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Nico list- the agony of choice...

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OK, so I'm slowly getting a few games with Nico under my belt - all at 50SS.


I currently run with maniacal laugh on Nico, the vulture, Mortimer (with my favourite shovel for the +1Ca), 4 canine remains and 2 punk zombies.


My approach thus far is that the canine remains go with Mortimer, who flings muck at people and poisons them, and the canine remains get in on that.  Nico can raise the third punk zombie from the corpse counters that (hopefully) the canine remains are producing in the early game, or from corpse counters that come up, as it were, naturally.  Punk zombies then dismantle things that haven't been gnawed on yet.


I'm having trouble getting the corpse counters early on, and I suspect that I should use Mortimer for this purpose - currently I'm too eager to get him into position to attempt the poison play above.  My problems have frequently centred around a Rail Golem charging down the flank with the express purpose of flattening Nico.  I was happy to just lay a trail of mindless zombies in front of him to take him out of the game, but the small numbers of zombies I am getting early on make it difficult to contain his chain attacks.


Also, I would like to get the Killjoy into the mix (as I have the model, and he seems quite fun).  I think that I would like to bring him in by sacrificing a zombie, thus depriving my opponent of the opportunity to target him before he gets into Melee.  Would he stand up to the Rail Golem?  Is that a sensible use of 13 pts?



Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated,



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I'm having trouble getting the corpse counters early on, and I suspect that I should use Mortimer for this purpose


Use Corpse Bloat on Mortimer so he not only gains a (0) Action but he can somewhat mitigate the 3 Dmg suffered for pulling out his spleen with his Regen +1. Presto, instant corpses, he can also make more along with his pups for all the corpses you could ever want. Then go summon crazy with Mindless Zombies being your summon materials. Combine this with the Undertaker upgrade and every time you sacrifice a friendly Undead (aka Mindless Zombie) you get to draw a card. 


EDIT - This might help you out. Here's the beginning of a Nico list I use from time to time. I basically take this to get the summoning going early game and the rest is to taste really. 


Nicodem -- 7 Pool
 +Maniacal Laugh [1]
 +Undertaker [1]
Canine Remains [4]
Canine Remains [4]
Mortimer [9]
 +Corpse Bloat [2]
 +My Favorite Shovel [2]
This leave 27ss to spend on the crew which can be tailored to your schemes and strategy. Canine Remains and Mortimer Spend Turn 1 Creating Corpses for a potential 4 Corpses. Enough for 2 Summons triggering Patchwork from the Undertaker upgrade allowing you to heal the models when they are summoned or 3 summons and one Patchwork.
This will also give you 4 extra cards from sacrificing 4 Mindless Zombies. If you do this later in the turn and activate the Mindless Zombies before Nicodem you also get 4 Extra activations giving you some serious control over the opponent. Then once Nico summons off of these Mindless Zombies you can potentially gain 2-3 additional activations. That's potentially 7 Activations which is the size of most crews and that's not even including the models you've hired. 
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Thanks!  That sounds like just the ticket!


The extra draw on Undertaker is the icing on this particularly manky undead cake! :P


Not to worry. I've updated my original post to offer some further advice on how to deal with Nico's summons and potentially that pesky Rail Golem. Also.. Killjoy will make a dent in the Rail Golem but really if the Rail Golem get's his hands on Killjoy you could be in for a world of hurt. 

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Thanks MasterDisaster, I look forward to trying that out!


I guess with an enhanced number of zombies stumbling around I'll go back to trying to lead the Rail Golem away from the action with bodies...


The Rail Golem is only Ml 5 so giving it something with a High Df and some serious wounds to act as a speed bump is often a good way to deal with it, you can hold up the Rail Golem for a while by continuously healing your speed bump.  Additionally anything that can ignore Armour is a nice choice. It heavily relies on Armour +2 to keep it on it's feet. Also Poison will help chip away at it as it basically ignores Armour. 

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I personally wouldn't ever hire punk zombies.

However, as you are taking Mortimer I'd personally, depending on strat and schemes, always consider bringing at least 1 Crooligan. Keep the Crooligan hidden, but within LoS of Mortimer. You can use Mortimer's Fresh Meat ability to target the Crooligan who deployed via from the shadows, to move all te undead in your force up towards him, essentially giving them all free walks.

