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So, that Hoffman guy...


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I asked because it's the Metal Gamin.....and that thing already confuses me and as far as I'm concerned already sees its share of 'stranger things'. I never would have thought that it could use Protection on itself in the first place.


(1) Protection of Metal: Target friendly model within 3” gains the following Condition until this model takes this Action again: “Metal Protection: This model has Df 6. This model’s Df may not be altered by other Abilities, Actions, Upgrades, or Conditions. Remove this Condition immediately if there are no friendly Metal Gamin within 3”.”



So he does it to himself......the condition never goes away....because it is friendly to itself, so there is always a friendly Metal Gamin within 3".....so we have a 4SS significant minion with a Ca attack with a stat of 8, Df 6, Armor +2, and H2K (even the heaviest hitters will probably fail to kill this thing in one activation)......with an attack that does minimum 3 damage....because:


(1) Fierce Head Butt (Ml 4 / Rst: Df / Rg: 1): Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. If the target is engaged with a friendly model that has the Metal Protection Condition, the target gains the Burning +2 Condition.


Since the Gamin is a friendly model with the Metal Protection Condition....anything it engages meets the criteria.....so the attack is basically 3/4/5 with the burning.


So the Gamin itself is already a pretty annoying thing to me that I think is quite ridiculous.


I wouldn't have thought any of the above was legal....because....well, common sense on a 4ss model. So I've learned not to assume anything with this game.

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  • 6 months later...

You're gross!


*cough* sorry, I'm like twenty-something. I promise.

I am getting a Malifaux Child just so I have someone around that is able to say those kinds of things. :D I like Hoffman but he is way too serious. One little joker in a whole crew will not hurt. And that thing about copying the actions of the leader looks like it could be fun.

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