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Stone Upgrades?

Hateful Darkblack

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I have never used them with any of my Guild Masters. The only two I would consider it with, are Lucius and Lady Justice.


Lady Justice isn't very upgrade dependent and could use it for a surprise Riposte.


Lucius also isn't very upgrade dependent and can get the Soulstone back via Devil's Deal.


But it's still very corner case and costly, as well. I have yet to try it, and it might be a while till I do.

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I did enjoy the Arcanist one on Mei for a bit, but other things have been prioritized higher for a while. I liked that if I had a mid-high Mask that I could use a stone to make it a really high Mask for her Df trigger. And she has no other (0)s and using it to get 2 more cards was nice for when I wanted an alpha strike. 


So really, it was useful, but not as useful as the other options, in the end.

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Yeah, they're just not very good. I get the impression they were used to simulate old Soulstones being able to push your abilities past the maximums, but they're just too prohibitive to use, especially since spending a SS on a [+] is likely going to be as effective outside of some corner cases. Because I don't use them for their main abilities, I've stopped even looking at them for their one-use ones.

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I'm warming up to the Gremlin stone on Somer, as it gives him a push as a free action, or allows one of his Skeeters to discard the upgrade and push around.  Between all of the summoning, shooting, and prodding, I really don't like using his AP for positioning, and his other free actions, while good, can sometimes be situational, depending on your hand and what your goals are for the turn. 


I think that I'm going to force myself to play with stone upgrades for awhile, no matter the master, just to see if any of the others end up being useful. 

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Why would you attach it to Som'er denying the use of one of his more useful and valuable upgrades (to both him and his Skeeters) when a Piglet can move him for free and add to out activation?


The issue with the Stones is that regardless of Master there is usually a better, more efficient method of doing what they do.

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Why would you attach it to Som'er denying the use of one of his more useful and valuable upgrades (to both him and his Skeeters) when a Piglet can move him for free and add to out activation?


The issue with the Stones is that regardless of Master there is usually a better, more efficient method of doing what they do.


That probably has to do with the general piglet to gremlin ratio of my crews.  :P


I've found that piglets can have positioning issues, what with wanting to charge off sometimes.  Plus, truffles has a TN attached and only moves gremlins in a certain direction (ie, towards the piglet).  The Stone has proven to be more reliable (and cheaper), and I really haven't been needing to do it more than once a game anyways. 


Push into combat, push out combat, drop a scheme marker, push, drop another scheme marker, still have an AP left for something else...it's been pretty solid thus far. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Asylum Stone seems superfluous in a faction that has access to so much passive Terrifying already though I suppose might be a tad better in a specific set of circumstances. The biggest advantages for it are the massive range potential (limited only by LOS), not being bound to a characteristic type and Offensive rather than defensive option. Probably the best target for this would be a low WP, linchpin model early in the game (preferably later in the turn to hopefully cull some control cards).


I still think it comes with to many penalties to be the better choice though. It costs 1 SS, occupies an Upgrade spot on your Leader model (in a faction that is more reliant upon specific upgrades than others), requires a 0 Action to utilize, requires discard of the upgrade for use and has a lowish TN on a Cheatable Simple Duel.

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