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Seamus from UK Masters


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My understanding is that the winner of the UK Masters, Ant, was using a Seamus crew. I got a Seamus crew for demos (new people love those zombie hookers) but I hadn't heard this master bandied around in the "power" crews of M2E. Obviously we don't really know what the "power" crews are yet (which I consider a strength of the game,) but I haven't seen any discussion on what new/different things were being done with those crews. Has he been interviewed on any podcasts about his crew? And/or would someone be willing to share with the group here? 

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Ant's one of my club mates.  He's not got much of a digital presence so I'm not sure you'll hear much from him, but I'll give him a nudge.  


Some background;


Since early in first edition the UK has fed the results of the majority of it's tournaments into a rankings system. The system ranks players based on their best four results (weighted by the size of the event) over a rolling twelve months.  


In January each year we hold the UK Masters, the top fifteen players and the previous years winner are invited to a weekend tournament.  Players play 50ss fixed faction and are divided into four pools of four players. Each pool plays round-robin on day one with the best two players in each pool advancing to the knock-out stage on day two.  These eight players then play single elimination for the title of UK Master.


This is the toughest test of the game, in the UK if not anywhere.  It's genuinely difficult to get into the masters to start with, and winning it is a phenomenal achievement.  It's also worth noting that Ant is one of only two UK players who has ever won all three of the main UK Titles;  Won Masters, finished first at the UKGT (Nationals), and Ranked number 1 in the UK.


TLDR: Ant's a top player, masters is very very hard to win.


Ant plays most of the Resser masters and IIRC didn't play Seamus exclusively on day one. He did use him for all three games on day two though.


If it were me I wouldn't look at this as Seamus winning the masters but a highly skilled player winning the masters.


My 2p.

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I know nothing of Ant of his crew but as MythicFox says, skilled players shine regardless of what they are using generally (and especially in Malifaux where the game is very well balanced).  Having said that I have a fair bit of experience with Seamus and he is pretty good at most things.  He might not excel at anything in particular but there are so many strats and schemes that he is good for that he is a swiss army knife.  I tend to use him to shoot opposing scheme runners early in the game then teleport him towards the end so he can run around dropping scheme markers or scoring for things like Entourage.  Being very hard to kill means he's almost always around late game.  Another major strength I can see is that he works mostly independently of his crew which mean they don't rely on him as much as other crews rely on their Master meaning he can go off doing his own thing and if he does die then it's not always the end of the world.

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Another things is Ant faced Ben in the finals. Ben had been running Levi all tournament and Ant knew this. Seamus is one of the best hard counters in the game for Levi. Not sure this affected his choice but it was one of the first things I thought of. Seamus is a great master but I think he functions better in fixed faction tournaments rather than fixed master tournaments

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I am a huge Seamus player and fan so I would just be really glad to hear what he used and stuff like that. There aren't any battlereps around?

Anyways congratulations to the guy for the win.



Yeah, I think it is not about crying omfgbrkn because somebody won a big event but the natural curiosity about what type of crew selections proved to be effective.  I'm all ears about any info I can get from big events' top placed players.

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If it were me I wouldn't look at this as Seamus winning the masters but a highly skilled player winning the masters.

I've been cheering for Ant for quite a while since he made Ressers work in the first edition as well when they were considered one of the weaker factions so I definitely don't with to downplay his skill but I do think that in an environment as tough as that the Master choice does play a big part. In a more run-of-the-mill tournament a player can simply be head-and-shoulder above the rest skill-wise and win with whoever but winning the UK Masters certainly lends an air of legitimacy to the claims that Seamus is far from weak.

Now, personally I have considered Seamus quite a strong Master all throughout this edition (and zFiend certainly plays a mean Seamus!) but I have read lately quite a few posts which consider Seamus as one of the weaker Resser Masters.

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Another :+fate to hearing a bit about the crew (and also the strats/schemes that were being played).  I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a similar crew to one most of us would take with Seamus mind!


InsidiouslyMad - why is Seamus a hard counter to Levi?


Seamus is a pretty good waif killer. (Typically can teleport to los of them and killes them with weak damage from his gun) That and his Impossible to wound which Levi doesn't ignore mean its tough to shift him.

Levi without a waif is not a happy master


I wouldn't be surprised if Ant used a fairly typial list, just took it to 11. After all, thats where the severe starts...

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Seamus is a pretty good waif killer. (Typically can teleport to los of them and killes them with weak damage from his gun) That and his Impossible to wound which Levi doesn't ignore mean its tough to shift him.

Levi without a waif is not a happy master


Solid point. I thought about Belles Luring the Waifs / Anchors. But that's a good point about Seamus hunting the Waifs down. 

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I've been cheering for Ant for quite a while since he made Ressers work in the first edition as well when they were considered one of the weaker factions so I definitely don't with to downplay his skill but I do think that in an environment as tough as that the Master choice does play a big part. In a more run-of-the-mill tournament a player can simply be head-and-shoulder above the rest skill-wise and win with whoever but winning the UK Masters certainly lends an air of legitimacy to the claims that Seamus is far from weak.

