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Criid + Hoffman = Buying Advice


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So I am trying to avoid what happened to me in 1.5. Basically, I did a scattered shot and grabbed incompatible models, sometimes from different factions. So, since I seem to like more Guild bosses than other factions, and Lady Misses the Destro works for the guild, I grabbed a Hoffman and Criid starter box. I also picked up some Death Marshals but those were for a Tara crew that is in the oven.


Now, I am trying not to do what I did in Infinity and develop a backlog of unpainted fools, and my wallet is a little battered from first contact with M2E, so the buying is going slow and I know I will have to wait for some kits. Here is what I got in mind in no particular order, any other suggestions?


Peacekeeper - If the random, misplaced art I cannot find again is the piece keeper, there is no way to resist this model. Also, cleaing schemes is handy for both crews.


The Latigo Posse - Santiago and Francisco seem useful and hey, another crew right?


Austigers - Movement shenanigans seems helpful for any one.


Guild Guard - It is a shame I hate the pose on the Guild Guard Gal so much, Arrest seems like fun if you double down on them. 


What would you consider a good addition for this mismatched pairing?

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Hoffman likes any and all of the Guild Constructs, Wardens are particularly awesome and if you are planning on getting Guild Guard, buy Lucius. Wardens are also Guardsmen so they work well with Lucius as well as Hoffman. Sonnia is fairly flexible with her crew selection. She can benefit from the Guardian in Hoffman's box. a Witchling Handler might be a worth while investment as well as some additional Witchling Stalkers as she can summon them fairly easily. Austringers go without saying, they are kick ass for their cost and can happily sit in any crew as they don't require any direct synergy to be effective. Guild Riflemen are also particularly useful models. They will work very well with Lucius but Sonnia won't mind some cheap ranged support, especially if you have a Witchling Handler to give them flaming attacks. Hoffman can be a little more picky with his choices and he greatly benefits from some M&SU constructs from the Arcanists, Metal Gamin in particular are awesome for him. Sonnia on the other hand isn't quite so fussy and can generally work pretty well with just about anything. For more detailed info check out http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Guild for crew synergies, tactics and models that can work well with your chosen Masters. 

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You've got a pretty good start with what you have already and most if not all of it can work well together (I've only recently started Guild so I am learning the combos too).  As others have said if you want minions that are in crew boxes it's usually better than getting them on their own.  Having said that Guild Guard only come in boxes of too which are slightly cheaper than the regular boxes of three and you almost always want them in pairs so it's not completely implausible that you might take four of them for a game if you branch out into Lucius so the extra two in his box wouldn't be the end of the world.  Or you could use two male ones if you really don't like the female ones (a box of TTB Multi-Part kits will allow you to convert some easy male Guards as well as things like Austringers etc.).  Latigo Posse will give you Perdita too who is all the fun!

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Psssst! That was a spoiler. Let him discover some of the fun (of killing everything and then some) for himself.


Yeah... Perdita is the noob hammer. She chews beginners up and spits them out and is fairly easy to get your head around. She's a greta Master to learn with but wont make you many friends ;)

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Yeah... Perdita is the noob hammer. She chews beginners up and spits them out and is fairly easy to get your head around. She's a greta Master to learn with but wont make you many friends ;)


So much that I included a line about it in her overview on PullMyFinger.

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I have given PMF a good once-over a few times, that is where I got my early ideas. 


Although I will probably not buy every crew box, the only one I am absolutely not buying is Lady Justice. Her and the Judge just really do not flip my switch. Because of my deep, "must play many factions" disease and the fact that I somehow wound up with a pink The Dreamer box, and Lucius just looks all cool and mysterious. There are a few models in his box I am not crazy about, but just the one I actively don't like.


McCabe... Well my favorite Cygnar caster is still Kraye, so there is that. He is a stronger maybe, but my Von Shill friend really likes him so he is lower on my list.


McMorning... nope, not for me.


Which leaves Perdita. Another hit and miss box. aside from Francisco's party hat, there is nothing I hate in the box, but I really like the old two pistols over the shoulder Perdita. But until Criid's crew is painted, no big purchases.


The witchling handler is a target of opportunity, but it is good to hear she plays well with others. 


The Warden... I musta not liked the old model cause I kinda ignored him. Gonna have to give him a second look and cross my fingers that the new model looks good.


You guys gave me some good stuff to chew on while I paint. Thanks!

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