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Canine Remains and Mortimer Spend Turn 1 Creating Corpses for a potential 4 Corpses. Enough for 2 Summons triggering Patchwork from the Undertaker upgrade allowing you to heal the models when they are summoned or 3 summons and one Patchwork.


or with the spare part upgrade, a rogue necromancy!


But it will cost you a lot of ressource...or you can wait for the second turn (using only Mort to produce corpse marker) if you don't have enough high crow for "found the bone" of the canine remains.

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MasterDisaster: I hadn't thought of an durable speedbump - I guess another advantage of that is when my opponent realises what I'm up to, he'll try and move around the model - I should be able to make him waste a couple of turns doing that!  :P



Thanks for that zFiend - will definitely get Shikome for all those good points!


Yin/Nurse is really good too lock down the Rail Golem. 


How so?  I believe you, but I'm not familiar with what these models do at the moment. 

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Yin prevents walks / charges. Nurse can outright Paralyze it or just negate it to scheme running. Or +2 ml damage but only melee actions and then pull/push your models out of its reach, of course make sure the opponent doesn't have a way to push it.

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I personally wouldn't ever hire punk zombies.



That's interesting?  Why is that?  Are you saying you wouldn't use them at all, or just wouldn't pay SS for them?


However, as you are taking Mortimer I'd personally, depending on strat and schemes, always consider bringing at least 1 Crooligan. Keep the Crooligan hidden, but within LoS of Mortimer. You can use Mortimer's Fresh Meat ability to target the Crooligan who deployed via from the shadows, to move all te undead in your force up towards him, essentially giving them all free walks.


That's awesome.  :)

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That's interesting?  Why is that?  Are you saying you wouldn't use them at all, or just wouldn't pay SS for them?


Much like the Iron Zombies many consider them too expensive to hire when they can be summoned. I personally hire one or two and save crows for easier summons like Belles and Necropunks etc. 

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give nico the upgrade (name escapes me .....possibly welcoming pain) whereby friendly models that have poison on them heal rather than cause damage, then use a nurse to inject mortimer.  Then when he's slicing out bits of hiss spleen for 3 damage you can heal 2 of those a turn (1 from regen, 1 from your newly found taste for poison)

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My personal problem with hiring the iron zombies is they really want to see VERY specific traits in the other crew that can be tough to gurantee. Better to see your opponants crew and summon in the exact right toolbox for the job.


I don't think that's the case at all, they are very solid all round models easily on par with Punks, they kill anything pretty damn well they just specialize in killing certain things more than the others. I often hire in Iron Zombies because they are solid, hit hard and take a beating. Also their (0) Action is golden. I can see why people don't think they are worth hiring but in my experience they are awesome regardless of what the enemy is using. Of course this only applies to the minions, The Valedictorian kicks ass all day long. :D

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on the punk zombie hiring I have never hired a punk zombie and there is barely a game where I do not have three on the table. so why spend 7ss when you can spend 1ss and an action or if your hand is good just and ap. then fast it and if you have the love they master upgrade you can companion it and activate it right when Nico is done. and if in his bubble you are at ++ flips? ohhhh sooo goood. I have more to add in a bit but I have to get some work done.

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I certainly see the benefits of summoning them over hiring them but you cannot always guarantee you'll have cards high enough to ensure the summon is successful so instead I hire one, maybe two and use the lower cards to summon Crooligans, Belles, Necropunks etc. If I get a higher card I'll go for a Punk or Iron Zombie but there is certainly no harm in hiring the odd one or two. 

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so why spend 7ss when you can spend 1ss and an action or if your hand is good just and ap.


That's a very interesting point - in my head, the SS you carry into the game are a precious resource that must be hoarded against the direst of dire fortune (which of course comes true 9 times out of 10 :(!).


But you're right; they're just the spill over from the pool you used to buy your crew.


Buy a 7 point punk zombie, or buy a belle for 5, use a SS to summon the punk zombie and still be a SS up on the deal.


Of course SS do more than just purchase models during the game, and they are limited.  Also MasterDisaster is right that you are (somewhat) dependent on getting the cards from your deck.


But still, if you create a crew with the max soulstones (and assume that you won't be in dire straits in the first two turns) then you still have a couple a turn to play with.


I shall play the next few games with a much more philosophical view of my SS pool...

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