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not typical tara


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Hi guys, I have a few ideas in curious about. Has anyone tryed


I'm thinking pulls, lowers wp, forces card wasting

Desperat merc

Screen Tara with them, shoot them to give them fast and make them plus flips and drain the enemy's hand with all the -2 shots, keep them close for a Ss when they die and fast bubble when alive

With Tara, and if so any good?

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um... I fail to see y you would laugh at the idea.

This game rewards attackers not defenders, If I do 6 attacks even at sh2 you are in a dilema. If you keep flipping higher you are burning cards off the top of the deck that would have helped you pass your attacks, while if I flip higher and win the duel you take damage.


This method was used by the old collodi "fast" crew that would run over crews with the sheer amount of attacks they generated.


I say do it! and report how it worked for you.  I say try to proxy 4-5 desperate mercs and 1-2 blockers/ attrition makers like Hannah and Librarian

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Last night my Nothing Beast survived 11 attacks mostly against his Wp (so no extra bonuses for low card hand) from various sources in one turn. Did that drain my hand? No... Did it drain my deck? Yes, so I had all cards back in deck - no harm done.


And we are talking now about Sh attacks so any kind of cover will disrupt your tactic straight away.

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I quite like the idea, but it relies on your opponent leaving two or more models in range (8") of the mercs, and that those models aren't terrifying (because you will need to cheat those Wp 4 Mercs' horror duels, one per terrifying target, which will likely equally drain your hand to do).


If you're looking for hand-drain (and stone-drain), you might want to consider an outcast Misaki instead (assassinate trigger, Yamaziko's Master Tactician ability, Hans shooting at their master), all of which (and potentially Pilfer on Misaki) can drain your opponent's resources extremely quickly.

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I have also considered using Pull the Void to give a Desperate Merc fast and then fire away with abandon. However, I would only consider it during super-friendly games just for the heck of it. :P


My dream (to actually get a reason to use the nice models) is that there would have been a general Outcast upgrade allowing you to summon one up to once per turn at a reasonable cost. Just throw some money and a gun at desperate bystanders, and off they go! ;)

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My dream (to actually get a reason to use the nice models) is that there would have been a general Outcast upgrade allowing you to summon one up to once per turn at a reasonable cost. Just throw some money and a gun at desperate bystanders, and off they go! ;)


Me like it!

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I don't think this is a really good use for Tara's AP.  Consider that you're using one of your master's AP to make a short range shooting attack at 2/3/4 (if I remember correctly - don't have my cards on me), when that AP could be used to give something like the Nothing Beast, Bishop, Killjoy, or even a Ronin Fast instead.  Fast Ronin are nasty if you've never tried them out!  Even a fast Void Wretch will do more work than a Desperate Merc for the same cost.


While I'm all for trying new ideas, I don't think this one will be all that successful unfortunately.  However, if anyone does try it out, I'd be interested to read about the results.

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I'm playing a friendly on Monday so I'm going to try it.

I'm not suggesting it as they are the best thing, but for 8 Ss for 2 they can screen tara, if they get shut down you get a Ss back and Tara is still k.

They can chuck out loads of shots The plan hear is if they get high cards then good they have gone. Low then good I'm prob hitting as have a plus flip against ball crews having that many shots will make dents.

The game plan is still to buff the big guys and do all the normal, but it just gives her a mini and cheep retinue to help out when the situation allows for it. Having 2 convicts is cool but about twice the price

As I say, not claiming its op just saw a use for an amazing sculpt

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I have also considered using Pull the Void to give a Desperate Merc fast and then fire away with abandon. However, I would only consider it during super-friendly games just for the heck of it. :P


My dream (to actually get a reason to use the nice models) is that there would have been a general Outcast upgrade allowing you to summon one up to once per turn at a reasonable cost. Just throw some money and a gun at desperate bystanders, and off they go! ;)


It was pretty handy against Silent Ones :P

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