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Tara - The Nothing Beast, Strongarm and Librarian


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Hi there! 


I've played two games with Tara so far, playing with:

Tara (5SS Cache, DoW, Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote)

Death Marshal

Freikorps Strongarm (Oath Keeper)

Nothing Beast (Void Shield)

Karina (The Faces of Oblivion)

3x Void Wretches


Three outstanding factors in the crew are:

  1. The combination of burying the Nothing Beast and Strongarm, and launching them into the opponent's crew has worked incredibly well. Game 1: Devastating a Lucius crew in Turn 2. Game 2: killing Hoffman in Turn 2. 
  2. Using this tactic, the Nothing Beast and Strongarm become the targets and take on ALOT of heat! 
  3. Karina, is incredibly situational (even with the upgrade), and I beg the question - "Is she even worth it?"


To deal with points 2 and 3, and improve the tactic in point 1, I want to test this list:

Tara (4SS Cache, DoW, Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote)

Death Marshal

Freikorps Strongarm

Freikorps Librarian

Nothing Beast (Void Shield)

3x Void Wretches


I think the addition of the Librarian, over Karina, will increase the durability of The Nothing Beast and the Strongarm. She brings additional ranged attack as well as a way to discard a control card (Furious Casting). And, overall, the Librarian can really be a nuisance. 


What are your experiences playing Tara as Outcast? 

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What are your experiences playing Tara as Outcast? 


Pretty damn good. One of my local clubs wont let me play her anymore. They've added her to my ban list as it causes too much rage quitting. The Mrs and some friends also agree. Karina is also a damn sight better now with her upgrade than she was. I tend to use Bishop / Killjoy instead of the SAS / Nothing Beast though. I've had some pretty incredibly results with both. 

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Trouble with the upgrade is, like you said, its very situational.


In one game I had over 20ss worth of models from her and in others absolutely nothing!


The main problem I find is that if I draw the cards needed I often have to use them for something else and without the summon she is somewhat limited in her use. You also have to factor in the unburying of the summons, which is OK if Tara isnt dead. Rusty alice can help with this if you summon constructs then burn them out.


However all said and done I still include her in alot of my lists as if she does get the summoning going she is extremely good value for the 5 stones

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The librarian is a decent model.

Its got a reasonable attack, and the heal is nice to have access to.

 If my opponent has healing in their crew is does change my outlook a little, as I am much more likely to focus on 1 model until it is dead, rather than go for damaging what I want. So adding healing has a variable undifinable benefit.

I find it is often slow, so not a huge amount of use to support the big beaters you are rushing into the opponents face.

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On Karina's upgrade - how often do you manage to summon Horrors? 


At least 2-3 times a game on an average day. Like Ausplosions I often go for Punk Zombies but I also use the Iron Zombies as well. If I need some ranged attacks I'll consider a Guild Autopsy for a cheaper summon. Similarly if I need a cheap summon / objective runner I'll look at Crooligans. The Drowned are also good choices as they can play off of Tara's Slow and use their Watery Grave Trigger to dish out some Paralyzed. Or just hand out more Slow with their Suffocating Demise Trigger for extra Slow. There are probably a bunch of other Horrors that can be useful but I don't have my book with me at the moment. 


What do you guys think of the Librarian as a support model? 


I love the Librarian, she's a really useful model but with Tara I've never really bothered with her. It's something I'll probably try one day but more often than not I'll use Void Wretches to do my healing which I tend to find is required on the beat sticks I'm burying and unburying all the time. It's nice to have the 2 heals as Tara is always an Outcast but I generally get more use out of them with The Viks, Von Schill or Misaki where the heals are more useful. The Furious Casting action is pretty useful if you have an enemy crew with lots of Incorporeal or you just want some decent ranged firepower in the crew though. 

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As an aside, how do you do this? Summons cannot interact in the first turn, and then they are buried. Doesn't seem very useful to me.


It doesn't necessarily need to be interacting on the turn it is summoned now does it my good man?  ;) It also serves as an extra activation on it's summoning turn so Tara can often activate later meaning the enemy will have one less nasty thing to point at her. What I tend to do is try to summon it the turn before I want it to do it's job then bury it with Tara giving it Fast so I can bring it up the turn I need it with full AP and send them off on their merry way. It doesn't work every time but it's a fairly handy trick to have up your sleeve from time to time. 

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Regarding Karina's "incredibly situational" summon, the odds are about

Autopsy/Crooligan: 1/2

Punk/Student: 3/10


Which Hannah increases to about 3/5 and 1/3, respectively.


