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Rolling Marcus starter @ noob tournament

its gremlin time

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Hi everyone, I'm very new to the game and in need of some help.


I've got a few models from three factions - Gremlin, Thunders, Arcanists - and I'm considering Arcanists and Thunders for a noob tourney event that is coming up (Gremlins seem more suited for experts)


I've had four games, and all of them sofar have been against Rezzers. Often against Nicoderm zombie summon, which I haven't the faintest idea how to deal with.


In another thread, I was told "Go for objectives" and "go very aggro, he needs high cards to summon and high cards for combat, he cannot do both!", and that latter advice got me thinking about getting Marcus and Co out of their box and onto the table, as opposed to my not-Indiana Jones led thunders crew


So I'm wondering, is the Marcus starter good as is for a 35ss tourney? (I believe its 34ss if you use everything in the box) What are some changes people would recommend for dealing with Nicodem summon - I got Hoarcats, Silurids, and the tree monsters whose names elude me right now, plus I can probably borrow most other stuff. Right off the bat the Cerberus, murderkong mega gorilla, and Marcus all charging up together looks fun and effective for pressuring the enemy. Are the snake, the respawning rabbit creature, and Marcus' girlfriend all essential for this type of strategy or should they be changed out?


Cheers for any advice

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If i would switch anything out it would be cojo but it all depends on the strats and schemes. Molemen are very helpful for marker schemes and they are cheap. Always take myranda with imbued energies so when she shapechanges you get 4 cards. Myranda is really good. And the cerberus hits like a furry truck. Snake is pretty fast and reselient. Cojo is a bit squishy but has some neat uses foe pushing people around and hits fairly well. I tend to play marcus with trail of the gods, feral and hunger cry

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The Tree monsters - Waldgeists - are (in theory, I've never actually gotten to use them) one of my favorite models, and now thinking about it is even better against Ressers. Perfect Camo and Armor +2 are two wonderful abilities alone, and even better against a faction that has one good shooting model total (Seamus), enjoys pulling you in and charging you, and has few models that ignore armor (Student of Steel, a few Spirits, and McMourning). The Student is already losing a percentage of its usefulness due to your lack of constructs, and just take something with a decent Ca attack to dissuade Kirai from killing you with Incorporeal.


On the other hand, keep in mind that Waldgeists are an attrition model, and you will NOT out-attrition Nicodem by turn 4-5. Try to get around Nico's blob and try to kill his support. Cerberuses will often go untouched before they charge, making sure they keep their positive flips. With Ml6 against a usual Df4-5 and 3/4/6 with a + to cancel out Hard to Wound, Cerberuses will DROP things. Leap around Nico's ball of death (Izamu in the front, usually) and take out Flank and Back pieces such as Mortimer (who will most likely be at ~9 wounds thanks to corpse bloat, so 3 hits is a definite kill), Rotten Belles (two medium damage results to kill), and a Nurse (cheating a severe)

The majority of Ressers, even the harder hitting ones, will struggle to take off all 10 wounds off a Df5 model in one turn. They are not going to send Izamu away from the thick of the fighting to kill it, and even a flurrying Punk Zombie needs to hit all 3 times to kill the Cerberus with anything short of a severe. Anything short of that (Flesh Construct, Student, etc) will definitely not kill it without a TON of luck, allowing you to leap away and assassinate a different model next turn. Even if he just slows the Cerberus and leaves it alone, a pounce can still get in range for one attack. Drop some tomes for the trigger and you can still kill something.


As a Nico player, I'll tell you this much: Survive the Center, limit his other options. Nicodem rolls with an AMAZING central ball of death, and sends a few units to the sides to run schemes. Kill those smaller units with your superior speed, and he will be forced to spread out and scramble for VP.


I'm no pro, so don't take my advice as absolute truth, but those are my random thoughts.

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It wasn';t against Zfiend, but I had my Marcus lured up to his crew, and then went and took 6 attacks against Nicodem, killing him. (+2 damage, melee expert, imbued energies and then got Myranda to make Marcus make the last attack for the kill). It was fun. And even if it failed I had turned Nicodem into a beast, so he counldn't safely attack me with of his crew.

A good way to stop Summoners is to remove theior resources.

Ideally early on. So if you can get to mortimer and kill him, it throws most summon-cetric Nicodem players off their game.

Marcus and the cerberus are both pretty good at this sort of missile play. They will probably die, but if they put Nicodem back 2 or 3 turns, he can't get the VPs normally.


The box has a decent mix of models for a startign player. It doesn't have much in the way of cheap models to help with activation control, but cerberus can be used as a good scheem runner, or a decent glass cannon.

cojo can hold ground reasonably well and disrupt the enemy. Myranda is handy for keeping models alive longer, and has the nice ability to turn into a fresh model when you want.


Your best bet is to work out how you think you can score your points, how you think your enemy will score his, and then stop him getting them.

