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Gen Con - Avatar Tournament


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Look forward to seeing you all at gencon. The thought process was as gencon is a unique beast where 50k+ nerds and enthusiastic followers of all types of hobbies that most people have a very full plate. The concept was to cater to those willing to devote a large portion of one of their gencon day to play a gg tournament. And the other gamer who has the desire to play but can't devote full time on an all day to an event. Additionally it is an opportunity to show off the different types of supported organized play that the game offers. The reasoning for Avatars to include the winners of these rapid satellites is to increase participation and to encourage multiple events for those trying to lock down a seat at the avatar table. Important note that 1-4th in the gaining ground get a seat and only the winner of each of the 4 satellites get a chance. And avatars will be a single elimination 50ss gg event. This multiple format qualifer is nothing new in competitive gaming largely considered the hall mark of recent competitive gaming, warmachine, utilizes multiple format winners to feed it's masters event. We're trying it I wish everyone luck in attempting to qualify to be crowned champion.

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I'll be there and I'll play whatever format I can that fits best with me seeing everything  - this will be my first, and probably only even GenCon and I want to make the most of it - playing in a Malifaux event there is a big part of that.

Hehey, brilliant! Hoist the Euro flag and show them how this side of the pond plays - I'll be cheering you! :)

Who else is going from the UK?

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If there's no playing going on in an area... Then find a pick up game. It's what we did at Adepticon or Nova.

It's easy to point out a problem, but with a bit more effort, you can be a solution.

Or, and hear me out on this, maybe the company paying for the space could optimize their schedule to minimize downtime?


I was going to point out all the problems with your post, but didn't feel it was worth the effort, wouldn't want you to think I'm a solution.

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Or, and hear me out on this, maybe the company paying for the space could optimize their schedule to minimize downtime?


I was going to point out all the problems with your post, but didn't feel it was worth the effort, wouldn't want you to think I'm a solution.

See, the ideal response to my statement would be "gee, Matt, you're right. I'll propose running a story encounter, which is another interesting standard format for Malifaux." Or "Oh, Joe is running the events at Gencon, I'll volunteer to run another gg tournament so he isn't lashed to the tables the entire con." Or, since the campaign book is likely coming at the con, you could have volunteered to run a flash campaign.

Those are things you could have done, instead of being cheeky. People are giving up their free time to make this work for the community. If you want something run your way, you might be forced to volunteer to see it happen.

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See, the ideal response to my statement would be "gee, Matt, you're right. I'll propose running a story encounter, which is another interesting standard format for Malifaux." Or "Oh, Joe is running the events at Gencon, I'll volunteer to run another gg tournament so he isn't lashed to the tables the entire con." Or, since the campaign book is likely coming at the con, you could have volunteered to run a flash campaign.

Those are things you could have done, instead of being cheeky. People are giving up their free time to make this work for the community. If you want something run your way, you might be forced to volunteer to see it happen.

That would make sense if you were right.

If you had read my initial post you would see that I stated I would be willing to volunteer to run other events if that was an option.However, if you read previous posts you may see that the events are set for GenCon this year and not changing. 


The community was not asked to volunteer to run other events or suggest events that we feel should have been run. 

We were asked to volunteer to help run events that Wyrd decided on. There is a difference. 

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The community was not asked to volunteer to run other events or suggest events that we feel should have been run. 

We were asked to volunteer to help run events that Wyrd decided on. There is a difference. 


The community was asked to suggest events.  It was pinned here in the announcements forum for months.  

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Hey guys, look, something shiny!




Anyone want ice cream?


I'm thinking the next Monday preview might be of the new shoes I'm going to buy soon. Pretty awesome, right?


Distracted enough yet? Cool, so let's just stay on the topic and not make the topic each other.

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I'm thinking the next Monday preview might be of the new shoes I'm going to buy soon. Pretty awesome, right?




Those shoes don't fit aesthetically with your previous shoe purchases and I don't understand the nipple guards at all!

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I found the comments sufficently entertaining and I have been reasonably distracted. Eric and Natham both have models but hopefully the incoming Justin model has nipple guards. ;)

I am willing to try this Gen Con format out before outright bashing it. I can see the reasoning behind the decisions from the format itself and CheatedFatesJoe's response reinforces those ideas.

Maybe I am missing something and I am required to give it more thought before being pissed off about the format? ;) I think I'll just play it instead and then make judgements on it, Post-Gen Con.

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I'll just say that many people were consulted on the topic of what events to run at Gencon. You'll have to recall that planning for Gencon starts VERY early. Anyone can throw their own two cents in on the topic, but in the end its the person who takes the bull by the horns who will have the most influence in this case. 


That person, happened to be Joe. Sure there were some typos/errors on format/rules, but Justin has cleared those up. 


Something else I'd like to just remind people about Gencon! Its HUGE, I mean, like wicked huge. While Wyrd typically does quite well at their vendor booth and has a lot of great exposure there via that portion of the Con, the actual gaming part is actually quite small. And I don't mean its small because there isn't popularity, I simply mean, there are 100s, if not 1000s of other games to play in the main 'gaming' hall. The people who 'walk by' and see Malifaux are quite few. The people who see Malifaux truly played at the competitive level are those who are already Malifaux players who have either come to compete or come to watch players they know or are friends with.


Now typically I'm a purest, but I for one commend both Wyrd and the TO(s) in taking a drastic shift and giving the different (and totally official) formats a try at Gencon. Unless Wyrd could support multiple formats running in parallel (that'd be awesome but I don't see it happening), I think this is a great way to let people that have different schedule restrictions get a chance to qualify for Sunday. This gives people options, I for one know that at Gencon there are a lot of things you can only do at Gencon, and often skip the Wyrd events to go to them. With this interesting schedule I can now play Malifaux and not have it eat up an entire day....remember Gencon is NOT Adepticon or Templecon or CaptainCon, its a vendor con with a lot of gaming mixed in.

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