If Karina were an 8-11 SS normal summoner, those odds would be pretty bad, but she's not- she's just 5 and has a decent gun if you really need her to do something and don't care if she dies. I've never had a game where Karina has paid for herself less than full, and am pretty sure I've never gotten fewer than 2 summons off of her.


Dirial, yeah, that's why I've never summoned one- I keep trying to find a reason to, but it's always been worth it to just get the gun zombie.


Regarding the Librarian, the librarian's good, but Tara doesn't make her exceptional except for maybe giving her more flexibility for her gatling 2. Also, not the greatest choice if you're already taking the NB (spell focus) as your other heavy hitter.

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Hey Clyde


Glad to see you picked up one of my favourite masters. I have been running Tara pretty exclusively for quite a few months now. Though I play her as a Resurrectionist here are some tips that should work well:


  • Look for models that have decent high stats as a base, you will often be low on cards so you won't get to cheat. This is where the Nothing Beast shines alongside dead of winter.
  • Look for models that benefit from being teleported through the void like slow models or models with flurry.
  • Find ways to deplete your opponents hand (like high stats above that force them to cheat). Playing ressers I have access to lots of models with terrifying. This is also includes glimpse the void triggers. It is very rare that either my opponent or I finish a turn with cards in hand.


Thinking of the above, I don't know the Outcast faction particularly well but I know Bishop and Killjoy are popular. Looking at the Librarian she seems ok, but not too much synergy there. 

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Hey Metalhed!


Thanks for the cool feedback! The Resser advice is great (as a Nicodem player myself, Punk Zombies spring to mind with their Flurry). Blasting them into combat via the Void with Fast is a scary thought! Quite excited to try that out! 


Last night I tried a gave Karina another run against Misaki - again, she performed dismally without producing a single summon the whole game. So, I had a rematch against Misaki afterwards, replacing Karina with the Librarian. As a pure support model, she managed to heal The Nothing Beast as well as Strongarm on several occasions, keeping them alive against full activations from Misaki and Fuhatsu. And with some well placed shots from Ancient Words, she did well spreading damage with blasts at range. 


Bishop though, is looking at my next experiment (as well as those Punk Zombies)! 

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again, she performed dismally without producing a single summon the whole game

How...? I'm not positive I did this math correctly, but I'm pretty sure your chances of not getting a card you can summon with over the course of 10 turns is less than .01%


When you say "the whole game" do you mean she's dying early each time or something? Otherwise, you've got some insane juju there.

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No, it's not the case that she's dying - she's survived all games so far. However, in every case that I have drawn a Crow high enough for Karina to summon a Horror, I need to use that Crow to unbury a model via Tara.


I know I can use Tara's SS cache to produce the needed Crows for her unbury - but in my games the SS have been used to prevent damage. 


Perhaps I should be expending the SS on producing the Crows, and using the Crows that I draw for Karina's summoning - is that how you manage your resources?

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Clyde, yeah- non-totem Tara is one of the SS-lightest masters I've ever played, since other than the unlucky turn you get no crows or occasional mask for blocking something nasty you don't expect to avoid, she doesn't really use many uses for them. It ends up that Karina's summoning probably costs me around 7SS including her cost, because of reallocated resources, but I've been pushing my average return up past 15 SS a game and Karina's no slouch with her pistol (she was just overpriced when she didn't have much else), so consider it worth it.



MD, yeah, I don't play him often, but each game there's that point where I remember what 4 AP and his rules actually looks like in practice. Best game with him in recent memory, my opponent saw Tara was defensively poor in melee, put the pressure on early, so I got Bishop fast and he tore up the board, charging and killing 2 expensive grunts that basically made up the flank. And then yeah, if you're trying to hit Tara's situational WP stuff, he gets even more accurate.

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Had a couple of games with the summon type Karina thing over the weekend...


Decided to take it a step further and ran:




Rusty Alice (with the Abom trigger on the gun upgrade)

Ashes and Dust

Obedient wretch 

Rat catcher

Malifaux rat

Void Wretch


Meant I had rusty & ashes dropping Aboms, Karina dropping horrors, and the rat catcher train that got me a second rat catcher & then started on more rats...


Initial thoughts: It was somewhat intimidating for my opponent, just because there was so many options to generate extra models... Annoying stuff just kinda got in and clogged up movement, soaked up AP, did stuff... It was definitely fun & something I wanna have a bit more of a play with...


I'm gonna get me a Deso engine outta this... ;)



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