want to use "Share Guilt" again in the game.

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Better for Jack to use "feel their torment" to copy the Guilty's ability and make Strongarm Tormented. The condition stays until the casting model uses it again, so if the Guilty makes Strongarm Tormented you won't be able to use one of its attacks against the enemy. Jack on the other hand has so many different attacks (including the Tormented Strongarm's) that he is unlikely to want to use "Share Guilt" again in the game.

Agreed. This is what I do with Daw quite often, typically on Sue in my crews, but it works on any non-tormented. 

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Also don't forget Jack just got a whole lot more models via the crossroad seven. Now not many of them are strait up heavy hitters but I look at someone like Envy as being able to fill the role of high damage output. 


Are they in Shifting loyalties?
I've heard some hearsay about these Crossroad seven, but I won't get my copy of SL till tuesday.
Decided to grab the Strongarm for now, and the obligatory Hanged and some Crooked men, to play adorable games with scheme markers. I was angling (cough) to run Drowned and Jaakuna ubume with Jack, but looks like they're on Wyrd's re-sculpting block right now...

Seems like a pretty good time to be getting a hold of Jack though.

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Ama No Zako is a great addition to a Jack Daw crew. She's terrifying, can fly, has an Obey-like action, and can dish out some hefty damage while healing herself. Plus can outright kill a non-leader ht 1 or paralyzed model! Perfect for a Jack list that is running hanged (and other terrifying) or crooked men/drowned! 


Edited by AtomicKeen
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