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Levy's Master Recycling Campaign 2015

Hateful Darkblack

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Here's my plan: For the whole of 2015, whenever I'm playing Leveticus in a Tournament and Assassinate comes up, I will take it, and I'll strive to make an Abomination out of their Master too. (whether that's with Leveticus or another crew member that can make Abominations.)

I'll document these attempts. Win or lose, I'll describe each Master's defenses, and how I did (or didn't) overcome them.

My goal is to recycle at least 10 Masters into Abominations during Tournaments, as Assassinate schemes.

My purpose here is to get a good understanding of each Master's defenses.

Stay tuned for more! If you want to do the same, or if you have comments, suggestions, or questions, please feel free to comment here!

Current recycled list:

(none yet)

Failed attempt list:

Garagefaux: Sonnia Criid (killed but no Abomination)

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As someone who had Pokey Vik turned into an abom back in 1.5, this idea is both amusing and painful at once.

It's a bit hard to get hold of lone models now but I'd love to see actual abom models of the masters you manage to turn. I'm still waiting for my friend to abomify my spare Vik.

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Levy seems a poor means of understanding opposing defenses.... ;)

You could be right! But I'm going to try anyway.

I've been doing it informally in 2014 and found I learned a lot.

I know that, even ignoring Armor, Ramos is really hard to kill because of his Push trigger.

And Seamus is hard to hurt and easy to heal.

And that Tara will slip away back to her deployment zone but if you can catch her there she's killable.

And that Viktorias are fragile if you can get a shot off.

But I'll be working on more on 2015!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, played in Garagefaux yesterday! Super fun event!

First tournament of my year, Assassinate only came up once, in the first match. The Strategy was Extraction (the new 2015 one that is similar to Turf War). My opponent played Sonnia Criid, with a pretty standard list except that he hired two Witchling Handlers and only one Stalker.

I played a Path of Bone list, with Ashes and Dust, an Abomination, a Doxy, a Belle, and the Valedictorian.

The Doxy and the Belle are amazing escorts for Leveticus! Between the two of them (Belle walk forward and Lure Levy up, then Doxy to Take the Lead and scoot Levy forward at an angle to avoid the Belle), they pulled Levy an extra 8" each round. The movement synergy really helped Levy get into position.

The Valedictorian with Tally Sheet was great for added card flow and model killing - she scored Make Them Suffer early in the game by killing the Stalker. (The next round, Ashes and Dust killed the other Minion on the table, the Austringer.) The only problem is that I forgot to grab my Tally Sheet card at least once. Oops!

My opponent Jon played a smart game, working a lot of Handler synergy to spread Burning, and keeping a firing line just at the edge of Extraction where he could collect VP while burning my models. He hadn't played against Leveticus before and took Assassinate against him, but rolled with it well when he found out about it.

RECYCLING SONNIA: Not easy, but possible! She lasted a long time because she can lurk so far back. Leveticus and Ashes and Dust, my two fastest models (in their own weird ways) teamed up to drop her. I was able to kill her around the end of Turn Three, but didn't get to make her an Abomination because she Soulstoned out of damage on what I thought would be the killing blow. (I had spent my last Soulstone on the suit for it!) Ashes and Dust was able to finish her off, but didn't get the suit for the trigger.

(I recycled Samael the next turn instead.)

SONNIA'S DEFENSES: As far as I could see, Sonnia had four main defenses:

1. An ability to hang back and rain down death from afar. This was the big one. Sonnia doesn't need to go far upfield since her attacks have such great range. In my case, movement tricks (in my case, Belle movement and Hollow Waif jumping) were needed to get backfield and make this happen.

2. A lot of Wounds and plenty of Soulstones. It just took many hits to burn through all her Wd, even with To The Earth Return. 12 Wd and no urgent need for Soulstones for anything else means it took a lot of attrition to kll her.

3. Burning Countermagic. You absolutely cannot lob spells at her casually, or you will catch fire. I think the only spells I cast on her were Leveticus' Unmaking (since it's Ca 7 with a positive twist) and a Belle's Lure (since it's Ca 8). The Lure failed but Hard to Wound helped avoid blasts. Don't spam spells at her since it will hurt you more than her.

4. Annihilating anything that gets too close to her. This I suspect is the main defense for her. However, the models I sent against her (A&D and Leveticus) both get better when they die, which probably helped a lot.

I know that Sonnia can discard cards to raise her Df from 4 to 6, but my opponent consistently raised her Ca from 7 to 9 instead, which honestly seemed like a better investment for the points anyway.

In summary: Killed Sonnia but didn't recycle her. It requires movement tricks to reach her quickly, endurance to survive her attacks, and persistence to overcome her many Wd and prevention.

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My second game didn't have Assassinate in the pool. I played against the amazing Mario of Voices On Mars, playing McCabe.

I managed to kill McCabe in his first form, but not his dismounted version. I wasn't focusing on it because it wasn't worth the VP, and I had to scrounge every VP I could, especially after Mario scored Frame For Murder turn one. By bluffing me into killing a Guild Hound with Levy's Defense triggers, no less! He had me convinced he was going for Cursed Object as his unrevealed scheme.

I mention this game here only because it had my favorite Master-recycling moment from the tournament.

When Leveticus did Unmaking to kill Mounted McCabe, no less than three models sprang out: an Abomination from my trigger, Dismounted McCabe from McCabe's ability, and an uburied Killjoy! McCabe went from hanging out with one Wastrel to being in the middle of a bevy of monsters!

It was a great moment in Leveticus Master Recycling History.

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My third game was Headhunter against Molly played by Chad, a really strong player who had beaten me on the top table at Celesticon last year. I killed and recycled Madame Sybelle quickly and brought the Valedictorian down to 1 Wd (darn!) but Assinate wasn't on the table and other than I think one random potshot from Ashes and Dust, I didn't even much bother to attack Molly. She kept having her Belles pull her to safety anyway.

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You missed a vital defence from Sonnia. Counter spell aura. Why in cherufes name she did not have it will boggle greater minds than mine. One makes her immune to lure. Two Levi loses the tome he needs to cast his spell so now he needs to burn a stone or cheat just so it goes off. 3 since both at tied at 7 (ca vs wp) having that plus flip is nice but cover mitigates that.

But ashes yeah he can kill her just fine lol.

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When Leveticus did Unmaking to kill Mounted McCabe, no less than three models sprang out: an Abomination from my trigger, Dismounted McCabe from McCabe's ability, and an uburied Killjoy! McCabe went from hanging out with one Wastrel to being in the middle of a bevy of monsters!

It was a great moment in Leveticus Master Recycling History.


I just like the image of McCabe riding on a pantomime horse made up of killjoy and an abomination...


Otherwise, sounds a decent start to the recycling year.

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