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Battle of the Corpse Bloaters

Kapten Vendetta

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Hi all, I've been thinking about switching Mortimer for Toshiro in my Nico. crew, I find that I rarely get any milage out of Mort. as a Corpse Marker Generator, and it seems to me that Toshiro might do it just as well, if not better.


My reasoning is that while Chatty has the potential to be awesome, and his actions are not poor in any way, Mortimers lack of durability (despite the Reg.) is something that bothers me, and my inability to heal - being living - him with Nico. is a downside. No HtW also.


Toshiro - being undead - can be healed, and he brings his own set of utilities to the table besides this, mainly the option to give out Fast/Focused or the positive to minions ML. HtW +2 isn't bad at all.


Is it something I'm overlooking with Mort.? Or is there another Corpse Bloater extraodinaire I haven't thought of?


Thanks in advance!



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I have been getting enough mileage out of Mort to my liking. With Corpse Bloat that's two corpse counters a turn. Also I always have one Nurse in my list so that makes Mortimer in Hallucinogens quite capable of dishing out at little hurt with Ml 7 and minimum damage 4. As you always have the possibility to bring out a Belle, it's not impossible to bring to a model next to Mort to lash out on. Then again you always have Punk Zombies in bringing the hurt with plus flips but I don't know.


He also has a huge movement trick for a whole lot of models when needed. So I think he brings enough for his cost. But I am reading this topic with interest to see if something other pops up as an alternative. 

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You do appear to be missing that Mortimer can generate 2 a turn, where as Toshiro can only generate 1. Sure, it takes up 2 of Mortimers AP to generate the second one, but you are potentially spending that many AP healing Toshiro with Nicodem.


any of the undead Henchmen could be healed. Is Toshiro more duarble than the Validictorian? Or Sybelle?

I think the question comes down to 2 things - What you prefere, and what else you need the model to do.

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He generates 2 a turn if he stands still. This means when the Bubble o'doom goes marching off he will be doing the "Graveyard" shift at the back, where Nicodem doesn't want the Corpse counters.

So its great for turn one (if you have the cards) but mid-game you need to sacrifice corpse generation to get him up the field to bring the markers back into useful range for Nico.


Fun combo - Mortimer drops 2 on turn 1, Nurse drugs him turn 2 to get +2 walk, get him up to to the centreline and then he can go back to corpse counter generation turn 3. 

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Two a turn v one a turn really is key with the Mort v Toshiro debate and I'd rather get two a turn (plus if you give him his Favourite Shovel he can still walk and do his (2) action).  I like Toshiro in my Nicodem lists a lot of the time as double buffing can be gross but if you're using Toshiro to bloat then he's potentially sacrificing himself by hanging back to support Nico instead of moving up with the troops.  Nurse for Paralyse/full heal is a better use of healing that wasting Nico's AP which can only heal a couple of wounds anyway (unless you discard your precious corpse counters which you're already making less of if Mortimer isn't around).  If Chiaki is around you can get Mort back in the game straight away too.

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Unless you buy his favourite shovel, in which case he can walk. Or use a belle to lure him up, or leave him at the back, and use a vulture to bring the counters up.

Or as you say sacrifice generating the second corpse counter for 1 turn to double walk, which can get him pretty close to the middle, which is probably good enough to stay close to the bubble for the whole game


All of which are an additional cost to consider.

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