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The Zinc Lich's Malifaux Personality Test

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(Sorry everyone, I don't have much time right now, so I'm just going to crank out an easy one. You guys have really diverse tastes  :P )



I'll jump in (although I feel bad you've opened this can of worms for yourself with the queue lining up lol)


WH40K - Necrons (robots and ancient egyptian mythos?  Sold.)
WH - High Elves (Dragons? Sold.)
World of Warcraft - human warlock (I loved summoning demonic minions and raining down fire on victims covered in DOTs)
FFXI - tarutaru summoner/bard/white mage (buffs, debuffs, summonable friends, all in an adorable package)
Favorite game of all time - Chrono Trigger - love everything about it, the characters, the story, the magic, the end of time, multiple endings, and Magus



Nicodem! Of the stuff you mentioned, you have two summoners, one unstoppable terminator horde, and the most magically-attuned race in Warhammer. All of them have supportive magic effects (except Magus, who just vaporizes you with Dark Matter). Nicodem summons and re-summons whatever you need, then buffs them to make sure the can do their job better than anything the enemy brings. Meanwhile, he hoses the enemy down in Decay blasts and slows. Really, all you had to do was mention Necrons and Warlocks, because "Necron Warlock" is exactly what I would describe Nicodem to someone who has never seen him played before.


Interesting. I guess the Gremlin game play would agree with me, however the main types of humour used with Gremlins (slapstick and alcohol romanticism) really put me off. Rangers were not actually ranged specialists in EQ (at the time I played that is, it's been 10 years so they may have more ranged tools now); except for 2 minutes of Trueshot every hour you would do significantly more damage in melee, apart from that they had some minor control and buff utility.


I tried doing some research on the EQ ranger, but I was completely unprepared for the reams and reams of information on that game littered over the internet, so I kind of defaulted to the Ranger archetype from pretty much all the other games, sorry.


If it was just the first book masters, I would agree with you on Gremlin humor kind of falling flat, but the second book has done a lot to round out the flavor of models they can take. Merris is what did it for me; the idea of a Gremlin with a functional jetpack made of junk and cooking oil never fails to make me smile when I think about it.

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Nicodem! Of the stuff you mentioned, you have two summoners, one unstoppable terminator horde, and the most magically-attuned race in Warhammer. All of them have supportive magic effects (except Magus, who just vaporizes you with Dark Matter). Nicodem summons and re-summons whatever you need, then buffs them to make sure the can do there job better than anything the enemy brings. Meanwhile, he hoses the enemy down in Decay blasts and slows. Really, all you had to do was mention Necrons and Warlocks, because "Necron Warlock" is exactly what I would describe Nicodem to someone who has never seen him played before.


 Super interesting insight!  I kinda think the whole undead/zombie thing is a bit over done, but I am appreciating (considering? *cringe*) Nico in a whole new light when you put him in those terms... 

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I tried doing some research on the EQ ranger, but I was completely unprepared for the reams and reams of information on that game littered over the internet, so I kind of defaulted to the Ranger archetype from pretty much all the other games, sorry.

An easy mistake to make, the game has been around since '99 and has had 21 expansions. At launch Rangers were completely useless as ranged DPS, by the time I quit in '04 it was useful in a few narrow situations. So they probably intended the Ranger to be more range focused but they were kind of incompetent when it came to class design/balance. :P

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Hmm...okay, this may be interesting (and a little challenging for you)


I'm just going to give you my 3 best characters from each of my 3 best arcade-style games (in order)


Tekken series: Steve Fox, King, Yoshimitsu


Soulcalibur Series: Ivy, Setsuka, Cervantes


DoA series: Christie, Bayman, Hayabusa


Most of my regular opponents have banned me from using all of the above :(


I reckon there are a few right answers. I have played almost every master in Malifaux and know exactly which ones suit me perfectly...but I am interested to see what you can come up with.

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Warcraft III: Undead, who doesn't love liches? <3

Starcraft: Terran, because... music! and vultures!

Heroes of might and Magic: Tower/Wizard, Love me some chain lightning!

Chrono Trigger: Magus, the awesome music would do great in just about any game.

