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quick question

The Godlyness

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Things you need to know before answering.

"When" abilities and triggers happen during step 5

"After" abilities and triggers happen after step 5

General timing box is on page 46

Please don't try and debate those statements.

Killjoy is at 2 wounds in base to base with an ice gamin and both are in base to base with a model with black blood. The ice gamin is also at 2 wounds.

Killjoy declares an attack vs the model with black blood. He wins the duel and declares onslaught as his trigger. On the damage flip red jokers it and kills the model with black blood. Onslaught triggers. Killjoy once again wins his duel and flips non black joker for damage.

What is the first model that is removed as killed.

I really want to know how many different responses come up. Please explain why you chose what ever model when answering.

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I guess either everyone dies, or all but Killjoy (depending on when/if he gets to heal)

First Killjoy hits (and kills) the black blood model, causing both Killjoy and the Ice Gamin to take a wound each. Unless it's FAQ'd, I would assume that Killjoy then dribbles his own black blood all over the poor Ice Gamin, causing it to explode and thus killing Killjoy before he gets a chance to heal up.


The lack of healing due to black blood triggering upon damage and explosive demise triggering upon being killed, and killjoy's heal not until after killing. Though I guess you could argue that he gets to heal immediately after removing the black blood model but before the ice gamin is removed?


Edit: If Black blood models are immune to other models' black blood however, only the first model is killed and the ice gamin suffer a single wound.

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"Black Blood: All models with out Black Blood within 1 inch pulse suffer 1 damage when this model suffers damage" Models with black blood are immune to black blood its written as clear as day. So first model dies ice gamin takes 1 wound. If that was his first ap action when he kills the black blood model that's fine onslaught wasted as it states "against the same target" The second ap could then be used to attack the gamin he dies explodes and Kill joy takes 2 damage.


So every one dies.

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My Answer.

The Black blood model is removed first.

This is because no other model will die.


Killjoy attacks triggers Onslaught.

Damages the tot (Its shorter for me to write) and kills it.

The Onslaught trigger of After damaging goes off before the tot is killed. sayign there will be another attack.

The Onslaught attack of killjoy hits the Tot, but doesn't damage it, as the game reduced the damage to 0 as the wound stat could not be reduced lower.

Bonus attack ends.

1 amount of Black blood hits the Gamin (would need to re-read to check exactly when this one goes off).

Gamin on 1 wound.

Remove Tot.

Killjoy heals.

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its been a long enough.


Killjoy is the first model removed. then the ice gamin. then the Black blood model (henceforth known as TOT)


Killjoy attacks and wins the duel

declares Onslaught as his trigger (step 4 of the opposed duel process)

(Step 5)

Flips for damage adds/subtracts any static modifiers <--this is the total damage the target suffers.

Black blood "Motivates"  

TOT is killed.

(end step 5)

Onslaught is an After damaging trigger goes off before the tot is removed. Page 33

The Onslaught attack of killjoy hits the Tot (step 1-4)

Flips for damage adds/subtracts any static modifiers <--this is the total damage the target suffers.

Black blood "Motivates"

ice gamin is reduced to 0 wounds and Motivates "explosive demise"

killjoy suffers 2 damage reducing him to 0 wounds. kill joy is removed

ice gamin is removed

TOT is removed

(end step 5)

resolve Onslaught

Resolve the original attack



A model suffers damage = to the flip +/- any modifiers. a model removes that much damage and if reduced to 0 it is killed page 46

a model at 0 wounds suffering Damage, still suffers damage regardless if it reduces it wound count. Damage was still inflicted/suffered.

No model has the abilty or talent or action that states. "When this model is reduced to 0 wounds, reduce/prevent all further damage to 0"

course i doubt most of you will agree. mainly since its me saying it.


I also think your base assumptions aren't actually based on anything written in the rulebook.


i point you here http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/104154-teddys-peekaboo-and-kirais-malevolence/page-2


Disregard and play how you like but know When happens during After happens after



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