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The Hanged


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Ì just started playing the Hanged in my crew so started wondering about this entry in PullMyFinger - 'Every time an enemy ends a Walk within 1" or the Hanged, or targets the Hanged, it needs to make a Horror Duel. Because of Unrelenting Terror, for enemies within 4" this really means every time. Twice when they Charge!'


I understand the first sentence when Terrifying kicks in but I fail to understand the second sentence.


Unreleting Terror has a 4 inch range and works when an enemy does not charge this model so how come it has to check twice when they charge?


Its probably something basic I miss but I fail see it. Thx. for the help.



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Might just not be worded very well.  If somebody declares a charge against the Hanged they'd just check once as Unrelenting Terror doesn't work if the Hanged was charged.  However, if they charge something within 4" that doesn't have Terrifying then it doesn't matter because Unrelenting Terror has no effect.  I think what is being described is if you charge something that is also Terrifying and stood next to a Hanged although you'd actually have to check three times (once when you declare the Charge action as it has to have a target and then once for each (1)AP attack taken as part of the charge).  Hope that makes sense?

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I think this is just a case of PMF being wrong, which it is on occasion.


One flaw of a Wiki is that it can be wrong.


One big strength of a Wiki is that anyone can fix it! Please, please, if you see something like this and you're sure the Wiki is wrong, fix it! It only takes less than a minute and makes the game better for everyone.

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Stripping general immunity to horror makes some pieces' mechanics much stronger. Also, you're needing to pass (sometimes very high) tests to be given the opportunity to attack instead of forfeitting your activation. Those tests can add up, and add up at a much higher rate if you're using a piece that relies on volume of attacks to get through instead of strength.


A moderately extreme example:


Ototo vs. Horror 13. He needs a discard to flurry, pretty high 9 to pass terror, then 3 attacks.


Ototo vs. a Hanged. He needs a discard to flurry, then needs 3 9's to not get paralyzed, checking before each attack, and you're likely to need to spend some cards higher than 9 just because they won't be exactly what you need, which is likely most of a decent to good hand, which could have been used for accuracy or damage instead of those tests your opponent didn't need to spend anything from his hand on.

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You really only want to be taking a Hanged when there is other Terrifying stuff around.  I tend to run him in a little bubble with Seamus, Sybelle and Yin.  That's a lot of Terrifying and if Yin gets Gnawing Fears off as well most things won't even attempt to attack any of those things because of the negative flip means an almost auto-fail on the Terrifying check.

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Thx. for clarifying things but I still fail to see the use for the Unrelenting Terror ability. Sounds very situational to me and from the limited models/cards and experience I have I don't see any use for it (no models with immunity to terror checks in my collection).


Every Model gains immunity to Terror checks caused by model A when they pass a Terror check from Model A. This normally means models will only take 1 Terror test a turn and get to do 2 attacks off of it. (The immunity goes away at the end of the turn)

A model    in the Hanged Aura doesn't get to gain that immunity, so evey single time it targets a model with terror it has to make that test. It makes terror much stronger and reliable as a defence.


Its probably an effect you won't really appriacate how annoying it is until you play against it. (as its onyl then you discover how much if can affect decision making and how much it protects models)




If the Hanged is your only terrifying model, it is an ability which won't see much use, but will still see some use. If you have 2 or 3 otehr terryfying models your opponent will use a lot of cards to be able to do anything!

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Thx. for taking the patience in clarifying and providing examples. It helped me a lot!


After reading the comment and re-re-re-reading the card I think it finaly sunk in. I missed the 'or target this model with an action part' which means that models having a melee range outside of the Hanged engagement range are impacted as well. The Unrelenting terror ability, with your explenations, makes more sense as well.


Does this mean that a model that charges the Hanged attacks twice while only checking for Horror one time?


Also the Terrifying (all) means living, undead, spirits, woes, etc, they are all affected? I couldn't find a restriction in the small booklet.

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Also the Terrifying (all) means living, undead, spirits, woes, etc, they are all affected? I couldn't find a restriction in the small booklet.

All means all. Terrifying (all) does exactly what the description says.

...and you only need to test Horror once when charging the Hanged.

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You only need to test once when charging the Hanged, but you generally need to test three times when charging a model standing next to the Hanged - that's what makes them particularly annoying. Combine with Seamus' -2 Wp aura to make them genuinely disgusting.


Note, however, that the Hanged do nothing to remove immunity to Paralysis, which is the result of failing a Horror duel. Models with Frozen Heart (Rasputina's theme), for example, can fail the Horror duel but still be immune to its consequences and continue attacking regardless. This is a major weakness of Terrifying crews.

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You only need to test once when charging the Hanged, but you generally need to test three times when charging a model standing next to the Hanged - that's what makes them particularly annoying. Combine with Seamus' -2 Wp aura to make them genuinely disgusting.


Note, however, that the Hanged do nothing to remove immunity to Paralysis, which is the result of failing a Horror duel. Models with Frozen Heart (Rasputina's theme), for example, can fail the Horror duel but still be immune to its consequences and continue attacking regardless. This is a major weakness of Terrifying crews.

Just to note that in this instance Seamus would still get his heal because a model failed a Wp duel.  Same with things like Pandora's Misery which does damage when you fail a Wp duel even though the enemy won't end up Paralysed.

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