Soul Calibur 2: Nightmare/Taki. Logged over 14 days played on my old gamecube. Loved it to bits, the timing on guard impacts and breaks are so much better then the other series.

World of warcraft: Undead warlock. Downing huhuran in aq40 serverfirst with one single hunter left alive.

Guilty gear: I-no

Street fighter: Cammy

Ragnarok online: Blacksmith

Dawn of war: Chaos Marines

Warhammer: Lizardmen


Usually i play support in any rts/mmorpg, unless there is chain lightning. There has to be chain lightning!


Good on you for recognizing that SC2 was the height of the series (although 3 will always be remembered for Chronicles of the Sword). Pardon me while I get misty over all the heads Voldo took way back when...


Let's see, you are a fan of the Warcraft 3 Undead (massed melee, regeneration, weak ranged elements), Chaos Space Marines (tough, notably more close combat oriented than standard Space Marines), and Lizardmen (Tough, almost no ranged elements). All three of those picks bring potent magical powers to the table, which matches up with Warlocks, Magus, and Wizards. The Terrans, as well, support defensive play, even though they are, conversely, the most ranged-focused faction in the game. In fighting games, however, you have one intensely zoning focused character (SC2 Nightmare), and three rushdown/mixup characters (I-No, Cammy, and Taki).


So, let's see if we can't find a casting-centric crew with tough central elements supported by a forward skirmishing force. I think that I'm going to have my first repeat recommendation, and see if you'd be interested in what Kaeris brings to the table. The Arcanist constructs are some of the toughest models in the game, from the smallest to the largest. There's tons of armor everywhere, and Kaeris can bring a fair amount of healing to the table, along with increasing their damage output due to Powered By Flame. She's a perfectly fine offensive caster and, even if she doesn't have Chain Lightning, Accelerant fulfills the role of "burn everything" fairly well. She even has summons, if you miss the feeling of the Undead and Warlock experience. Fire Gamin can be used in much the same way as Spider Mines, and flight isn't too far off from the maneuverability of a vulture, just saying.


OK, I'll bite!


Warhammer Fantasy- Ogres, Warriors of Chaos and Tomb Kings

WH40K - Necrons (I always digged the Egyptian inspiration from these guys)

Warmahordes - Skorne because Roman / Greek inspired samurai slavers with 4 armed pachyderms is awesome! 

Dawn of War - Necrons, just sheer filth! 

Warcraft III - Orks, The Tauren were always pretty badass. Plus Rasta Trolls were a thing! 

World of Warcraft - Jumped heavily between a Draenei Elemental / Resto Shaman, Gnome Death Knight and a Human Holy / Disciplinary Priest

Soul Calibur Games - Mitsurugi, Yoshimoto, Ivy and Nightmare

Warframe - Nova, Saryn and Ash (Anti-Matter Powers, Toxin and Posion Powers and finally Super badass Ninja type)

Tekken - Yoshimtsu exclusively, I basically acknowledge no other character! :D

Mario Cart - Waluigi when available, otherwise Princess Peach (Always fun smashing people with a princess!)

Dragon Age - I usually got drawn in by the lore about Mages however with Inquisition I loved my Ranged Rogue. 

Yu-Gi-Oh - Six Samurai (All variants but my favorite was always Irou) and Fortune Ladies (Dark and Light)


Well, your other tabletop picks are all of the highly durable but low mobility type. Your WC3 pick was influenced by the two high durability, low mobility elements of the Orcish Horde. Your WoW picks are 2/3 healing classes and your Warframe picks have a definite darkness and poison theme going. Your Yu Gi Oh card picks are both card types that get stronger over time or in greater numbers, and you have a noted love of samurai. I guess we're going two for two here, that all sounds like the kind of stuff that Nicodem brings to the table.


On a long enough time line, as long as Nicodem is alive, he wins every game. The only balancing factor is that the game is only five (ish) turns long. He's also one of the only masters in the game that can frequently end the game with more beef on the table then he started with. He has a noted love of (samurai) punk zombies and there's nothing stopping him from summoning in the poison-themed Resser minions when the situation calls for it.

