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Ressers in M2E


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Yes, it's in the wave 2 book but hasn't been updated into the crew creators as of yet for some reason.


It's rare 3 and gives the model carrying it a positive to disengaging attacks, and gives them the Bloated stench rule. I tend to find it's a solid upgrade with Molly's crew because it stacks with Black Blood. Yin is especially nasty with it because she has the wicked trait. If you try to get away she gets a positive to attack you to stop you and do damage. If you choose to focus and attack and actually hit her, if you are up to an inch away you likely now take 2 dmg for your trouble. 


It tends to be why I like it on Killjoy. Killjoy tends to die by dog pile when he makes his strike, so discouraging that with mass damage for attacking him works, reasonably well, I find.

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there is a couple of us that play ressers in our meta, there must be a reason to hire a master and his crew.


Tara runs a denial list with bells/ rogues or does a killjoy/lazarus delivery

Seamus pop and drop with bell spam to sustain him/ split the crew

Kirai bubble to deny shooting and be a pain the the ass

Nicodem fast bubble that immediately replenishes losses

Molly does offensive summoning and deals mobility denial


McMorning does ? He does not support the crew but requires the crew to support him. If all you do is put poison on something with all your attacks just so mcmorning can pop it is pointless for the entire crew. His kit is lackluster  but the worse part is the 5 5 stat that makes him vulnerable to our meta.


What might this meta be? let me tell you

If you run a master that can be easily trans positioned by lylyth or dropped at 14 inches by perdita you are not going to have fun.


The rest of the resser masters mitigate the silliness, mcmorning just gets rolled

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..synergy with molly as a beatstick (1ap obey and reactivate is awesome). Izamu is also good because of his spirit trait (again, something you would want after you get more plastic spirits)..


...Being able to give killjoy +2 dmg for example, makes him really scary, and allows him to pretty much murder anything after getting reactivate (Molly's imbue vigor trigger allows her to push killjoy, so even if he gets the melee buff he can still shift into position with her)... 


You realise you can not give Killjoy Reactivate? Imbue Vigour specifies Minion models (Enforcer option was in the Beta) 

I have found that Spirit Molly is much stronger than Horror. At the top end, I have found that Datsue Ba and Izamu are better options (as spirits) compared to Val and Yin/Killjoy/Rogue (as horrors). Sybelle occupies an odd space as she really helps Molly out but can end up just being her taxi service. When I played Horror Molly I often took Ama no Zaku as a henchmen because I found her to be very self-sufficient and meant Molly could work more with her crew and left Ama to cover another part of the field.


Spirits offer a broader summoning pool, bringing in a Hanged to hit someone (I did it to Kang) with whispers from beyond is very mean and really mess up someones game plan as they focus on trying to remove the condition rather than launch an assault.

One Molly trick that doesn't require models (and is available to both Horror and Spirit routes) is summoning drowned without an enemy within 3", meaning the Drowned dies and drops a scheme marker. Learn to love the 10  :crow

Horror models are more readily available as others have pointed out. The Iron Zombies can be useful if you go up against a certain model type and you haven't got a good counter - Student of Steel makes a mess of Armoured Constructs! Summoned Punks can be good if you can get them to 2 or more wounds but I think they are a bit of a false crutch. You also have Yin.


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With the greatest respect Polish if McMourning is not doing well in your meta then the players do not know how to play him properly.  Sure he benefits from a crew that can support him with poison but all those things are also good in their own right (Sebastian as a support summoner, aura to help against shooting and sacking off almost dead models for SS/card; Nurse for being awesome, Canine Remains for running schemes, Autopsies for schemes and ranged support, Flesh Constructs as tar pits).  His ability to hand out consistent damage and get two model swings by turning them into Flesh Constructs or Canine remains is very powerful and ignoring HtW/Armour means he can comfortably take on most things.  Df/Wp 5 do make him a little vulnerable but with the highest Wd count in the game, ability to use SS, HtW, being able to heal 5 wounds a turn from Ml attacks and 5" push when taking poison damage allowing him to push himself in and out of danger comfortably if he is regularly getting killed then people aren't playing him properly!


TL; DR - he is comfortably a top tier Master able to do well in any strat/scheme pool.

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