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Hitting it Hard!

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Depends on how you define it.

The hanged can hit a model for half of their remaining wounds, but as a model's wounds drop tht Attack becomes less and less effective.

Shikome have a 2/3/5 which becomes 3/4/6 if the enemy has the adversary condition, which they can give, and they can charge poisoned targets as a 1 action.

Toshiro and the punk zombies have a 2/4/5 with positives to the attack flip, and Toshiro can give out free focus conditions.

The valedictorian has a 2/3/6 but with a ram gets a double positive to the damage flip.

The rogue necromancy has 3/5/6 with a built in infect trigger and positives to attack and damage while three headed is active.

The dead rider s 3/4/5 with the potential for 3 attacks a turn. As well as free movement.

Izamu has a 3/4/5 with a built in positive to the damage flip.

The last beta file for the carrion emissary has a ca attack with a 3/3b/4bb, with triggers for infect and another attack.

Kirai with the unforgiven upgrade has a 12" ca ranged attack that doesn't randomize when shooting into combat with a trigger to give it a 3/4/5 dmg spread, and the ability to summon the ikiryo, a model that can't be slowed, can target Df or Wp as she chooses, and has a spread of 3/4/5 with a trigger to gain a double positive flip on damage.

And even though seamus has a 4/6/8 he can still only do that once per turn.

The CCK has a 4/5/7, but only a Sh of 4. So while he has a higher dmg then say a 2/3/4 he's going to hit far less often.

So it really does ss on how you define it and take into account the variables.

Ressers don't have anyone like Howard Langston or Nekima if that is what you are looking for.

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Thanks Fetid, what I was looking for is our reliable damage dealer, that needs a little resource as possible to cause high damage. Looking through your excellently compiled list I'd add the following:

Hanged: Ca 6 but diminishing returns as stated


Shikome: Great minion choice, but to get that damage spread it will require its 0 action (or another model to put Adversary on the target). The poison charging requires another model to set up (but Guild Autopsies or Crooked Men are not terrible choices in a list) 


Toshiro & Free Focus - entirely my own opinion here but I've never been a fan of flipping more than 2 cards for an attack action - do others get mileage out of flipping 3 or more? Does it feel like a waste more often than not?


Val - Needs a SS or a Ram from the Control hand ready to try and go for that  :+fate  :+fate  and she is already a pricey mistress! Not been a fan of her much (although the idea of turning peoples triggers off is great, in practice I've rarely been engaged with models that have triggers I'd like to stop!)

Rogue -  with a Ml 7, it is probably one of our highest skilled Melee fighters, and consequently takes a lot of heat - especially thanks to 3-headed. To get maximum benefit it will need Chiaki/Nurse combo to keep it going, but even without 3-headed it can pack a punch, it just can't take one!

Dead Rider - Can hit 3 times and move which is handy (worked for me in a Tournament) and Ml 6 with 3/4/5 is helpful. 12ss can be a turn off though


Izamu - I think this guy is our winner. Ml 6 and 3/4/5 with a built-in  :+fate to the damage flip with the option to hit 3 times (if anybody is left to hit!) 


Adran makes a great point about the Nurses, I often forget about them, but then I'm not a big fan of them (too slow for my tastes!)


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I finally got a Nurse to pump Seamus up with meds so he could bitch slap a Vik of Blood!  Didn't manage to kill her though because of some poor cards (shame because I'd just killed her sister with the Flintlock - Decaying Aura is gross!).


I hope that wasn't in the same activation!

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Adran makes a great point about the Nurses, I often forget about them, but then I'm not a big fan of them (too slow for my tastes!)


They can keep up with most heavy hitters (12" dose range), and thanks to the accomplise the opponent normally doesn't get a chance to react to the bonus.

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They can keep up with most heavy hitters (13" dose range), and thanks to the accomplise the opponent normally doesn't get a chance to react to the bonus.

Nurses are only Wk4 so 12" dose range and you need to be within 6" to accomplice.  But I agree it's not too hard to keep them up.

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Val - Needs a SS or a Ram from the Control hand ready to try and go for that  :+fate  :+fate  and she is already a pricey mistress! Not been a fan of her much (although the idea of turning peoples triggers off is great, in practice I've rarely been engaged with models that have triggers I'd like to stop!)

Rogue -  with a Ml 7, it is probably one of our highest skilled Melee fighters, and consequently takes a lot of heat - especially thanks to 3-headed. To get maximum benefit it will need Chiaki/Nurse combo to keep it going, but even without 3-headed it can pack a punch, it just can't take one!

Just a comment on The Valedictorian and Rogue Necromancy:

The nice thing about The Valedictorian is she is very resilient on her own and doesn't need any assistance. She is a nice package of offense and defense.

The Rogue Necromancy also has one of the few ranged attacks that the ressers have access to. And has blasts as well. If you can manage to give it some protection is is a solid beater. A graveyard spirit wandering around with it is pretty good. Having Tara drop it in your opponent's face is also nice. 

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Val - Needs a SS or a Ram from the Control hand ready to try and go for that  :+fate  :+fate  and she is already a pricey mistress! Not been a fan of her much (although the idea of turning peoples triggers off is great, in practice I've rarely been engaged with models that have triggers I'd like to stop!)

Gremlins tend to have quite a few annoying Df Triggers as do Arcanists (stuff like Mech Rider (though Stubborn is annoying), Rail Workers, Silent Ones, LSPA, Colette, Ironsides, all the Smoldering Heart stuff (though that's quite minor), The Captain, Mei Feng - the list is long).
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Keep in mind the valedictorian's anti trigger ability doesn't have to be used on things she's engaged with, and it doesn't only shut off defensive triggers, it shuts them all off.

No overpower or surge for raspy.

No shifting attacks off for nicodem, the dreamer, or kirai, unless they shift that Attack off.

No masterful dead for Molly, nor the fun triggers on revelations.

No squeeling for the gremlins. No dumb luck triggers.

No critical strike for the guild.

And so on. It's a terribly useful ability.

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I really like the Valedictorian.  Although her damage spread isn't that impressive for a 10SS model unless you hit the :ram trigger she does have Flurry and a 3" engagement range means she can usually hold things down that can't just hit her back easily.  With Unnerving Aura (and Necrotic Preparation if you want to be really mean) she can keep things in place and do consistent damage to them with Ml6 and if you want to do some real damage you can burn a SS for the :ram

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