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Five Models every Outcast Player should own


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Here are my 5 in no particular order:


1.  Void Wretch - Great objective runners and solid tarpits, great survivability in crews that use control cards quickly.  Lots of utility with the potential to bury and heal models and hand out Fast or Slow to enemy models.  For 4 SS, what's not to like?


2. Ashes and Dust - Probably the most versatile model in the game.  Can produce lots of activations? Check.  Puts out high damage? Check.  Can summon? Check.  Hard to kill permanently?  Check.  3AP per activation? Check.  The Ashen Core and Dust Storm are also great models.  Well worth the high SS cost.


3. Rusty Alyce - Excellent henchman (henchwoman?).  Great damage output with her gun, and a solid damage track in melee.  Being able to reactivate constructs (albeit at a steep cost), can be game changing.  Really shines with her upgrades (From the Aether and Desolate Soul) which allow her to summon Abominations.


4. Lazarus - Incredibly hard to kill with very high damage output (also - Rapid Fire +).  Can set up some nice combos with Assimilate as well.


5. Ronin - My favorite minion for general purposes.  Good offensively with a good damage track (ignoring armor) with a built in push and Flurry.  Good defensively with an inability to be charged and hard to kill.  Plus you can get SS from them by committing Seppuku! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received):

1. Freikorps Librarian (9)

1. Johan (9)

3. Ashes and Dust (6)

4. Hodgepodge Effigy (5)

4. Killjoy (5)

In total, 18 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis.

There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles):


Outcast players were by far the most divided in their votes out of all the factions. Only the Librarian and Johan were clearly at the top with the playerbase very divided when it came to other models.


Great job! I find this list super interesting.


Surprisingly, I also agree with this as the top five. I don't personally like Killjoy (at all), but I must confess that he is a unique piece that the Outcasts get a discount on. I would try and wedge Hannah in there, because she is the premier damage sink in the faction, along with bringing a ton of utility, but I don't actually know if she breaks in the top five...

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  • 3 weeks later...


5. Killjoy (you have to try it at least once)

Heh, Thursday night I played my first game with my Viktorias crew, running Murder Protege against a Misaki crew.  Had Ototo down to 6 wounds when Misaki got her filthy claws on Viktoria of Ashes.  Killed in pretty quickly (killings things far more quickly than anything has any right to is kind of what Misaki does), Killjoy came roaring out of the ground.  Put Fast on him from the Student, unleased his 3 Ml attacks on Ototo.

Not so much as a scratch!!!  I think my deck was cursed - the only thing worse than the cards I flipped were the cards in my hand!!  I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I was, especially as my attack flips kept hitting the right suit for his trigger!

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I see Killjoy as being a murderer of lower level Enforcers or Minions which he will generally turn to pulp.  Higher level Enforcers and most Hench/Masters have the Defences to withstand him.  Although never underestimate the psychological advantage that having a buried Killjoy brings.



My goal with Killjoy is to charge into and engage the biggest cluster of weaker models on the board and hold them up/kill them. Black blood, Terrifying and his healing ability all make him much more effective against groups of weak models than one strong one, and if something powerful tries to neutralise him having a bunch of minions to munch on will make that much harder for them.

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