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I'll play. My list is more in a chronological order.


When I was younger I played the obligatory fighting games:

Tekken 3 was my favorite where I majored in Hwoarang and minored in Yoshimitsu - 

Played some of the Mortal Kombats with Sub-Zero being my most played - 

Soul Calibur 2 was fun for a while....major in Kilik, minor in Maxi


I still think Battlefront was one of the most fun for just wasting time.


Then I moved on to most of the take over the world type stuff like Civilization and the Total Wars, but I never had a particular favorite....when I had choices as to what faction I would play I would just play beat the game with one, then switch to a different one, etc.....in Civilization I probably played the Americans most (if I had to pick). I'm not a huge fan of RTS games, definitely more of a turn-based 4x type player.


Nowadays, I still play the take over the world types and I also play the RPG's like Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age.....I generally default to the Ranger type (or the bow-wielding rogue) and anything that let me take animal familiars. (I almost always played the Ranger in my D&D days).


I'm also a big fan of the Assassin's Creed series with 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations being my favorites....though I did think Black Flag was pretty good too. I'm playing Shadows of Mordor at the moment and I think it's fantastic.

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All right, I'll bite.


Favorite Rise of Legends faction:  The Vinci, primarily for the steampunk aesthetic.  My favorite unit should be obvious.

Favorite Alpha Centauri factions:  Peacekeepers for their all-round nature, University for the science.  The Gaians and Morganites seem interesting but I haven't finished a full game with them.  I have minimal experience with the Alien Crossfire factions, but I do like the Pirates and Free Drones.

Warhammer 40K:  I collected tank-heavy mech guard with Vendetta support and planned on a warrior blob Necron force, but that never really came to fruition.  I also collected Eldar, but never really had an organized army plan with them.  That said, Warp Spiders are :D.

D&D:  My only character in a full campaign was a crossbow-specialist ranger.  I do kind of want to try a bomb-focussed alchemist in Pathfinder one day.

Pokémon:  I have a deep-seated love of Baton Pass chains, as impractical as they are these days (BP, for the record, switches the Pokémon in play out for another on your team, but the newcomer gets any stat changes and some status buffs.  So, incapacitate the opponent, buff your stats, switch to a heavy hitter who either can't or is too fragile or slow to do it themselves).

CCGs:  Only one I play is the MLP one, and that only barely.  If I played it more, I'd probably lean towards control, though.

Preferred strategy in general:  Turtling.  I prefer my enemy coming to me to getting too aggressive.


Nothing else really indicative of me comes to mind, I think.

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I'll give this a go!

Soul Calibur: Setuska! I love her tricksy ways, but her combination of unexpected combos and raw speed is what made me stay. She was never the most top tier of characters, but she was one of the ones that when you played her well the other player was never angry when they lost, because they where far to busy being confused on 'wait what just-'

Magic: I played a lot, though my favorite deck was probably a white black combo orzohov deck. Throughout all the time I played magic I very much gravitated to 'tribal' decks though. I really enjoy the models I use having a unified visual theme , and building inlaid synergies is something that really appeals to me as a play. Once more though, I have to admit I got a certain glee at having to explain to my opponent how they just lost before they realized it.

League of Legends: Shyvana. What do you get when a dragon sneezes? Out of the way. I play her in the jungle, and once more I valued this champions aggression and speed. She doesn't have tricks but sometimes, she doesn't need them. She has the raw speed and physical power to threaten a large amount of the map at once. This allows me to keep my options open and respond quickly to where I feel I'm most needed, and the enemies weaknesses can be most exploited.

Warmachine: Skorne is my warmachine and hordes faction, and within them my favorite casters are Supreme Archdomina Makeda (Gotta go fast) and Tyrant Xerxis (ALL OF THE BUFFS). The army itself doesn't have many tricks to be honest. It's going to punch you in the face repeatedly, but it can be much faster then it has any right to be, and I enjoy the durability.

Role playing: in regards to dnd, pathfinder, or what not, I don't have many strong tendencies aside from a typical aversion to magic classes. I don't mind them, and enjoy the sometimes, but I usually like things with a martial bent more then spell slingers. That's not a hard line though, and I do enjoy Binders.

