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Marcus, arcanist only


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To an extent, yes. Nearly any combination of schemes and strat can be completed with just the arcanists beasts, but you are kind of forced into a pounce/alpha strike strategy because Marcus, Cerberus, Myranda, Blessed, etc all kind of do the same thing damage-wise. Fast, somewhat fragile.


Some of the out-of-faction beasts give a LOT of flexibility. Waldgeists (Neverborn) and the Rogue Necro (Ressers) are two of the best in my opinion depending on what you need.

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Effectively? Sure. Optimally? Almost certainly not.

The arcanist beasts are a great place to start but I've not played a game I can remember that didn't include at least one out of faction beast.

As well as giving my backing to the waldgeist their fellow neverborn Silurid is the scheme runner of all scheme runners. If you plan on placing multiple scheme or claim markers it's the best 7ss you can buy.

After those I'd say the rogue necromancy and canine remains are my other most used non arcanist beasties. The former to hand out pain both up close and at range and the remains are a cheap fast runner for 4ss who can turn other models into beasts for the game and the hard to wound will mean most models take at least a couple of swings to take them down.

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The toolbox is great, but Marcus is nowhere near as reliant on out-of-faction hiring as he was in 1.5.  I fairly routinely play Marcus with just Arcanist beasts.  I think it's still possible to have fun and be competitive without piling in out-of-faction models if you don't want to.  That said, I'm still going to play my Marcus grow list some day (Marcus + Spawn Mother + Gupps) because playing with out-of-faction beasts is also fun and competitive (or silly, as that may well be).

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The glory of Marcus is his giant toolbox!  Play how you want, but he is the beast master, not the arcanist beast master!

He is also the Arcanist master. He still does great in lists without any beasts.


If you only want to use Arcanist beasts, you can. It does give you a very small pool of models (Its similar to Ramos only using constructs or Rasputina only using Frozen heart), so you will have to fit your play to the tools availible, but Arcanist beasts does have something for every job.

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He can function well with just Arcanist beasts depending on the strats/schemes.....even exceedingly well. However, I think it's a pretty small pool of strats/schemes where he is going to be great and there are loads of strats/schemes where you're just going to feel like you need something else. That's where Marcus really shines....being able to open that toolbox and find just the right beast for the job.


I think if you wanted to play Marcus as just an Arcanist, then I think you'd be better served by thinking outside the 'beast' box and look at other Arcanist models to run with him. Marcus on his own is a pretty significant model, with Trail he can be brutal....a 4/4/6 Melee Expert with an 8" charge and 2" reach is....well...beastly. He also has some de-buffs he can spread around. So if you plan to basically ignore the beast synergy, you could run him as just a solid individual threat and take other models to do some work. Acolytes work with their From the Shadows and their unbelievable gun.....Cassandra is a great Henchman all around....Gunsmiths.......Langston....there are plenty of models that can function without any direct crew synergy.


However, in my personal opinion, I don't think any of those things are optimal and if you want to run Marcus you should embrace the beast tool box.....and yes, you are unnecessarily ham-stringing yourself.

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Can Marcus be played effectively using only arcanist beasts, or am I unnecessarily hamstringing myself by wanting to only stay in faction with him?


As apparent in this thread, the answer to your question would be:


Yes, and yes.



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