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Future releases

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I've been eyeing this game a long time.  6 years on this forum and 18 posts.  That tells you something...  


I bought a McMourning starter and some extras.


The problem I keep running into is I only like the new plastics.  I paused with McMourning because I'd like to see Rafkin, Guild Autopsies and such.


I was also looking at Collodi crew starter, but no Effigy's.  Is there any chance these models I've mentioned will be released in the next year or so?  They're not exactly glamorous releases, I realize, but is anyone else of like mind?  I just can't spend my money on the old metal.


Has anyone heard even a whisper?

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Wait. So what you're saying is that you don't like the original metal McMourning? That is literally the first model I think of when I try to decide what my favorite model, of any game, of all time is.

Not sure we can be friends. >8)

Also, no news on release date post gencon or what we can wven expect to see at gencon - you'll have to wait to see - keep checking the monday previews.

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Wait. So what you're saying is that you don't like the original metal McMourning? That is literally the first model I think of when I try to decide what my favorite model, of any game, of all time is.

Sorry dude. I can't think of any of the old metal I even remotely like. Very few exceptions (Seamus Avatar's about it, maybe a few more). At least not the models I need.

I could tolerate Rafkin, but not those Guild Autopsy models. I play Infinity as my main game so I'm a little spoiled. Check out that model line and you'll see why (or you may not, seeing as how you think the old metal was awsome!

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As to when will plastic effigies etc. be released, I am guessing it will be within the next year. I'm basing this off of how things seem to come out in relationship to their books:
Book 1 of M2E was released at Gen Con in 2013 and with the Brewmaster's release this month, unless I am mistaken this means we finally have kits for everything in that book.

Book 2 of M2E (Crossroads) was released at Gen Con last year and that is where the Effigies and Collodi were contained. The Collodi is scheduled to come out around the end of June. 

So, it looks like it took about 2 years for everything in the first book to come out, but it seems like more of the 2nd book has come out already that this point in the timeline of the first book. Gen Con releases should be announced in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for those. If the Effigies don't show up in that round of releases, they'll probably be coming out in the fall or winter. This is purely conjecture based off of previous plastic releases.

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Book 1 of M2E was released at Gen Con in 2013 and with the Brewmaster's release this month, unless I am mistaken this means we finally have kits for everything in that book.


Johan, Austringers, and the Peacekeeper all need to make their dates before the 1st book is complete as well.

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As to when will plastic effigies etc. be released, I am guessing it will be within the next year. I'm basing this off of how things seem to come out in relationship to their books:

Book 1 of M2E was released at Gen Con in 2013 and with the Brewmaster's release this month, unless I am mistaken this means we finally have kits for everything in that book.

Book 2 of M2E (Crossroads) was released at Gen Con last year and that is where the Effigies and Collodi were contained. The Collodi is scheduled to come out around the end of June. 

So, it looks like it took about 2 years for everything in the first book to come out, but it seems like more of the 2nd book has come out already that this point in the timeline of the first book. Gen Con releases should be announced in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for those. If the Effigies don't show up in that round of releases, they'll probably be coming out in the fall or winter. This is purely conjecture based off of previous plastic releases.


This is an extremely helpful perspective. Thanks so much

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3rd edition changed all that.  Cleaned it completely up.  Give it a go.  Rules are free


That said, really looking forward to playing Malifaux

I've only looked through the 3rd edition rules briefly and it seemed like the order pool thing (which is a terrible game mechanic in my opinion) is still there.

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Wait. So what you're saying is that you don't like the original metal McMourning? That is literally the first model I think of when I try to decide what my favorite model, of any game, of all time is.


Love that model so much.  Really need to source one on EBay.


That model, the original metal Teddy, and original metal Baby Kade were what made me actually consider Malifaux in the first place.

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Yes, since it comes in one piece! Metal McTavish, Killjoy, Kade, Teddy, Hodgepodge Effigy, among several others that were a part of those glory days; you the real MVP!


To come clean, I wish everything came assembled and painted ^^

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Sorry dude. I can't think of any of the old metal I even remotely like. Very few exceptions (Seamus Avatar's about it, maybe a few more). At least not the models I need.


So, you're telling me one of your favorites old models is Seamus Avatar's right hand ?


yes, I know, I am annoying <_<

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