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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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So played 3 games today was advised by jonahmaul our game didnt count so wasnt trying my hardest ;-).

In the other games both were 35ss henchman led tournament prep games. First game the judge with 2 death marshals a hunter a warden and the lone marshal went up against hungering darkness with aether connection and addict 2 illuminated a beckoner and lazarus with retributions eye. Lost 5-2.

2nd game went slightly better. Again 35ss headhunter. Dashel leading 2 guild riflemen, a warden, a lawyer, the lone marshal and a witchling stalker vs bad juju eternal fiend, 2 waldgeists, teddy, doppleganger and primordial magik. Ended up a 10-3 win to me and i'll be getting my 3rd game in on tuesday hopefully now in a 50ss game!

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Just because you ended up with a negative score jonah dont try changing the rules after you made them up in the first place!

Scum scum scum scum...................

I just meant you saying that you weren't trying, not that it should count for this.  Didn't seem in the spirit of the Standoff!

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McCabe, the most brave and loyal of Guild's champions, managed to defeat Ramos, the evil terrorist, and secure the stashes for the Guild. 10-3 victory for me, hooray.

It was nice to see my opponents face when Pale Rider hit Ramos with Saber for moderate 8 damage. Not that it had any effect on the game's outcome.

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McCabe the most brave and loyal of Guild's champions managed to defeat Ramos, the evil terrorist, and secure the stashes for the Guild. 10-3 victory for me, hooray.


I will direct you to your words:


You are just cowardly playing easiest opponents you can manage to find.



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So I get a vox yesterday from the Secretary. Apparently he dropped into the sewers to get away from that Three Kingdoms lady and her spirits. He tells me there's a junction where the sewage is frozen in one direction and there's a wall of bones and he needs me to help cover him so he can go after Our Lady of December.


'Course the terrain wasn't really made for my kind of work, but I got some shots in through open manholes. Watching him work makes me glad I'm not one of his knuckle draggers - between Dashel and the snow witch not too many of 'em made it through to the other side. Still, it was the witches that retreated, and there are Guild booby traps all through the tunnel now in case any of the terrorists try to use it as a smuggling route in the future.


Victory for the Guild 9-2 on a densely packed enclosed board. I lost a point on Entourage because the routes of approach were really screwy but I scored full points for Turf War and Breakthrough. He pinned all of his points on a single Blessed of December (ALiTS and Breakthrough) but a reactivating rifleman put a bullet in its head on turn one.

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