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What do you do when you are painting? Other than painting, of course.…


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So. I'm flat drunk and decided to paint my Katanaka snipers. Probably not a good idea, but I did it anyways. I'm watching some Japanese animation (fate/zero on Netflix) and it is all in actual Japanese with subtitles. Not good for painting, as you could imagine, my not speaking, let alone understanding Japanese and all. I just thought I would see what other people are doing when they're painting? Listening to music, podcasts, watching shows, nothing, etc.? How seriously do you take painting? Is a matter of pride, or is it something you just do for fun?

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Music or podcasts. I will occasionally have the TV on if it's a movie I've seen plenty of times...then I don't feel the need to look up, I can just follow along with the voices.


I take it seriously for fun if that makes any sense. I very much enjoy it, but I'm always pushing myself to do better so I'm pretty serious. Pride cometh before the fall, so I try not to be too proud....but I definitely enjoy a nice feeling of accomplishment when I complete something that was difficult and it comes out well.

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I prefer to run TV shows on either Hulu or Netflix - making sure I take a break every hour or two (even if it's just to stretch my legs) is actually really important, and the length of a tv show is actually a really good timer for that.  

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I listen to audio books and podcasts, occasionally radio. I take my painting fairly seriously in that I want a certain standard so I wouldn't paint if something was impairing me, e.g. if I'm excessively tired. I don't drink alcohol so "drunk painting" has never come up.

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I used to have something easy going in the background like a comedy show I'd seen before or something like that but now that I've ran through pretty much all of them for 3-4 times I've started to listen podcasts. It started with the Tales From the Breachside (amazing btw, the narrator is topnotch) but I did find a show I actually like too. Schemes and Stones. I listened to their Lucius one (as I am starting Lucius) and the dude doing the show and the guest on that show are just great. Especially I liked the guest a lot and his thoughts and blatant disrespect for the Guild. :P Props to that Falcon guy again! 

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Podcasts.  I may switch to music if I ever burn through the 300+ hours of podcasts I have archived for listening to when I get time.


I am not a serious painter, but to achieve a modest tabletop standard I still need to pay close attention to what I am doing.  

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I listen to music. Usually, I'll set my music player on shuffle, but if I really feel I need to concentrate, I'll go with one of the metal bands I've been listening to recently. Currently, that would be The Agonist (with Alissa or Vicky on vocals, they're both really good) or Arkona.

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I often have a videogame stream open (this week just gone it was GDQ). I like listening to the commentary and it has the perk that unlike actual TV there isn't a plot that I am trying to follow while also concentraiting on my painting.

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Usually some background TV show or something - something I've seen a lot of times.  I like the random conversation and lack of information better than trying to listen to a podcast or something where I'm going to want to pay attention.

Music doesn't really work for me to focus.

Actually, come to think of it, some of my best painting work came from when I had 80s-90s horror movies playing.  Hmm...maybe I should stick to that...

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Music or podcasts. I will occasionally have the TV on if it's a movie I've seen plenty of times...then I don't feel the need to look up, I can just follow along with the voices.

Holy shit... I had a feeling we were the same person when you revealed your crazy enough to do stroke by stroke fur but now I am sure we are the same person.

I've "watched" Nightmare Before Christmas over 100 times and I marathon my favorite TV shows - specifically Spartacus (no surprise, I'm sure), or my most favorite of all time - Tales From the Crypt. I think I've gone through all 7 seasons of Tales over 10 times back to back I'm sure (the british season sucks, btw :P). I can't watch anything I've never seen before because its distracting. I also marathon a bunch of my favorite horror films.

Best of all, with Tales I know exactly when to look up for my favorite parts (including any nudity, of cooooouuuurse >8) ). Like when Kyle McLaughlin's hand rips off and he falls to his eminent demise in "Carrion Death". 10-4 asshole, indeed. Or when Joe Pesci gets "shared" by twins. Or when Demi Moore gets violently stabbed to death... mostly because I don't like her. But my favorite Tales of all time? " 'Til Death" - if it has voodoo in it chances are its wins for me by default.

Other than that it is podcasts and music when I'm not in the mood for movie/tv noise.

I also watch a bunch of my favorite anime too - Berserk, Hellsing, FMA, etc. Oh and hey - Fate/Zero? Good pick!

EDIT: Oh, and Starship Troopers? I can watch that shit in my head - I don't even need the background noise.

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