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Crew Building Practice #1


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-Assume your faction is fixed and declared Guild

-You opponent has declared Neverborn
-50ss Game
-Standard deployment
-The Strategy is Reconnoiter
-The Schemes are Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Protect Territory, Outflank, Make them Suffer
-Assume you have access to all models

What is your crew list?
Why bring your chosen master?
Whats schemes will you likely go for?
Why bring the models you chosen?
Whats the general plan?



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What is your deployment?


It is important for deciding on Line in the Sand and Protect Territory as it gives you an idea how close you are.


Personally for me with this, I would go Perdita.  Her 14" and movement tricks thanks to her Totem lets her threaten other quarters plus gives me a solid choice if Make them Suffer looks good *your opponent crew decides Make them Suffer*.  Trick Shooting of course, would also go Vengeance Bullet likely if I have the point at the end.  It would help with Assassinate if it seems viable and it worries them if I don't announce a scheme as it suggests Assassination.  After that I would use the terrain to decide on the grunts, as I want 8-9 models at least for holding two quarters.  So taking at least 3 Guild Hounds might happen as I likely will not be facing a Hans, Trapper, December Acolytes, or Katanata Snipers.  Francisco will likely be in there with Wade in and Hermanos Da Armos to tag team with Perdita the first turn or two depending on if I think they are going Assassination.  So 25ss in with 6 models *one is Totem*.  Rest really depends on the terrain, aveunes, and deployement.

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Perdita. With her family and dogs. Because she just destroys the opponent. Neverborn masters are quite susceptible to her tricks of ignoring incorporeal etc with sh7.

You can do protect territory and make them suffer (assassinate as well) with quite ease against them.

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I would likely go something more like


Sonnia -- 4 Pool
 +Cherufe's Imprint [1]
 +Reincarnation [1]
Brutal Effigy [4]
Guild Austringer [6]
Guild Austringer [6]
Samael Hopkins [9]
 +Vengeance Bullet [1]
Sidir Alchibal [9]
 +Promises [1]
The Judge [9]
 +Unrelenting Leader [2]

The plan would be to likely take make them suffer (because I will need to kill models to maintain quarters) with plenty of henchmen to kill with and austringers to hunt down hiding ones. Sam with vengeance bullet threatens assassinate even though I likely won't take it (unless they take a easy to kill master). Protect Territory would be my 2nd scheme that I would declare.

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I'm curious, why you would dislike Guild vs Neverborn based on terrain?

Guild models are slow. Neverborn models are fast. That map is a maze. Having ranged models will offer practically no advantage when there is that much blocking terrain. Lilith or Dreamer would enjoy that so much that it's hardly even amusing.

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Guild models are slow. Neverborn models are fast. That map is a maze. Having ranged models will offer practically no advantage when there is that much blocking terrain. Lilith or Dreamer would enjoy that so much that it's hardly even amusing.


Hunters have 13 inches of movement a turn, more if they pounce. Lucius can swap places with friendly models within 10. And Perdita can push 8 inches towards any Family model on the board. Granted not as fast as other crews, but they are no slouches. 


What is your crew list?


Lady J (Implacable, Last Stand)

The Judge(Leadline Coat, Unrelenting Leader

Hunters x2

Death Marshals x2

Guild Guard x2

Why bring your chosen master?

Lady J has the ability to charge without Line of Sight. This makes her a good asset to have when opponents might hide weaker models behind cover. Assassinate is on the table, but she can take a beating as well as dish it out herself. Depending on my opponents list all the Schemes are doable for this crew. 

Whats schemes will you likely go for?

Depending on the enemy master I will probably go revealed Outflank/Protect Territory and unrevealed Assassinate/Make Them Suffer.

Why bring the models you chosen?

Death Marshals can be tough models to deal with and with the Pine Box ability they can deny enemy bodies. Honestly I love taking these guys against Neverborn as they are good at taking Illuminated, Waldergeist, and in some cases Teddy off the field.

Guild Guard are my go to hold objective models. Cheap and high Df especially when I need two guys holding an objective. Typically I place these guys on the back field for Recon on either side of the center line in order to switch between areas fast.


Hunters these models are good for two things movement shenanigans and taking down models. Make Them Suffer would do well for them and having their movement tricks helps a lot with getting enemy models into the center.


Judge is a support piece meant to get extra AP out of Lady J and the Hunters. The Lead Line coat is my way of keeping him around longer.

Whats the general plan?

Keep the Guild Guard out of combat to avoid giving up Make Them Suffer points and secure the my two quarters for scoring on Strategy. Move up Hunters and Death Marshals down the sides in order to secure the corners. Place Lady J near the center of the board as bait for when the opponent tries to go for assassinate and forgets that models within 6in of the center don't score. Move Judge to assist within about 3-6 inches. End of Turn push Hunters towards heavy hitting models going for Lady J in the center, try to be within 1 move of being within range. Hopefully both hunters will have targets to go after.



Subsequent turn, activate hunters first to gain  :+fate to attack against at least one target. Drag heavy hitters with Chain Harpoon or at the very least give them slow to stop their advance. Activate Lady J to take out near by models, keep high cards and soulstone  :mask for Df when you think the opponent has no high cards and you do. They should only get one Activation off before the Judge uses his Unrelenting Leader to have Lady J kill what she has engaged and then reels Lady J out of the fray with his Zero action. Nearby minions then get :+fate to next actions. Death Marshals Pine Box nearby scheme runners and Guild Guard move to secure either of my own Quarters under threat by opponent. End of Turn Hunters push into Quarters that can either score VP or deny opponent VP.


Rinse repeat. This is all considering that your opponent doesn't go off the rails though and you can keep your models alive.

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