Now, personally I have considered Seamus quite a strong Master all throughout this edition (and zFiend certainly plays a mean Seamus!) but I have read lately quite a few posts which consider Seamus as one of the weaker Resser Masters.

I'm also surprised to hear this as I play Seamus quite a lot and consider him to be pretty good (for many of the reasons explained above).  He was the first Master I really used properly and I partly chose him because he was quite simple to play but I don't think this is necessarily a weakness.  As you learn more about him you definitely learn that there is much more in his Bag O' Tools!

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I have read lately quite a few posts which consider Seamus as one of the weaker Resser Masters.


Then again, if you do compare him to what else the Rezzers got, McMourning, Nicodem (to a point even Kirai, but I need to play Kirai before making my own mind on her) I think he does fall a bit short on those. That's why I would be really anxious to hear why Seamus? Why did he pick him over the rest we got? And what did he use? How did he play him to get that much out of Seamus? As he isn't really the easiest to get to work. He is straight forward and quite to easy to learn what he does, but actually making those things work isn't the most easiest feat. 


I am not saying Seamus is weak, really not but I don't consider him to be the strongest of Rezzers either. I think Nicodem for example is far superior to Seamus, McMourning kills stuff dead like no one else in the Rezzer faction. We have discussed this quite a lot with Tom as we have been playing a lot of Vassal games with me running around with Rezzers and usually when it comes to schemes and strategies usually Nicodem or the Doctor do those better than Seamus. 


Still Seamus is one of my absolute favourite masters of the game. So anything on him and I am all over it. :P 

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I don't play Seamus (or Ressers) but having played against him quite a bit, I view him like I do my Lilith. He's a toolbox who can work in any given situation. Maybe he's not always the strongest, but he isn't so over specialized like some others that he is able to adapt on the fly when something doesn't go his way. It's one of the reasons, if I hadn't of started Neverborn, then I would have started Ressers with him.

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I don't play Seamus (or Ressers) but having played against him quite a bit, I view him like I do my Lilith. He's a toolbox who can work in any given situation. Maybe he's not always the strongest, but he isn't so over specialized like some others that he is able to adapt on the fly when something doesn't go his way. It's one of the reasons, if I hadn't of started Neverborn, then I would have started Ressers with him.


That is a solid point and really well put Asrian. 

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Seamus is a pretty good waif killer. (Typically can teleport to los of them and killes them with weak damage from his gun) That and his Impossible to wound which Levi doesn't ignore mean its tough to shift him.

Levi without a waif is not a happy master

Exactly this. Seamus is possibly the best waif hunter in the game. His teleporting and his gun make it so he should be able to kill a waif a turn. If the waifs die Levi is nowhere near as strong/fast/dangerous. I've only played against Seamus once but I actually find him tougher to play against than McMourning or Nicodem (I play Dreamer). Seamus' ability to teleport all over the board and kill scheme runners that would otherwise be too difficult to catch is incredible. I think he is best hunting scheme runners in this way, but I don't play Ressers so obviously not as informed as a resser player would be

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In my experience as a Resser player he has been the hardest Master for my opponents to put down (though Nico is also surprisingly resilient).  Terrifying, Feast of Fear and his general ability to just bugger off wherever he chooses really put a dent in most efforts to kill him!  When you add in things like the Nurse/Chiaki combo to keep him alive you're really (manically) laughing.  I've been playing McMourning a lot recently as I'm finding him lots of fun and though is healing make him a pita once he had activated his low Df usually makes him a pretty easy target to take down.  I find both Seamus and McMourning very versatile though and for schemes like Plant Evidence, Breakthrough, Entourage etc. they really excel.

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Not to derail the topic, but for arguments sake, Lilith is a better waif hunter! They cannot hide from her (at all) and with a lowly WP of 5, they are easy targets for Tangle shadows.

Seamus is outstanding. To me he is one of the best, of not the best, Resser master. He can do it all with the right set up, and is incredibly hard to take down. So I have a hard time to see why he should be discredited or be considered to be weaker than the other Ressers.

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Seamus is outstanding. To me he is one of the best, of not the best, Resser master. He can do it all with the right set up, and is incredibly hard to take down. So I have a hard time to see why he should be discredited or be considered to be weaker than the other Ressers.


I still don't see this, but I have said that to you too many times already. :D 


I am not saying Seamus is bad by any means, just that he is not the best of Rezzers. Which is why I would like to hear more about how this guy took the Masters with him. 

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I agree that he's not the best.  Whilst he can do most things pretty adequately he's not really exceptional at anything.  I would say that McMourning and Nico are both more powerful than him because they can do the things he can do better.  In a fixed faction pool you'd almost automatically reach for Nico in Reconnoiter or Turf War for example (though I do like a nice Terrifying Turf War set up with Seamus) whilst McMourning is better for Reckoning and Squatters is generally accomplished by your crew so Masters are less important (IMHO).   Schemes such as Assassinate, MtS, Murder Protoge are ones that McMourning excels at and he can do Breakthrough or Entourage just as easily as Seamus (although a teleporting Seamus for a last turn Entourage is a thing of beauty, Breakthrough requires a bit more planning with him).  I definitely enjoy playing as Seamus and definitely think he's a top tier Resser Master but not the best.

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