Music: I love alternative, Rise Against was probably the first music I got into, and I have a fondness for them. In particular any band that blends traditional orchestra with modern electrics something that I enjoy.

Favorite movies: Prestige, Fistfull of Dollars, House of Flying Daggers.

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I don't know what you'll do with me honestly.


My favorite board games are co-op; Pandemic/Defenders of the Realm/Forbidden Island, or hidden roles - Battlestar Galactica/Coup/etc. With an honorable mention for the game Quantum. I played chess competitively in elementary/middle school and used to be part of a late night Go league.


In RPGs I like to play Bards, the crunchier the system the less I'm interested in a combat effective character. My favorite gaming systems are Dogs in the Vineyard and Mage (either the Ascension or the Awakening).


When I played 40k I rocked Eldar (Aliatoc or Saim-Hann depending on the day) but in Battlefleet Gothic I always played Cruiser heavy Imperial Navy.


In Mordheim I ran Undead and Dark Elves.


Upstream Color was the best movie I've seen in a long time, and The Lies of Locke Lamora was the last book I went head over heels for.

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I'd like to get in on this:

Warhammer Fantasy: Lizardmen

Warhammer 40k: Necrons

Warcraft: Undead

D&D: Sorcerer

MTG: Blue and Black, Control decks.

Diablo: Necromancer

Starcraft: Zerg


I particularly like attrition style factions and ones that are really hard to kill. Thanks in advance!

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So, I have a number of things here to work with:


Card games:


Magic: My favorite (long gone) deck was my deck based on black/green Fungus creatures. Thelon of Havenwood was my fave back before I knew what I was reall doing. Nowadays, I have only one deck - it's mono-red, but works heavily with artifacts to secure the win. The commander (it's a Commander deck) is Daretti, Scrap Savant. Lorewise, my favorite characters are Jeska, a red barbarian planeswalker, Chainer, a black pit fighter and summoner of nightmares, Ixidor, a blue-aligned summoner of illusions, Venser, a white-blue artificer planeswalker, Thelon of Havenwood, a green-black (essentially) Elvish shaman, and Narset, a blue-white monk planeswalker. Oh, and Norin the Wary, a red coward :P


Cardfight Vanguard (because I do play that, albeit infrequently): I only play the Steampunk faction, Gear Chronicles. My favorite card in that game is called "Interdimensional Dragon, Ragnaclock Dragon" (why Dragon is in there twice, I'll never know XD). I do also like "Summit-Crest Gear Wolf".


Yu-Gi-Oh!: I really like the general Fiend archetype, especially what was used during the Battle City arc of the anime. I like cards like "Dark Ruler Ha Des", "Dark Necrofear", and "Goblin King". But my favorite card archetype ever has to be anything havig to do with the card "Helios - the Primordial Sun" because the aesthetic is really nifty :D


Videe Games:


Pokemon: My favorite generation is Gen 3 (ruby, sapphire, et al). My favorite pokemon in that generation is Cacturne, but my favorite pokemon in general is Marowak. In terms of human characters, I think I really like Blaine, Steven, Archie (as an antagonist), Giovanni, and Silver. And who can forget the battle with Red? "..." lol - also, my favorite enemy team is Team Magma.


Dragon Quest series: I haven't played much of this series (because there's so much to play!). I love Dragon Quest III, and Dragon Quest VIII, as well as the Monsters subset of games (especially DQM2). In III, I liked the section where the lady was actually the Orochi monster and your party had to beat them for a mystical item needed for your journey. In VIII, My favorite part was collecting monsters XD But I also liked the parts with Dhoulmagus. An evil jester is such a cool trope. I also liked Yangus because he is quirky. In DQM2, I loved the Ice World stage, especially its music before you completed it. My favorite monster character in that one is called Orgodemir II, and IIRC it's the final boss from Dragon Quest VII. :P


Assassin's Creed: Haven't played it but enjoyed watching people play Brotherhood. I really really like the Barber, the Harlequin, and the Doctor characters' aesthetics.


