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Auto includes with jack daw help pleaae


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I've been gone from malifaux about a year now because I got bored of the crew masters I was interested in but with the release of jack coming at gencon my interest has returned. I'm trying to put together a list of things that I should pick up for him. So far I've got nurses,hanged,drowned and jakuna ubume( she's gonna be fun to find). I really like killjoy but he is a lot of points and I don't see him really having a place in his crew. Any suggestions would be appreciated

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I'm not really an experienced Daw player (having only played one actual game with him) but I have done a lot of Theory-faux (for what that's worth :P ), and have found Hannah to be a nice addition to his crew. She has a nice staline, is fairly resilient, gives an extra card and can hit really hard at times (especially with focus). What gives that special little ounce of synergy is her ability to copy Ca-actions from non-leaders. With it you can copy the Guilty's Share Guilt to make an extra model (perhaps herself) tormented, and you can copy all actions from the Hanged. Extra Whispers from Beyond is always nice. :)


Otherwise, I like Johan as an all-round model. Just bring a Guilty to make him tormented and voilá; he's part of the gang. His condition-removal stacks nicely with nurses. In my first (and only :P ) game with Daw I used a nurse to restore Daw to full health from 3 remaining wounds, and then simply removed his paralyze with Johan.


I loved Jack Daw during my first game, and hopefully you will too. :D

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I saw Jaakuna on ebay going for $35. good luck with that (I mean it sincerely :D).


I have heard good things about using Sue in this crew. Haven't done so myself yet but it still sounds nice.


Tormenting Ama no Zako really makes things ridiculous.


If you don't yet have any Crooked Men, I recommend getting a box of those. They are superb scheme runners (for various reasons lol).


~Lil Kalki

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Hannah will be even better once the band is released - they each have very potent "once per turn" Ca actions that Daw and Hannah can abuse.

Not quite sure what you mean by this? Because it doesn't matter who takes the action, it's once per turn. So there will be no abuse unless you plan on using your opponents band members and use their once pet turn ability but I'd hardly call that abuse.

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P 39:


The once per turn actions box tells us all once per turn abilities are just for that model so models that copy actions can take them in addition to that. Models that do obeys "uses up" the action for the obeyed model.

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P 39:


The once per turn actions box tells us all once per turn abilities are just for that model so models that copy actions can take them in addition to that. Models that do obeys "uses up" the action for the obeyed model.

Yeah, Seamus gets very upset is somebody manages to Obey him to use his Flintlock!  But it wouldn't work in the way  that Decker is suggesting which is what I think ZFiend is getting at.

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Angry Mojo Games makes a miniature guitar specifically for proxying Sue.


To be more Wyrd compliant I suppose a miniature could be built out of the Through the Breach male figures. Obviously another Wyrd miniature would also do the trick. A variant Perdita model would be quite nice, although "Sue" wouldn't be such an ironic name.

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Yeah, Seamus gets very upset is somebody manages to Obey him to use his Flintlock!  But it wouldn't work in the way  that Decker is suggesting which is what I think ZFiend is getting at.


Yeah, not quite sure what he meant by abusing once per turn abilities, that's why I asked. 


Also it would be funny to spank Seamus with Sybelle for more Flintlock shots if it was possible. :P 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just looking at some of the synergies with the crossroad seven (looking at the beta files). I'm curious about gluttony's "a rhythm to those who hunger" ability which basically gives an enemy model a condition that automatically pushes them in base contact with scheme markers which are placed within 6" of them. They suffer 2 damage and the marker is discarded. 


My question is how would this stack with the crooked men's "shafted" ability? My assumption is they would take the shafted damage then suffer 2 additional damage before removing the scheme marker. That could be pretty mean if it works that way...

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