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For those who want details, it was ment to be vague.in general how do outcasts deal with Pandora? Personally I think my problem is my control hands have sucked lately.


Well, usually you don't know you're going to face Pandora. Thus, the typical Outcast would take a crew tailored to Strategy and Schemes. When crews are declared, you either have a good matchup (high Wp, immunity to  :pulse or  :aura, a lot of  :blast, or Sue), or a bad one (none of the mentioned). In the former case, play for Strategy and Schemes and destroy the enemy crew in the meantime. In the latter case, play for Strategy and Schemes and be destroyed in the meantime.


What more do you want to know?

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For those who want details, it was ment to be vague.in general how do outcasts deal with Pandora? Personally I think my problem is my control hands have sucked lately.

Unless it's an incredible control hand then even a half decent one generally doesn't help against her.  She saves a high card for her Df/Wp 7 and just pushes away from you.  If you know you're facing Pandora (or Neverborn in general) then you want high Wp stuff (stuff that can't be Paralysed helps too though not sure how much of that Outcasts have).  But you need to construct your crew to the strats/schemes and try to ignore her as much as possible.  Taking her down is massively AP intensive and those AP can usually be spent elsewhere.  It's for this reason I never bother with Assassinate when she's on the board.  Spread out as well as she likes nice tightly packed groups to stack Misery damage on to or to do Inflict on.  A Fear Given Form build will also be more frustrating if you are grouped up.  Also - Bishop (especially if you can combine him with something to lower Pandora's Wp).

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Hello all, I have run into a bit of a conundrum. What does one do when faced with Pandora?


Apply the Viks... :D


In all seriousness if I hear my opponent declare Neverborn and I've gone Outcasts I immediately reach for the Freikorps and Johana. They are my usual go to Neverborn killers when it comes to Outcasts. Hannah, Librarians, Strongarm Suit, Lazarus and even VS himself are all pretty good at dealing with them.


Oh and Bishop... that guy is a boss! All hail Bishop I King of Malifaux!

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