Kingdom Hearts (1, 2, and Chain of Memories): Allies I like are Jack Sparrow, the Beast, and Goofy (as long as I don't have to hear his voice). My favorite stages were Wonderland, Halloweentown (1), Hollow Bastion (1), Port Royal, Timeless River, the Underworld, and The World that Never Was. My favorite enemies were Luxord, Trickmaster, Axel, Barbossa, Grim Reaper, Sephiroth (2), and World of Darkness.




LARP: My main player-characters were a Steampunk cleric who became the "avatar" of a steampunk god of progress, a disease mage commanded the group of mercenaries we played as and who got executed due to making a Faustian-style pact with a demon, and a blood-mage lich with a "condor" for a familiar (actually a meat puppet held together by a number of botflies who are, as a hivemind, actually his familiar) and necromantic tendencies.




So, whatchu got!


~Lil Kalki

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Starcraft: Protoss(Psi stuff, robots)

Warhammer 40k: Dark Eldar (Swift, fast, surgical striking)

Warhammer Fantasy Battle: Warriors of Chaos (Martial prowess, melee experts)

D&D classes: Bard, Ranger, Druid (Usially High Charisma for all those classes)

Favourite games: UFO Defense, X-Com Terror from the Deep, Planescape Torment, Currently Playing: Witcher 3


Mortal Kombat: Johnny Cage

Virtua Fighter: Kage Maru


Well, you like Dark Eldar. That means, more or less, you're going to get someone from Neverborn. Fast, strong, sneaky, and armored in paper mache. You also have Warriors of Chaos, who famously don't have a ranged weapons at all. All three of your D&D characters are charisma focused, and Johnny Cage is nothing if not dripping greasy Hollywood charm. In addition, all three of your D&D characters have some casting slots. Have you thought about Lynch? Wear a dapper suit, win all the flips forever, feed people to the opium beast that lives in your head. 


Hmm...okay, this may be interesting (and a little challenging for you)


I'm just going to give you my 3 best characters from each of my 3 best arcade-style games (in order)


Tekken series: Steve Fox, King, Yoshimitsu


Soulcalibur Series: Ivy, Setsuka, Cervantes


DoA series: Christie, Bayman, Hayabusa


Most of my regular opponents have banned me from using all of the above :(


I reckon there are a few right answers. I have played almost every master in Malifaux and know exactly which ones suit me perfectly...but I am interested to see what you can come up with.


Well, you get points for variety. There's not a lot in common, gameplay wise, between Ivy and Steve, for instance. You do tend to pick characters with some amount of "gimmick" to them, though. Steve is all punches, King has combo throws, Yoshimitsu is... Yoshimitsu, Ivy has a transforming sword, Setsuka has critical counter effects, and Cervantes has a gun in his sword (despite not using it for very much). I'm not a big DoA player, but a cursory look at the three characters you named shows a definite predilection for characters that have good to excellent footsie games, a trait shared by Ivy, Cervantes, and Steve, anyway. Overall, there is a flavor of characters that have a strong and unpredictable gameplan, who may have trouble in matchups where the enemy dictates the pacing and spacing.


So lets see, who has a cool gimmick, unpredictable approach and a strong but inflexible strategy? My vote is for Tara. You don't get much cooler of a gimmick than time control and bury shenanigans, and she has a lot of different approach angles she can take. Her ability to deliver otherwise fragile or slow models into melee from fairly incredible distance gives her a strong edge in the positioning game, but her influence over the game is limited to her immediate surroundings, and she is frequently playing the game with a large chunk of points off the table. Her sub-faction is also comparatively tiny and her buffs effect pretty much anything she brings, so she does have a lot of different playstyles, as well.


I'll play. My list is more in a chronological order.


When I was younger I played the obligatory fighting games:

Tekken 3 was my favorite where I majored in Hwoarang and minored in Yoshimitsu - 

Played some of the Mortal Kombats with Sub-Zero being my most played - 

Soul Calibur 2 was fun for a while....major in Kilik, minor in Maxi


I still think Battlefront was one of the most fun for just wasting time.