And Marcus absolutly must spend at least 1 ss on his limited upgrade. Which one you pick depends on what you want him to do, and other upgrades can be great, but you really must buy one of te two limited upgrades each game.

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Cheers for the help guys. I'm going for

Marcus + God's Domain + Imbued Energy
Cerberus + Imbued Energy


Open to suggestions but probably be too late to change

I'm just going to punch Nicodem or Mortimer in the dick and then see what I can do re; schemes


For the guy asking about points - its 35. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

You seem to be lacking in cheap scheme runners. I would probably drop the Cerberus and Cojo, in favor of a bunch of scheme oriented models. I would also rather see imbued energies on Myranda, than Marcus or the cat. Given what you listed that you own I would probably run.

Marcus -trail of gods

Myranda-imbued energies


Cerberus -imbued energies


Then possibly more upgrades on Marcus, maybe imbued energies, or feral and howl, or arcane reservoir. You really need to invest in molemen and or canine remains as I would probably taken those over the Cerberus, and possibly the Silurids as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Cerberus is amazing, there is no way I would drop it.  In fact I would almost always be turning Myranda into one as well and send the puppies in to wreck face with Marcus.  I think crew needs some punch, and I would argue why run Marcus if you weren't going to go aggressive with some big scary beasts.

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Because he has a great adaptable hiring pool?

I almost never hire a Cerberus, usually myranda becomes one, but I find them to have trouble in many strategies and schemes. But then I value having more activations than a few powerful models. I just find the cat to have a big target on it and it is quite pricey.

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What do you guys think of Trail of the Gods instead of God's Domain? My brother recently got in to Malifaux and started with Marcus. He usually uses trail over Domain for the increased minimum damage, which in this case I think would be overall better. Niccodem has impossible to wound, so an extra ap for charges is great, but you will likely be doing minimum or moderate damage with each attack, so I figure making that minimum damage 4 would only help you out. 

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Trail for the 8" walk and extra damage is typically better. But domain is good if you want Marcus to be in a supporting role using myranda for +flips to enhanced defense, using howl to buff/debuff willpower, law of meat to lock down models etc. but it is a trickier style.

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Trail for the 8" walk and extra damage is typically better. But domain is good if you want Marcus to be in a supporting role using myranda for +flips to enhanced defense, using howl to buff/debuff willpower, law of meat to lock down models etc. but it is a trickier style.

Agreed. Also considering that Law of Meat is one of the go to abilities for running a de-buff style Master and it requires a  :mask .....you could run out of SS pretty quick.......the other trick is use (0) Feral and his high Df to Disengage and charge up to twice a turn to try and put Beast on as many models as possible (though this also requires a  :tome that isn't built in) and then pop Domesticate.....potentially pretty brutal but both ways are both card and SS intensive. Mobility is hugely important in this game so I generally find ToG to be more useful....and as said 4 Wk damage is positively brutal against models that rely on Hard or Impossible to Wound.

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I used Marcus last night (second time ever) and got some great value out of a Cojo + Myranda + Marcus combination against an opponent trying Line in the Sand and that one where you have 5 markers on the half way line to fight over.


Cojo with Imbued Protection, working under the WP buff/debuff aura, effectively re-activating each turn via Marcus' 2AP action and using all of those APs (and his freebies APs action) to smash loads of enemy models and scheme markers out of the way was truly brutal ... gaining DF +1 for each marker made him almost untouchable most turns, and created a massive no-go zone in key parts of the board. Using the extra 1MI action from Myranda as well on him was the extra bit of filth.  :P


I also was surprised with the Waldgeist - first time I've tried them. I expected their 4" attacks and the blocking ability of the cast forests to be the good thing, but simply being able to conjure up a 4" engagement range on a 40mm model was their best skill - pretty close to making them into "Chatty Trees" in terms of instantly denying the ability to interact across wide swathes (a 9.5" diameter circle!!) of the table.

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Waldgeists are boss.


I used to do Imbued Protection on Cojo also but I find the cost prohibitive......consider this; a Metal Gamin.  One 4ss model does not dilute the beast synergy by any real noticeable amount and for 2ss more than IP you get the same Df 6 on Cojo (obviously you need to keep the Gamin behind him to keep the Gamin alive for a while) and another Significant Minion for activations and someone that can just sit there and drop a Scheme Marker for Cojo to use.....and they aren't bad at attacking anything engaged with Cojo either.

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I've never seen cojo as fast. I find him very situational, in scheme marker strategies, or turf war he is pretty good. Otherwise he is so so. I live him as a myranda shape change more than a hire. Imbued protection adds some survivability, but at that point he is a 10 point model, and he just does not do enough unless schemes abound.

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I've never seen cojo as fast. I find him very situational, in scheme marker strategies, or turf war he is pretty good. Otherwise he is so so. I live him as a myranda shape change more than a hire. Imbued protection adds some survivability, but at that point he is a 10 point model, and he just does not do enough unless schemes abound.


Yep - this was in a marker-rich environment. Ideal for him.,  

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