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Mindless Zombies Purpose


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I played my first game with Nico on the weekend and I'm hoping to get some more under my belt in the near future so I can decide what Masters I want to use in a tournament in January.  As such I'm after people's opinions on how they use Mindless Zombies.  I didn't bother summoning any in the game I played with him, just concentrated on juicier models (Shikome, Punk Zombies, Iron Zombie).  The main purpose I can see for them is allowing Nico to redirect damage onto them but I can't see why I would use up cards summoning them (or risk wasting an AP doing it on a straight flip) otherwise.  Is this their only purpose?  I know they count as corpse markers still but why not just use the original corpse marker to make something better?!  Give me your thoughts people of Malifaux!

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If you are really wantign to go Zombie heavy you use the Muhauha upgrade to summon zombies rather than his reanimator.


There are some nice combinations, such as using a mindless zombie as the corpe marker for REanimator can kick of the " I can use this" ability allowing him to draw cards because an undead was killed or sacrificed.

Zombies also give you activation control and position control.

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Exactly what Adran said. It turns Nicodem into a really powerful summoning machine as you can pull off cards while you summon to get more cards to summon with. I don't think I would play Nico without Maniacal Laugh. Also as you resurrect them you get cheap activations and walking corpse counters, you can walk the zombie forward, summon out of it and the model you summon is even further ready to charge in or do whatever you want. 


Really, you should use it. It is really good. 

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Muhuhuha doesn't let you use them as corpse counters though right?  I didn't take that when I played with him,  I went for Undertaker, Necrotic King and Shadow Embrace which seemed to work quite well although not sure if that's the optimum use of his upgrades (there's so many!).  I hadn't noticed the synergy with them counting as sacrificed which is very nice.  How do people use them?  Summon up a load early game then use them for all his shenanigans?  Or summon them throughout?

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Muhuhuha doesn't let you use them as corpse counters though right?  I didn't take that when I played with him,  I went for Undertaker, Necrotic King and Shadow Embrace which seemed to work quite well although not sure if that's the optimum use of his upgrades (there's so many!).  I hadn't noticed the synergy with them counting as sacrificed which is very nice.  How do people use them?  Summon up a load early game then use them for all his shenanigans?  Or summon them throughout?



Correct, it does not. Mindless Zombies have an ability that means friendly models can treat them as Corpse Markers. 


This is how I use them .I tend to go for a minimum of 2 but often 3 Mindless Zombies with Muahahaha which only requires a 7 if memory serves


Then I repeat this process every turn I am able


- Nico w. Undertaker, Muahaha and Reaper Grin uses Re-Animator on Mindless Zombie A

- Nico declares Patchwork Trigger when using Re-Animator from Undertaker and Sacrifices Mindless Zombie B

- Summon chosen Minion at full health (due to Patchwork) and Draw 2 cards because of "I Can Use That!" from Undertaker and the 2 Undead models that have been Sacrifced. 

- Mindless Zombie C sits around wasting activations for my opponent, can be used for the Zombie Fodder trigger from the Reaper Grin upgrade, can be exploded by Mortimer who often carries the Corpse Bloat upgrade for me OR I can save him for the following turn for summons. Hell if you are mad or desperate enough you can even have the zombie attack something!   


As Ausplosions mentions the Vulture can carry them so you can carry the Zombie away, have it move closer then blow it up which is pretty funny when it works.   :D

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Correct, it does not. Mindless Zombies have an ability that means friendly models can treat them as Corpse Markers. 


This is how I use them .I tend to go for a minimum of 2 but often 3 Mindless Zombies with Muahahaha which only requires a 7 if memory serves


Then I repeat this process every turn I am able


- Nico w. Undertaker, Muahaha and Reaper Grin uses Re-Animator on Mindless Zombie A

- Nico declares Patchwork Trigger when using Re-Animator from Undertaker and Sacrifices Mindless Zombie B

- Summon chosen Minion at full health (due to Patchwork) and Draw 2 cards because of "I Can Use That!" from Undertaker and the 2 Undead models that have been Sacrifced. 

- Mindless Zombie C sits around wasting activations for my opponent, can be used for the Zombie Fodder trigger from the Reaper Grin upgrade, can be exploded by Mortimer who often carries the Corpse Bloat upgrade for me OR I can save him for the following turn for summons. Hell if you are mad or desperate enough you can even have the zombie attack something!   


As Ausplosions mentions the Vulture can carry them so you can carry the Zombie away, have it move closer then blow it up which is pretty funny when it works.   :D


Thanks for the great breakdown, gives me a lot to think about.  The only game I've played him so far I had a good hand first turn so I summoned a Shikome and Punk Zombie right off the bat.  But summoning Mindless seems like something I need to consider more.


I've also realised that I've completely mis-read Maniacal Laugh.  I thought that Mindless Zombies summoned as a result of it could not be used as corpse markers for the rest of the game, not that it's just for that action.  Which makes some evil shenanigans possible!

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I run Maniacal Laughter with Kirai. It lets me get some use out of corpse markers that I normally do not use. I can then use the Zombies as summon points for my spirits rather than my more valuable models. This says nothing of activation control.


I've never considered this but it's actually a pretty sweet way of getting round the summoning point problem. I'd usually have considered something like a Flesh Construct and Nurse a good way to do it but free Zombies is never a bad thing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maniacal Laugh would also go really well with Molly and McMourning, being summoners that don't really do much with Corpse Markers (But are likely to end up surrounded by them anyway) they can just occasionally do a Laugh and let the Zombies tarpit while the rest of the crew does their evil work.

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After MasterDisaster's rundown I've been having great fun with Mindless Zombies in the two games I've used Nico in since.  Being able to draw cards whenever you use them for summoning/Patchwork Trigger is bloody awesome!  Gaining cards by summoning makes your opponents feel a little ill too!

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After MasterDisaster's rundown I've been having great fun with Mindless Zombies in the two games I've used Nico in since.  Being able to draw cards whenever you use them for summoning/Patchwork Trigger is bloody awesome!  Gaining cards by summoning makes your opponents feel a little ill too!


Happy to be of help  :D

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Something else I would like to point out, that is great for Mindless Zombies, is they allow you to move corpse markers, such that your summon is in a better spot, this is particularly good with Love they master.


One of the Strats, i have used is having Mortimer dig up a corpse marker, then have a guild autopsy leak fluids on it to make it a zombie, then have that zombie activate in Nicodem's Death's Whip aura, walk to the perfect spot to fire a Punk Zombie missile, then later in the turn activate Nicodem, summoning the zombie, and have it go to town. 


The best part is, it doesn't matter if your opponent kills the Zombie during that turn, it drops a corpse marker right in the spot where you want it. You can do this with Maniacal Laughter, but it takes a turn longer, but is also very sweet.

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