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New Masters? (Asylum Crew etc.)

Kapten Vendetta

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Saw the related post on the Asylum Crew, which may or may not be on the horizon (havn't heard the podcast, so not sure).


But it got me thinkin', while I fail to see another Faction getting here any time soon (as seen in other thread), I can envision (after the release of the Avatar: III book) a fourth book with additional masters, lifted into the limelight from the dark recesses of the background stories.


I can see that this new - fourth - book, and the crews therein, will be release before the Brewmaster...




If the Asylum Crew is indeed on the way, and it is a Guild Asylum, this crew would be Guild, surely? Or dual Guild/Outcast yes?


So what is then left for the other Factions?


For Ressers the obvious choice would be Prof. Von Schtook, a crewbox with the Mad Prof. hisself, a totem of some kind and the three students in alternate sculpts (the Punk Zombies have so many, why should academically inclined undead have to settle for one(1) measly sculpt?!) alá the new Hoffman box, while leaving the Transmortis U. box available for the original sculpts and an awesome hench(wo)man in the form of The Valedictiorian.


I must say my knowledge of the backstories aside from the above-mentioned-Resser one is limited at best. Care to take it from here forumites?





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This has always been an interesting exercise and I started a thread just like it a few months back suggesting the Academic Trait be taken into account when making a Resser / Arcanist crew based on and around the University of Transmortis set. There were some pretty cool ideas to crop up. 



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According to the podcast the Asylum stuff is two different henchmen lead "crews", one guild and one neverborn. They are going to be sold in a starter set, their rules will be in book 3 (along with avatars). All factions will get some new models in that book, presumably a similar amount to the asylum stuff.

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The new hench(wo)men are Dr. Grimwell for Asylum and Angeleyes (Angel Eyes?) for the Wretches (half human/half neverborn).

Merc is cool buuuuut I still really hope Asylum is tormented...

If a nurse is tormented you best believe the asylum crew is! (please? ;) )

I have a feeling that masters will rotate out to keep things fresh as time goes on and the henchpeeps level up (some, not all). Of course, you can always play "classic" with original masters with a disclaimer that you can only use a model in its "master" or "henchman" form. These are my thoughts.

Also, Von Schtook is clearly a professor by day but at night he moonlights asssssssss.....

... Leveticus! (PLOT TWIST!)

You heard it here first! ;)

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Hey, they want the transplants, and who says it works if he uses anesthetic?  Besides, they get the skin transplanted in a desperate attempt to stay young and beautiful, I'd say they would have had problems before the whole transplanting skin thing.

I get the impression that McMourning is not up front about the procedure, at all, so still a dick. :P

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Hey, they want the transplants, and who says it works if he uses anesthetic?  Besides, they get the skin transplanted in a desperate attempt to stay young and beautiful, I'd say they would have had problems before the whole transplanting skin thing.


Yeah....I'd say they're tormented more by their desperation to stay young and beautiful. That they regularly have dead skin transplanted to them can't help things obviously.


Really, the Nurses should be heading to the woods to hang out with Marcus for eternal youth. Either that or hang out with Leveticus (though that attempt may ring hollow in the end).

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