Then I moved on to most of the take over the world type stuff like Civilization and the Total Wars, but I never had a particular favorite....when I had choices as to what faction I would play I would just play beat the game with one, then switch to a different one, etc.....in Civilization I probably played the Americans most (if I had to pick). I'm not a huge fan of RTS games, definitely more of a turn-based 4x type player.


Nowadays, I still play the take over the world types and I also play the RPG's like Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age.....I generally default to the Ranger type (or the bow-wielding rogue) and anything that let me take animal familiars. (I almost always played the Ranger in my D&D days).


I'm also a big fan of the Assassin's Creed series with 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations being my favorites....though I did think Black Flag was pretty good too. I'm playing Shadows of Mordor at the moment and I think it's fantastic.


How shall I put this... Kilik, Maxi, and Yoshimitsu are all, shall I say, noob stompers? They have ambiguous movements and strong moves that become less effective the more the enemy sees them. Their mixup game tends to rely on tools that otherwise leave them open if the enemy reads your intent successfully. Hworang, like most Tae Kwon Do fighting game characters, relies on a footsie game that takes advantage of his large number of useful kicks, much like Kilik and his staff. Yoshimitsu and Maxi don't play anything like that, but they are both your minor characters, and they both tend towards a more reckless rushdown (Maxi's range is short, Yoshimitsu is... Yoshimitsu). Were you consciously picking your fighting game pairings to cover one another's weaknesses, or was it just random chance?


I'm going to recommend Lynch to you, although for different reasons than Trikk. You have a character that is a powerful ranged threat with a horrible, horrible animal companion, yes, but there are other things he does, as well. There is also that element of risk that your fighting game characters bring along with them; he plays a great neutral game, providing card advantage to his crew without endangering himself, but he has several setups that deal damage that would best be described as ludicrous, which the enemy has to watch out for. If the enemy is unprepared, he just deals enormous spikes of damage, but if they are, Jacob Lynch is not the most... survivable of characters.

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Okay this seems cool.

My favourite games are: God of War Series, Killzone, Final Fantasy 7, Borderlands 2, Metal Gear Solid 1 & 3.

My favourite characters are: Kratos obviously, The Hellghast in Killzone series, in FF7 my favourite was Nanaki and Sephiroth. Borderlands 2 I absolutely loved playing Krieg the psycho. Solid Snake.

My most memorable moments: Kratos climbing the mount Olympus with the titans in God of War 2, that assh*** can't be kept down no matter what same goes for Solid Snake. Nanaki just had a really cool story line and a cool character altogether and come on Sephiroth with that goddamn sword that don't quit. In borderlands, playing an undying psycho that goes on ragemode with a goddamn chainsaw-axe. Doesn't get better than that.

Do you need more info?

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Okay this seems cool.

My favourite games are: God of War Series, Killzone, Final Fantasy 7, Borderlands 2, Metal Gear Solid 1 & 3.

My favourite characters are: Kratos obviously, The Hellghast in Killzone series, in FF7 my favourite was Nanaki and Sephiroth. Borderlands 2 I absolutely loved playing Krieg the psycho. Solid Snake.

My most memorable moments: Kratos climbing the mount Olympus with the titans in God of War 2, that assh*** can't be kept down no matter what same goes for Solid Snake. Nanaki just had a really cool story line and a cool character altogether and come on Sephiroth with that goddamn sword that don't quit. In borderlands, playing an undying psycho that goes on ragemode with a goddamn chainsaw-axe. Doesn't get better than that.

Do you need more info?

I got two hot takes from this is. First, one of your favourite, Sephiroth, characters is regarded as one of the biggest a-holes in gaming. Second, who is really surprised that you enjoy a Solid Snake?!


And thanks Tzarcastic, I got a laugh out of that. Great burn!

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Were you consciously picking your fighting game pairings to cover one another's weaknesses, or was it just random chance?

Look. I liked how they looked. Kilik mostly, and then Maxi, both had a great circular looking style which I liked. I also liked Kilik's rope-a-dope fighting style...."look at me, I'm up on my stick.....now I'm over here......and now....WHACK!"


