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Black Friday Sale

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So, is Carver now a regularly released miniature or still a limited edition mini?

Another +1 to this, whether Carver is available at general release may actually factor in whether I decide to order or not.


YES! Leveticus! Finally!

He's already been announced a couple of weeks ago!  He'll likely hit UK retail before BF order arrives too!


There's some very shiny stuff but I'm on the fence about whether to order.  I like some of the limited editions but I don't run the factions for any of them so not sure they're worth ordering and I did want Hanging Trees but really that's just because of shiny new toy syndrome.  Most of the stuff I want is coming out at retail so I might wait as I prefer to support my FLGS (although I want Nightmare Tara so it depends on how a deal for that goes, if I end up ordering her from Wyrd I'll go all in!)

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YES! Leveticus! Finally!


I've been after Leveticus for ages myself as well. If the Warstore's got them as December releases (and they have been proven to be fairly accurate in the past) then I don't think I'll order him from the Black Friday sale. Last year I didn't get my stuff until Mid January and if Leve is out in December It'll be quicker to get him when he is actually released rather than wait for my Black Friday stuff to arrive. 

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I've been after Leveticus for ages myself as well. If the Warstore's got them as December releases (and they have been proven to be fairly accurate in the past) then I don't think I'll order him from the Black Friday sale. Last year I didn't get my stuff until Mid January and if Leve is out in December It'll be quicker to get him when he is actually released rather than wait for my Black Friday stuff to arrive.

Mid January? Wow. That's a cool pre-sale, getting them through lgs sale before the pre-sale. :P

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My FLGS had Zorida boxes before a friends Gencon order had turned up so if Warstore and other sites are correct I think it'll be the same with Levi and Hoffman.  It's a good way for Wyrd to get more business if you just put them on an order you're already making but it's the Limited Edition stuff that's really going to get people buying.

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My FLGS had Zorida boxes before a friends Gencon order had turned up so if Warstore and other sites are correct I think it'll be the same with Levi and Hoffman.  It's a good way for Wyrd to get more business if you just put them on an order you're already making but it's the Limited Edition stuff that's really going to get people buying.


I agree. I'll probably look at grabbing some Neverborn stuff. I'm prepared to wait for Leve if it's only December. I dunno, was hoping to use him in a slow grow league in February but if I have to wait until mid/late January that'll give me bugger all time to get him painted up. Guess I'll see what comes of it and how many pennies I can justify blowing on plastic  :D

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My FLGS had Zorida boxes before a friends Gencon order had turned up so if Warstore and other sites are correct I think it'll be the same with Levi and Hoffman.  It's a good way for Wyrd to get more business if you just put them on an order you're already making but it's the Limited Edition stuff that's really going to get people buying.


True enough for me. Only a couple of the early releases that are even close to my "need" list, so I can wait on those till they show up in the stores.


LE's on the other hand only come around once-in-a-while so I'll be looking closely at those.  And since I am a metal loving wyrdo, I'm anxious to see what shows up on the closeout list.  

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