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Everything posted by Spooney85

  1. another tip with mortimer using corpse bloat is to give nicodem shadow embrace to allow models near him to heal frompoison rather than take damage, then get a nurse to inject him with 4 poison. he can then cut his spleen out to his hearts content healing two a turn instead of just his 1.also a nurse is such a great model full stop. you're always going to need a sizeable cache with any summoner, sure you may lose out hiring a model to get a large cache but you'll soon make it up with all your summons
  2. yup plenty of space for more faux players at titan
  3. i have the Molly crew now hence i can activate selfish mode now
  4. Could you make the toes all separate for redmoonhead. Revenge for my Chihuahua and yan lo's beard
  5. give nico the upgrade (name escapes me .....possibly welcoming pain) whereby friendly models that have poison on them heal rather than cause damage, then use a nurse to inject mortimer. Then when he's slicing out bits of hiss spleen for 3 damage you can heal 2 of those a turn (1 from regen, 1 from your newly found taste for poison)
  6. dammit 8 wounds (although i did think they had an odd number of wounds). agreed i think seamus needs them, nico probably does to save him from walking, Dr Doug probably uses them the least i guess.
  7. Yep agree with the nurses for the downers, just overlooked it on my summary. Belles to me i guess always hold a place in my heart i guess so apologies. Their lure being as close to irresistable in this game is great and at 7 wounds and hard to kill for 5 points i always find a use for them in such a positioning crucial game. I'll try and shoehorn raf in and maybe swap out some stuff forautopsies see how it plays out.
  8. Thanks for the replies guys, i know and agree theres no swiss army knife for all schemes and strats just looking for a great all round crew for the good Doctor. I kept my original post very vague for this reason to provoke peoples ideas. Reasons for certain models are as follows. Doug-(great for killing and injection gives him another tactical dynamic if needs be, his upgrades are for the scheme marker benfits as well as the trigger to get more constructs. Plastic surgery i have found has become a nice surprise with things like terrifying (living) as well as the obvious buffs to his poison preading) Zombie chihuahua-Nothing further needs to be said i guess. CAnine remains-Scheme runner Crooked man-Bit of poison, good for scheme markers and tough to shoot which stacks nicely with seb's undercover Flesh construct-Other than being a tank he is a great vessel for copious amounts of poison as well as a good candidate for frame for murder in seb seems too obvious Nurse- One to stay in range of Mcmourning in case he really needs the buffs/heals/ poisons, the other to top up the construct with poison as well as others . Crooligan-Obvious scheme runner/frame for murder candidate, can also be used more defensively to screen other units in collaboration with sebs undercover as well, and a bit of poison too i guess. Rotten belle- No resser crew should leave home without at least one, lure into mcmourning or even just into sebs catalyst/induction aura. Seb- The power of the crew in my opinion, undercover as well as catalyst/induction, transfusion is a must as noone else can/should take it, those are not ours is just a nicety if seb finds himself with nothing to do and a corpse marker nearby i guess Thats my working anyway, i am interested in Rafkin and will look at guild autopsies when they come out
  9. What you reckon guys, how would you tweak this further for tourney play. Ideally for all schemes and strats.
  10. Spooney85

    fools gold

    thanks guys comments appreciated and i feel very humbled to get these comments amongst such stiff competition
  11. Spooney85

    fools gold

    Agreed first time trying out osl, first time glazing, I never built it up gradually, am pretty pleased with it though
  12. Spooney85

    fools gold

    Thanks for all the kind words guys and girls, first ever attempt at OSL, think I went a bit too yellow but I'm pleased with it
  13. Spooney85

    fools gold

    Ramos controls the soul stone mines it seems
  14. Spooney85

    fools gold

    Plenty of gold to be found in the mines of Malifaux, but are you really that foolish to go looking for it.....
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