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One model to represent malifaux

Inquisitor Wall

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I'm really surprised at all the mentions of Seamus - he's relatively generic and only really stands out due to a steady history of being shoved down everyone's throat :P I dunno - the Redchapel gang would be pretty low on my list of suggestions. Seamus is rather unique - even among other Ressers - so I don't see him as being an appropriate spokesmodel.


Top 5, though...


1) Death Marshall.  There's your Western and Horror mixed with Magic right there.  And any time I see another company put out a coffin-backed/-equipped model, the general responses I hear tend to compare it to a Wyrd Death Marshall.

2) Jack Daw.  More Western/Horror/Magic, but the malevolent sentient hanged corpse is pretty unique to the setting, but instantly evokes thoughts of Malifaux - probably due to gracing the last rulebook (or a recent one).

3) Teddy. Horror/Magic/Wyrdness - Bad things happen in Malifaux, even if you're a teddy bear.

4) Nicodem (plastic or alt metal). Horror/Steampunk/Magic - he feels more representative of the Ressers and showcases the general time period, technological level, and magic capabilities.

5) Leveticus (only so low because I'm not a huge fan of his metal, but I like his new art). Leveticus and crew are effectively Malifaux in a nutshell.  Steampunk, necromancy, destructive magic, sentient forces of nature, and the sort of abominations that make you question your own sanity. 

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As has been said, I don't think you can distill the essence of Malifaux into one model.

But Seamus, Teddy, and the Death Marshals are, for me, the three that really showcase the game.


They are definitely some of the strongest contenders.


When I was first given the choice of crew for my demo games I was told I could take Zombie Hookers (Belles), Samurai Punks, Demon Babies (Tots) or demonically possessed drug addicts (Illuminated). I thought to myself "Wow! This I have to play!" This game probably has a little of something for everybody regardless of your interests and tastes. 

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