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Marcus--condition removal


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Whom do you take with Marcus for some condition removal?


are there any beasts that can do it?


It comes up often enough for me in my meta tht I like the option.

I just switched to Marcus from 10T, so I dont have many beasts or know who can do it with Arcanists.








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Arcane Effigy and Johan are probably your best choice.

Johan is nice since he's a decent Alpha target when you can change him into a beast (with Marcus' 0 ability or something like a Canine Remains for example). He gets better the more other MSU models you have in your list. When he got changed into a beast he is also a nice target for Myranda to heal thanks to his HtK.

Even without synergies Johan is a nice model, in case of desperation you can always hammer stuff. However he gets alot better with support or other models he can support himself.

Effigy is cheap and efficent, so when you need to remove conditions but don't want to invest in Johan it's a useful cheap toy. His buff is also nice when you run Marcus with focus on Melee and not so much on support (depending on his limited upgrades).

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Johan is nice since he's a decent Alpha target when you can change him into a beast (with Marcus' 0 ability or something like a Canine Remains for example). 


You can change your non-beasts into beasts permanently with a Malifaux Raptor so long as you have a tome--doesn't hit as hard as a canine remains (only 1 on weak) or have the ding to your Wp (or is it Df, I can't remember and don't have the card in front of me) that the rotting puppy gives you. Also, don't need to waste Marcus' actions on turning him into a beast again on a later turn. I like to set a raptor within range of two non-beasts at the start of them game and first activation bite each one to make them a beast for the rest of the game.

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I wouldn't count on that though. Seems like it might crumble quite fast.

AND.......if you're using Marcus, you really want those low  :tome  for his Limited Upgrade and his Df Trigger. I think by now I'm pretty well known for my dislike of taking non-beasts with Marcus and I've spelled out exactly why many times.......the  :tome problem is only one thing in a list of reasons.


Maybe for the next beta I'll try to convince Justin to give us a beast that has some Condition removal :D

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Maybe for the next beta I'll try to convince Justin to give us a beast that has some Condition removal :D


Please make it a Beast Construct for 4 SS.

Would make for an interesting option for Mech Rider. Heard that thing desperately needs a buff *evil laughter*

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AND.......if you're using Marcus, you really want those low  :tome  for his Limited Upgrade and his Df Trigger. I think by now I'm pretty well known for my dislike of taking non-beasts with Marcus and I've spelled out exactly why many times.......the  :tome problem is only one thing in a list of reasons.


Maybe for the next beta I'll try to convince Justin to give us a beast that has some Condition removal :D

I've done this several times and never failed to get 2  :tomes  in my hand turn 1; may have had to spend a SS to get some more cards but it is worth it. As to Marcus using those  :tomes for his upgrade, he gets one of the 3 options for free and most of the time I don't even worry about getting the extra options on the first turn; I would say that permanently turning some gunsmiths, Johan, or even Howard Langston into a beast outweighs the downsides of using those  :tomes for that purpose.

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I don't really care if I have tomes for Marcus in turn one or not. Sure it's great if I do, but I usually get one in turn two or when shapechanging Myranda (which I tend to do early). I tend to be a bit cowardly with him, keeping Marcus behind terrain turn one and focusing on Alpha in the early turns before he goes aggressive himself. So I would probably have a tome to spare for enrage in turn one. But I've only played by turning models into beasts temporarily with Feral when I wanted it. Usually Miss Step.

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I've done this several times and never failed to get 2  :tomes  in my hand turn 1; may have had to spend a SS to get some more cards but it is worth it. As to Marcus using those  :tomes for his upgrade, he gets one of the 3 options for free and most of the time I don't even worry about getting the extra options on the first turn; I would say that permanently turning some gunsmiths, Johan, or even Howard Langston into a beast outweighs the downsides of using those  :tomes for that purpose.


Have you never had the middle game happen when despite the 9 cards you look at, you don't get a tome. 2 turns running?

And you really need both Ml expert and bonus damage. Or Charging for 1 and + flips

Because those are the games you regret not holding onto that 3 tomes from the first turn.


 I play a very agressive Marcus, and its not rare that he is engaged on the first turn. But I have lost games because I've not had any tome in hand to power his upgrades when I wanted to count on it.

Mind you I also generally would gain almost no advantage to turning them into a beast.


Dgraz and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum regarding Marcus play. But I am very dubious about tactics that require me eating into an already scarse resource. (And I do normally want to be getting all 3 boosts from the upgrades, so I would like 2 tomes a turn which is asking for luck. And when I ask for luck to go with me, I lose.)

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Agreed. Turn 2/3 I sometimes feel pretty starved for cards because I did happen to draw a couple  :tome  early and I hang onto them for the big push....then I only have a couple of decent cards to do something with but better to play with only a 3-4 card hand than not draw those  :tome  when I really want/need them.


(Remind me why we're at opposite ends? Do you run non-beasts?)

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I happily run Marcus without any beasts, and don't make much use of the beast synrgy in game at all. After I've hired the model, it makes almost no difference to my play style if a model contains the word beast or not a lot of the time. Its one of the reasons why my Jackolope went from auto include to very occasional use.

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