Tekken was better....I originally picked Hworang because I trained in TKD but as I played him I really liked how you seriously had to know him to get the most out of him....certain kicks only worked off of certain stances so you had to know them all....and his big chain combo was just full of awesome (and silly to be honest)....he was also a little tricksy....defending from him was harder to anticipate because you didn't know what kind of attack was coming unless you really knew all the stances and kicks as well.


Looking at how I know it, and what you're little psych test is supposed to do, I can see those characters linking me to Marcus......Like Kilik you have strange angles of attack, distraction, followed by powerful attacks....and like Hworang, you really have to know all the individual parts to make him sing....just like a Marcus player needs to know all of the beasts at his disposal to really make him sing.

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Look. I liked how they looked. Kilik mostly, and then Maxi, both had a great circular looking style which I liked. I also liked Kilik's rope-a-dope fighting style...."look at me, I'm up on my stick.....now I'm over here......and now....WHACK!"


Tekken was better....I originally picked Hworang because I trained in TKD but as I played him I really liked how you seriously had to know him to get the most out of him....certain kicks only worked off of certain stances so you had to know them all....and his big chain combo was just full of awesome (and silly to be honest)....he was also a little tricksy....defending from him was harder to anticipate because you didn't know what kind of attack was coming unless you really knew all the stances and kicks as well.


Looking at how I know it, and what you're little psych test is supposed to do, I can see those characters linking me to Marcus......Like Kilik you have strange angles of attack, distraction, followed by powerful attacks....and like Hworang, you really have to know all the individual parts to make him sing....just like a Marcus player needs to know all of the beasts at his disposal to really make him sing.


Hahaha, shows how much time I spent playing *as* Hworang. All I knew was, you're right, the guy has like 107 different kicks, so don't let him suck you into blocking long strings. Its funny, I've never thought of any of the characters you named in those lights before. If there's one thing this exercise is teaching me, is that everyone has different criteria for selecting how they spend their time gaming.


Come on, wouldn't it be a little bit of a letdown if I had named Marcus for the guy with the Cojo avatar and the 29-page Marcus thread in the Arcanist forums? There's not much point in me suggesting you try him out and see if you like him. Everyone knows that the answer to what master zFiend is most compatible with is Seamus, the challenge is looking for something *not* filthy to suggest.

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Well, you like Dark Eldar. That means, more or less, you're going to get someone from Neverborn. Fast, strong, sneaky, and armored in paper mache. You also have Warriors of Chaos, who famously don't have a ranged weapons at all. All three of your D&D characters are charisma focused, and Johnny Cage is nothing if not dripping greasy Hollywood charm. In addition, all three of your D&D characters have some casting slots. Have you thought about Lynch? Wear a dapper suit, win all the flips forever, feed people to the opium beast that lives in your head. 



This wasn`t really hard unless you would recommend Resser Filth or Jack Daw/Hamelin/Leveticus you would be correct (I want all except those) :D. But I was kinda hovering over Jakob recently as I already have Tannen. Graves, Doppelganger and Beckoners and he moved a bit more up my list of Things-To-Buy-After-Painting-Guild


I`m starting to feel sorry for zGuild... zFiend. All those puns...


No way, they are excellent :D!

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I'll have a go with this


Favourite Game: Shogun Total War - Shimazu Faction for the strong starting position on the map

Favourite Game Scene: Dishonoured, Within the Golden Cat Club

WHFB - Chaos Dwarfs

40K - Sisters of Battle

Magic: I played a Blue Cephalid Deck

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Come on, wouldn't it be a little bit of a letdown if I had named Marcus for the guy with the Cojo avatar and the 29-page Marcus thread in the Arcanist forums? There's not much point in me suggesting you try him out and see if you like him. Everyone knows that the answer to what master zFiend is most compatible with is Seamus, the challenge is looking for something *not* filthy to suggest.

I meant that I can see some of why I play Marcus in those old choices, not that I expected you to give me Marcus. And if I didn't already have a weird hatred for Lynch, I'd probably try him out....but he is probably the 10T master I hate the look of the most.....it's purely aesthetic.

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